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少先队工作范文之庆六一儿童节英语演讲稿 英语原文behalf f m cholholid all myclasmate cogrtultons,I wisheveryon ahapphdy!also tkethis ortuny to all teacersto pressheatfelt tanksan hghet respect uteacher int ony respcted, itisard ardenr.Lve ouscoo such as hm,such as sb-LOheng; dlige, hardorkig; eachn an elflss diatin You creat a beatiful evronent, yo cret a good ualit, for yor develoent andgto hehol tocr a god fouaion and coitions.Sent, 61 you r mot app hliay,61is als umot happa Snce:Youare th by hom,iis the hopofome. Hppis can o grow p on the omes ul of singing and luging. hien are shos, it ishpe tat te Scool.ou cndelo comehnsivescholfulof io ad valit.Youe te utur of socity, it is th mmuit stios. ocan harmonious eelpm of socie o he passon and riendh. Te flowers your hoeand,itis the hope of the oherlandYo can gowup haltand son, ll o eauifl heland ad ope.e he stdns: a civlize,tudios, ndepenen,co-operatio.Sud Instiute, Instute of Liing, lernig lif, learning t crea As rics an ault seneorpnsibiliy,rich ne omisio,dignifed life, seriswok,stu happl, gowth. Lofo th motheran,lov the pary,loe the peopl, lovenature, ov life, ove scece, loe larnng, lovef lor. eishlife, chishte time ndtasurefriendsip, chrisheportuit o stdad developme.Sow oncen forte envrme, ocenedabot e olective, aringforoters Dar teachrs,castes ntd, curtesy others; istinguish beteen rightdr,idntify the nd uglinss, man nteriy. Mke n dea lon-tem, digifed bavior, lanng an goo entl dysial helh ofhesucceorsohe omunist causeI techrs: work, oe helt, igros inquiy. Cmrensivly mlemt heptys dain polic,tachin, ductin siultaneously rda. mlesablsh a en o srvce, qualiy wareness and quali conscunessorever stud, a eductionalteasure every opotuniy t better achlesn,d everything o romoe e alth of very stuent, hamonious, l-rondvelopment. Oflfefor he tudnt lay a sid unaton fr vlomen中文译文:我谨代表学校向全体同学致以节日的恭喜,祝大家节日欢乐!我也借此时机向全体老师表示衷心的感激和崇高的敬意。你们既是尊敬的老师,更是辛勤的园丁。你们爱校如家,爱生如子;勤勤恳恳,任劳任怨;教书育人,无私奉献。你们制造了优美的环境,你们制造了优良的质量,你们为学校的开展与腾飞制造了良好的根底和条件。同学们,“六一”是你们最欢乐的节日,“六一”也是我们最欢乐的日子。由于:你们是家庭的宝贝,更是家庭的希望。你们可以欢乐地成长,家庭就充满欢歌与笑语。你们是学校的小孩,更是学校的希望。你们可以全面地开展,学校就充满活力与活力。你们是社会的将来,更是社会的希望。你们可以和谐地开展,社会就充满热情与友爱。你们是祖国的花朵,更是祖国的希望。你们可以茁壮地成长,祖国就充满美妙与希望。希望同学们:文明、好学、自主、合作。学会学习、学会生活、学会做人、学会制造。像大人一样富有责任心、富有使命感,堂堂正正做人,认认真真做事,快欢乐乐学习,健健康康成长。热爱祖国、热爱党、热爱人民、热爱自然、热爱生活、热爱科学、热爱学习、热爱劳动。珍惜生命、珍惜时间、珍惜友谊、珍惜学习与开展的时机。关怀社会、关怀环境、关怀集体、关怀别人。尊敬师长、团结同学、礼貌待人;明辨是非、区分美丑、为人正直。做一个理想远大、品行端庄、学习优良、身心健康的共产主义事业的接班人。希望老师们:敬业、爱生、严谨、探究。全面贯彻执行党的教育方针,教书育人,五育并举。结实树立效劳认识、质量认识和精品认识。面向每一个学生,珍惜每一个教育时机,上好每一堂课,做好每一件事,促进每一个学生的健康、和谐、全面的开展。为学生的终生开展奠定坚实的根底。
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