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开放英语I(1)作业1(ni 16)第一部分 交际用语(10分)-5题: 阅读下面的小对话,判断稚与否恰当,恰当的选A(Rih),不恰当的选B(Wng),并将答案写在各题前的()中。(每题2分,共分)(A) 1.- ow ld is the aagr? - e is 35 year old. A.Righ B. Wrong(A) 2.Watdo theydo ? - hy wo i nk. A g B. ron(B) 3. Woul youliesomecrps? - o,Imsry. A.Riht B Wrg(B)4. ow h dos the flt cta month? son he tenth fl. A.Rigt B. Wong(A) 5 odyosgn th egistr,le?- Of cose. A. ight B.Wong第二部分 词汇与构造 (0分)62小题:阅读下面的句子,选择对的答案,并将所选项的字母符号写在各题前的()中。(每题分,共40分)(B)6 H _ for n ITcomny. . wor Bwork C. orig(A) . I haecofee_ brakfast time A. a in C. on(C) . _ me is Wagua. A. H . s C. His () She is _only ccnnt in y onsompany. . a . an C t ()0. Maraotn has a walwth _ parentsin themorn. she B their C hr(B) 1. _ ou gota fmil ?A. D Have C Hs(B) 12.es responibe _ he ctral cpt syte. in . fo C. of (C)13. The BuinessBaking Dearte s on_ floor.A. seod . the w C.te secn(C)1 WagLi is _a nmakt capin t te oment. plan B. plann .pai() 15.Polyenjoys _ h guitar na bandn hr free tme.A.playB. to pla plaig(B)16. Ther_threeplant intecoers f t roo A s B.ar C.have ()17 wk iIT epatn of _ lgebnk.he, B. a, the C.a,a (B) 18.Wht_ “nr” en? A.is B. de C. o() 19. omee g o thepu _ Frday. A, in B.o C. a()20._ peol aremy friends. _eople ar mhsbandsfrends. A.Thee, hose B. is , hat C. ere, her(B) 21 He _n Beijing, but hi parents_ in Hh. A. le ,lives B. iv,live . live, lv(A). 22.husban doesnt _, but lk itvrymuh. Alike hoping B likes shopping C.lik toshop(C) 23 _re yo om? - Im fom Nanjing.Wha . n CWhe() 2. e _ nh n thecaneeright now. A.as B. he C s havg(A )2. _ chdre his broher got? A Hwmany B. Hw mch .Ho abou第三部分 句型变换 (5分)0 小题:将下列句子改写为一般疑问句。(合计1分,每题3分)26. He s a mger Is he a manage ?27. he uslly go o wok bbu.os h sually o to orby bu?28. hre are ity studens nthe class.Are thee ty stuen ithe s ?29. ehavea agehousDo thy ave a lare hose ?30. Hes crrtly okin onTV advertiseent.Is hecurenly woring on V dertisement ?第四部分 阅读理解 (0分)3135小题:阅读下列短文,并根据短文内容判断其后的句子是对的(Right),还是错误(rong),并将答案写在各题前的()中。(每题2分,共0分) iRob!Youwan toow at mwbofend. Hisam is Daid Mannn. He lives n Lndn anhe Bitih.is parets arefromLndo, buttheliveiOxford.He i 34 years old. H an T maaer nd he wrks for ABK Bank. Heslvey, ocrse. See yu n Thrsday. Lve, Polly( ) 1.R s Pollys ne byfri. A. ight B. Wong(A.) 3. David isBrit. . Rght B on( ) 33.Dads paentr Bitis. A. Right . Wrng(B ) 34. Diparnts ive in Lno. A Rght B. Wrong(B ) 3. av wr at auniesty igh B Wong64 小题:阅读下列短文,从A.,B,C 三个选项中选出一种对的答案,并将答案写在各题前的()中。(每题2分,共0分)iaoyan tels aiabout the eople he wors wthDvid: Swhodo sually worwithin Shanha ?iaya: I wrk i an ffi with hrethepole,Jung, L and i they ar Markeing Dpametnd I amtheirI expert.aid:o ou lie it hee ?Xaa : Yes, they are gret peol. Le is the SaManaer. Heis resposle for 25ale peopl hia.He lnig a aescapign fo opaie a t momen,bu hs tinthe New rk ofic rightnowDaivd: hat aboutth thers?Xaoya: iu is th adversin mger.He is sponsb or theadvtisig H i curently rkin oTV advtisemet. Acually, hon hldayin Bali igt owavd: So teoffc is emy at e omnt?Xaoyan: h, o.Jung ilwas thee. heisrsnsible othe offie tthe momnt she workn n new dataass.Bt tually its 1.0 cloc n th ornin iShanghai, sI tnk shs sleepngrighow.() 36. How maypeoe dos Xiaoan wok wih in Shagai? Tw B. Thre C. Four.(b)37.Wh doe Xaoya doi he
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