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2022年考博英语-武汉大学考试题库及全真模拟冲刺卷(含答案带详解)1. 单选题Coca-Cola, which sold 10 billion cases of soft drinks in 1992, now finds itself asking, where will sales of the next 10 billion cases come from? The answer lies overseas, where income levels and appetites for Western products are at an all-time high. Often, the company that gets into a foreign market earliest dominates that countrys market. Coke patriarch Robert Woodruff realized this and unleashed a brilliant ploy to make Coke the early bird in many of the major foreign markets. At the height of World War 11, Woodruff proclaimed, “Wherever American boys were fighting, theyd be able to get a Coke.” By the time Pepsi tried to make its first international pitch in the 1950s, Coke had established its brand name along with a powerful distribution network. During the last 40 years, many new markets have emerged. In order to tap into these opportunities, both Coke and Pepsi have attempted to find ways to cut through the red tape that thwarts their efforts to conduct business in these new regions. One key maneuver in the soda wars occurred in 1972, when Pepsi signed an agreement with the Soviet Union that made it the first Western product to be sold to consumers in Russia. This landmark agreement gave Pepsi the upper hand. At present, Pepsi has 23 plants in the former Soviet Union and is the leader in the soft-drink industry in Russia. It outsells Coca-Cola by a ratio of 6 to 1 and is seen there as a local brand, similar to Cokes home-grown reputation in Japan. However, Pepsi has also encountered some obstacles. An expected increase in brand loyalty for Pepsi subsequent to its advertising blitz in Russia has not materialized, even though Pepsi produced commercials tailored to the Russian market and sponsored televised concerts. Some analysts believe that Pepsis domination of the Russian market has more to do with pricing. While Pepsi sells for 250 Rubels (about 25 cents) a bottle, Coca-Cola sells for 450 Rubels. Likewise, Pepsi sells their 2 liter economy bottle for 1,300 Rubels, while Coca-Colas 1. 5 liters is marketed at 1,800 Rubels. On the other hand, Coca-Cola only made its first inroads into Russia 2 years ago. Whats more, although Coca-Colas bottle and label gave it a high- class image, Russians do not perceive Coca-Cola as a premium brand in the Russian market. Consequently, it has so far been unable to capture a market share.1.According to the passage, all of the following have been used to attract customers to buy one of the two brands of soft drink mentioned in the passage EXCEPT( ) .2.The passage suggests which of the following about the Russian soft drink market?3.The primary purpose of the passage is to( ).4.The best definition of “materialized” which is underlined in the passage should be“( ) ”.问题1选项A.offering soft drinks for a limited time at specially reduced pricesB.being the first country to enter a foreign marketC.designing a bottle and lebel to create a high-class imageD.staging an advertising blitz including commercials tailored to the local market问题2选项A.Price is an unimportant factor in the Russian soft drink market.B.Russian consumers are more likely to purchase international soft drinks.C.The Russian soft drink market is saturated with local brands.D.Two liter economy bottles are more marketable than one and a half liter economy bottles, if sold at a lower price.问题3选项A.review the marketing history of two soft drink giantsB.contrast two different approaches to marketing soft drinks in the global marketC.refute the traditional explanation for Pepsis success in the Russian soft drink marketD.compare how well two soft drink companies have succeeded in a foreign market问题4选项A.matteredB.happenedC.fulfilledD.marketed.【答案】第1题:A第2题:D第3题:D第4题:C【解析】第1题:1.【选项释义】1. According to the passage, all of the following have been used to attract customers to buy one of the two brands of soft drink mentioned in the passage EXCEPT _. 1. 根据这篇文章,除了_,下面所有的东西都被用来吸引顾客购买文章中提到的两个品牌中的一个。A. offering soft drinks for a limited time at specially reduced prices A. 在有限时间内以特别优惠的价格提供软饮料B. being the first country to enter a foreign market B. 成为第一个进入国外市场的国家C. designing a bottle and label to create a high-class image C. 设计一个瓶子和标签,创造一个高级形象D. staging an advertising blitz including commercials tailored to the local market D. 进行广告闪电战,包括为当地市场量身定制的商业广告【考查点】事实细节题。【解题思路】根据文章倒数第三句和倒数第四句“百事可乐每瓶售价250卢布,约合25美分,而可口可乐每瓶售价450卢布。同样,百事可乐的2升经济瓶售价为1300卢布,而可口可乐的1.5升经济瓶售价为1800卢布。”可知,文中提到了百事和可口可乐在价格上采用战略吸引顾客,但是A项“在有限时间内以特别优惠的价格提供软饮料”中的“有限时间”并没有体现,所以该项与原文不符,但符合题干。故该题选择A项正确。【干扰项排除】B项“成为第一个进入国外市场的国家”,根据第二和第三句“通常,最早进入国外市场的公司会主导该国的市场。可口可乐公司的创始人罗伯特伍德拉夫意识到了这一点,并推出了一个聪明的策略,使可口可乐成为许多主要海外市场的早起鸟”可知,该项符合原文,属于反向干扰;C项“设计一个瓶子和标签,创造一个高级形象”,根据倒数第二句“可口可乐的瓶子和标签给了它一个高级的形象”可知,该项符合原文,属于反向干扰;D项“进行广告闪电战,包括为当地市场量身定制的商业广告”,根据文章倒数第七句“尽管百事公司为俄罗斯市场制作了量身定制的商业广告,并赞助了电
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