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Samoyed(萨摩犬)West Highland whiteTerrier(西部高地白梗)习性:Small size, frolicsome (爱玩的) Steady (坚定的), with good artistic temperament (艺术气质) conceited (自负)习性:Steady (沉稳) sunny friendlyMiniature Schnauzer 迷你雪纳瑞犬习性:brave, alert (警惕 的)friendly, smart, likes to please the master.Jii 041 Hit。hOMlIMaltese Dog(马尔济斯犬)习性: confident , gentle (温和的), frolicsome (爱玩的) noblest (高贵的), smart,foxy (狡猾的) dependentPoodle(贵宾犬)习性:Smart, 1 ively, with good temperament, loyal nimble (敏捷的) GentlerTibetan Mastiff(藏葵)习性: with strong will,Have a high degree of intelligence and memory, Distant (冷漠的) independentSensible (有判断力的)Siberian Husky(西伯利亚雪橇犬)习性:Muscular (肌肉发达的) brightwel1-proportioned (轮廓匀称的)Old English Sheepdog(古代英国牧羊犬)习性:Friendly, loyal,Steady (沉稳的), large size, weight,activeichon Frise(卷毛比雄犬)习性: small, happy, friendly, lively,easy to please mannered (不守规矩 的)From墨西哥习性,DOGChihuahua吉娃娃犬习性:Calm , alert (警惕 的),strong,lively, not shy,brightwe11-propertioned (轮廓匀称的)proof (有耐力的)Dalmatian大麦町犬博美Pomeranian拉布拉多杜宾Doberman哈省Husky沙皮犬Shar-PeinimblebalmatianGorgeous八哥犬Tiben俄罗斯牧羊犬Russian sheepdogsaint bernard 圣伯纳犬京巴 Pekingese“ians.购Goofy & PlutoPudding dog Pochacco & CinnamorollAt/宅扃呼Mand the/ iSmDE rOUEST!WHO WILL YOU ROOT FOR?u*nTHINGS ARE GONNA GET HAIRY.醇盲犬小a犬占私OIOg的束7helping things. , c. do otherDogs is a kind of animal.They are clever and friendly to people.They can do lots of things for people such as helping blind people going across the road or7任荣钥殍出8斤?mDogs have lived with and worked with humans in so many roles that their loyalty has earned them the sobriquet mans best friend.11I bark, therefore I am.Referencehttp:/image.baidu.com/i?ct=201326592&cl=2 &lm=-1&tnhttp:/wenku.baidu.com/search?word=%B9% B7&lm=3&od=0http:/tieba.baidu.com/f?kw=%B9%B7&fr=ala0http:/zhidao.baidu.eom/question/87103476.h tmlhttp:/image.baidu.com/i?ct=503316480&z=0My lovely son
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