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haptr 1.nguage cabegeerally defne asa sytem of abtry vocymbols use or uancommunication. anguag ia sste. Sstetic- uegoverned, elemetsn it re rangedaccoin o certin rles; cnbe cmbi a will.e. *bkli, *I appleet.ngugei arbitrry.rbitrr- noitrsic connection bewen the ord an th thig it enotes,g. “pn” b anyotherameis h hig e stowrite wth.Langaeis ymbolic inatu. ymblic- ors are asscated with objects,actions idsby conventi.“A rose by oher nme wouldsell as swt”-Shaespeare 2. h designdefinneatrsofhuan language (ChalesHckett)ArbitrainessNo logial(otiate o ininsic)cnectobtween sus an aningsomtopoeic wor(which iitatenatura ouds)reomewat movtd(Enlish: rumle, rackle,bang, Chiee: putg, shsha, dingdan)e compud words re ot erely arbitry, e.tye-wrter, se-makr,ai-conditoer, potocopyrductivity/CreativityPecuiar to a lguage,ses of nguag canunderstand ad poceentnes teyhae ever hea e, e.g we canndersandsetencelk“ A redeyedelephant is dancig ont hotl ed”, houghites o escribe a cmmon happening in the wod.A gibo cal ystem is notproucive orgibo raw all hercllsfroma fixed eerire whi i apily exhaste, makinan nvelt mpssible. The eedacedoes have alimite productiviy, as iisued t comunicte bout food sourc inay drectin. utood sores ae the only kn of mssagestatcbe setthrughe bee dance; ees not “t” aot hmsele,h ives, r n, l alone abouteople,anmals, hope o desrs ualitLwe lev-snd (mainss)gherlvel-meaing (larger unitof eaning)A communication syst wit dulityis coidred more flexibe thn ne tt i, for fr greater numbr o messags an e ent. smlumbe f sonsca be goupe n regroedintoalrgenubr of unit ofmaning (words), adthe nis ofmeanin an bearrane anarrnge ino an infin number of sennce ( mae iconary of langua, but e notmk dictonaryo setecs o thtlaguage.DisacmnLangagean b usd toreferto thns, hichre ot presen:eal orimined matters in h past,present o futue, r nar-awy acs.Agib nvertrs a cal about something he ate last earTher is somethingscilabot he b dace huh. Bees mmnicate wi oher bees abou thefood soure thy avfondwen the are no ongr in the presee of the food. In thi sense,thbe dac has a ompnent oilacemn.Bt is cmponnt i ver insigifican. orthe besu comuniatout the foimdately on retrnig oth hiv They do notdance abuthefoodey dscovrd lt mnth nordo ey peculae abou fdisoveies.Cultural transisonLanguage is cultualtransmitted (througheing ad learning; ratr hanb intint).Anil cal sstemare gneially tnsmite. lcat, gbbons andbeesve systs hic re most identical o tose of all oter cts, gbbo nd ee. Chnese peaer ad an nlishspeaerae not mutually intellgible his howhat lagage is cutuall tansited i, it is pss on fromon ertio tothenxbytchng and larnng, rther an bynstnThe stor of a wolf chil, a pg chld shows that an eng brugt p in isolon smpl doe not acquire hmn language 3. Soe ioat stincs inlingiscsPrescriptive vs Dritveesciptve - dscrbe/analyze iuistic facsobserv o lnguage pple actull use (odern uistic)Preiptive -la down rules for“correct”lgutcbhavior in usng langage (raditiona grammar)ynchroic . diachroncnchronicstuy- descitn f alanuag ome poin otim (modrn linguistcs)Diahroistudy- escipto o lagag thrugh tme (histrc dvlnt f languag oer a perod f tme) echs. ritingpeech - primry medium o laguagWriting -atreveoedLangue vs. parole(F. e aussure)Lanue- the atraligistisystesare bya embrof the sechcommunity.Parole- relizati o ae in atual useSassuke a sociological vie of lanuge n h noton of lague a matter f social conventoompetne n performance (Chsy)mpetence -the idealsers nowled f therules of ilanuagePeformance -teatual rlizto f thisknowledgeingustic ommunco Cskylooksat lagagerom pyhlgica point ofview nd to copetene i a propertyof the midof eah invidual.Chater 2. Speechorgns: three imporat res Phar
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