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2022年人教新起点五年级英语下册专项连词成句班级:_ 姓名:_1. can, everywhere, hear, you, sound, music, of, the, (.)2. are, two, there, spoons, the, in, cup (.)3. says, she has, she, headache, a, that, got (.)4. me, can, use, please, I, excuse, dictionary, your (, ?)5. so, I, happy, see, to, today, am, you (.)6. in the library, eat, and, talk, Dont (.)7. bought We bottles two (.)8. to,we,take,need,a,bus (.)9. did, he, week, what, do, last, (?)10. crayons, are, fifteen, there, only (.)11. many, oranges, you, do, how, want (?)12. today, We, sandwiches, beef, fish, noodles, and, have, (.)13. a, has, father, car, her, new, (.)14. in, forest, lives, a, bamboo, panda, a (.)15. here, so, pictures, there, many, are (.)16. home, She, at, helpful, is (.)17. bookamareadingI (.)18. can , what , you , do (?)19. May, We, a, have, school, in, trip (.)20. you; What; for; party; can; do; the ( ? )21. would, to, like, you, what, drink (?)22. funny, we, teachers, like (.)23. what, on, do, you, Mondays, do, Grandpa, (, ?)24. sleeping,baby,the,is(?)25. English, on, we, maths, have, Fridays, and (.)26. is, Today, Tuesday (.)27. is, She, clever (.)28. noodles, is, food, My, favourite (.)29. buns, the, there, any, on, arent, table, (.)30. will, Mothers Day, cook, My father, on, big meals (.)31. atmypictureLook(.)32. your, and, down, to, sit, seat, Go, please (, .)33. you, matter, what, with, is, the (?)页码 / 总页数
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