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第三张 PPT :任务型文化的主要特征表现为:1.认为组织的 核心价值 是民主思想和效率意识,强调集体参与,以解决问题为目标。2.注重集体合作精神,充分重视个人潜能和热情在集体中的全面释放。3.在完成任务的过程中,一切以工作为中心,智慧、专业知识和 创造力 备受尊崇,而等级、权力等因素并不具有强大的影响力 。4.组织成员间目标一致、地位平等、关系和谐、利益共享、责任共担。第四张: 海尔文化的核心是创新。它是在海尔二十年发展历程中产生和逐渐形成特色的文化体系。 海尔文化以观念创新为先导、 以战略创新为 方向、以组织创新为保障、以技术创新为手段、以市场创新为目标,伴随着海尔从无到有、从小到大、从大到强、从中国走向世界,海尔文化本身也在不断创新、发展员工的普遍认同、主动参与是海尔文化的最大特色。Haieris the coreofthecultureinnovation. It is produced and gradually formed characteristics in thetwenty years ofdevelopment intheculturalsystem of Haier.Haierculture,it is the conceptof innovationas the guide, to strategic innovation asthe direction, to organize innovation as the guarantee, technologyinnovation as a means to market innovation as the goal. With Haier fromsmall to large,from big to strong,from China tothe world,Haiercultureitself is constantly innovation, the development of the commonrecognition ofemployees, activeparticipationis the biggestfeature ofHaier culture.为什么说海尔集团是任务型组织文化呢让我们来看看发生在海尔企业的具体事例:第五张: 赛马不相马Competition rather than searching for talent人才缺乏, 是国内企业的共同呼声。 但张瑞敏认为, 最缺乏的不是人才, 而是出人才的机制。海尔在人力资源方面的一个基本做法是 “赛马 ”而非传统的 “相马 ”。海尔的 “赛马不相马 ”的人才机制就是给海尔的每一位员工创造一个发挥才能的机会和公平竞争的环境, 从而使企业整体充满活力。海尔的 赛马不相马 应用于下至普通员工 ;上至集团副总裁。 Talent shortage is the common voice of domestic enterprises. But Zhang Ruimin believes that the most lacking is not talent, but the mechanism of talent. One of the basic practices of Haier in human resources is horse racing rather than the traditional search for a good horse . Haiers not race horses talent mechanism is every employee to the Haier create a play to the opportunities and fair competition environment, so as to make the enterprise as a whole is full of vitality. Haiers race horses applied to ordinary employees; vice president and group.第六张: 收购红星电器厂时,海尔将自己的管理模式输入到红星电器厂中:当日做的事情,当日做到结清;订立一个目标,今天强过昨天;每天坚持清理,每天有所提高。出错了就是少数人为多数人负责,除了要惩罚出错人,还要罚有关领导,这件事深深地将海尔的文化影响到了原红星电器厂的工人心中。 When Haier takeover Hongxing Electrical Appliance Factory, Haier put its management mode in Hongxing Electrical Appliance Factory: do the same thing, the same day do settle; entered into a goal today too strong yesterday; adhere to the daily cleaning and improve every day. Wrong is a minority of people responsible for most people, in addition to punish people but also to punish the relevant leaders of the error, and it will deeply influence the culture of Haier to the original Star Electric Appliance Factory workers heart.第 7 张:海尔企业文化是被全体员工认同的企业领导人创新的价值观。员工的普遍认同、主动参与是海尔文化的最大特色。没打出的内容:(这个目标把海尔的发展与海尔员工个人的价值追求完美地结合在一起,每一位海尔员工将在实现海尔世界名牌大目标的过程中,分实现个人的价值与追求。)为了实现创新,海尔最大限度地调动全体员工的积极性,不断提高产品的质量。海尔充分兼顾职工个人的利益、个人的人生目标、个人的爱好和志向,充分调动每个员工的积极性,激励他们为企业的目标贡献力量,其核心思想就是:共同价值高于个体价值;共同协作的价值高于独立价值。充没打在 PPT 上的内容:(The goal of the development of Haier Haier employees and individual value pursue perfectly together, every employee of Haier will in the process of achieving Haiers world famous big goals, the full realization of the value of the individual and the pursuit of.)第:8 张: 人才使用与开发并举。海尔将使用人才与开发人才并举,视全体员工素质的提高为企业长远发展的动力保证,切实在人才培训上投资,认识到员工的学习和提高与企业的生存发展息息相关,应不断满足员工对知识技能的补充和更新的需要,努力使员工与企业同步成长,争做学习型企业。没打出(Haierrealize employees to learn and improveand the enterprises survivalanddevelopment is closely related to continue to meet the needs of staff on the knowledge and skills of the supplement and update, to enable synchronization of staff and company growth and strive to be learning type enterprise. )建立系统化的员工激励机制。使每位员工处于良好的激励环境中是人力资源开发与管理所追求的理想状态, 这就要求企业建立起系统化的激励机制。 海尔的激励措施多种多样, 其中物质激励是基础,精神激励是根本,在两者结合的基础上,逐步过渡到以精神激励为主。没打:( Haiers incentive measures are varied, in which the material incentive is the foundation, the spiritual incentive is fundamental, in the combination of the foundation, and gradually transition to the spirit of the main motivation. )第九张和第十章:根据海尔发展史中的事例,可以得出以下几条总结对于海尔的企业文化:1、注重参与的同时,大力提倡集体协作精神2、细化任务和目标,并制定有效的业绩、评估体系和反馈机制3、奖优罚劣,赏罚分明4、组织成员间目标一致,拥有公平竞争的环境和发挥才能的机会5、以创新为核心,智慧和专业知识备受尊崇而不是等级与权力According to Haier in the history of the development of the case, we can draw the following several conclusions for the enterprise culture of Haier:? (1) focus on the participation, vigorously promote the spirit of teamwork? (2) detailed tasks and objectives,? (3) develop effective performance assessment system and feedback mechanism? (3) Reward good punish bad, reward and punishment is very clear? (4) the goal of the organization members are consistent? (5) have a fair competitive environment and the opportunity to play in order? (6) innovation is the core, and wisdom and expertise are respected, not rank and power使命型组织文化 :也叫任务文化。任务型组织文化
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