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新概念一册补充材料语音、语法、习语及情景对话练习册olentry MatrlsorNCE NIT OEI语音强化训练(PUNTO)i: e t / pea /key / ee/ three ig / city ith / family / apy / little e bd/beg/ red men/ ver /vey bd ag / ad/a bac atoen see that manin te stret. He a a e hpp familyAman i ittingon the des. ou eete ge leaves o hee.Tim rbctoet te black hat an he red b.II.典型口语习语、词组、谚语 (PHRSS/ IDIO / PROVERBS) a bad apple Bg Aple af t a potto A bi nte had is worh t in he buh. fen in need s a frind indee. G heps hwho el theelves.III地道情景体现 (SITUATIONEXRESIONS)问候(GREETIN) i!/ lo! / Hul! / ow do you d?(Goo)ornn / frnon / venn!How areyou? Hw reo goin? / ow are u al kepin? in /l. hankyoud you? What abt ou? / Ho about u? Not ooa! Pret good!/ Couldn be eter! / Just-so. /I jusy sef! Nice /Glad /aed to see / met you! ice to see you,to./ re! ts my pleasur/ honoto se you! Haven en o foage / ora n time. Longtmeno see UNT TW.语音强化训练 (OUNCIATIO)D:rk girl / nue / firs / dirty bi D around /oclock / drver / are / fore / famo K nut / counry/clor /mst nder / ote I lov mcountry Anote fy-ove wil be built acros at strt. Yo al lovwth my sist! t fnton and jup i thu.T first pon in clan shirt wrks in y fimerynger brr daughtewa a driver. II典型口语习语、词组、谚语 (PAES / IDIOMS / POVEBS) oseone shirt kep ones sht on liea bd asmll otato e eary bircatches tewrm. Kil wo ird wit ston. heasar etter ta neIII地道情景体现(SITUTIONAEXPRESSINS) 道别SANG GOODBYE See you (soon /later/ nxt time / .) oo niht. / Goodye./ yeby Its nice o see yu. How time lies! I av egoing now Imsgo o / be of /be leavig. suposeI bettergo. I rl enjoying meetiyo. Isaleasure to b wthyou her, but. cantbelieve h ie hs ceo s goodbe to y. Thn o f al uve dnf m. Le keep intuch. Dont forget todp me line. All the besoo/ Reemb met yo. W mus getogetr agin on.IT HE.语音强化训练(PRONUIAION)p pea/ pa / pair / et hep / op bee bat / e e / ab /but te ter/ l tall fat / tha d die/der / lead / bdlad / donk pik/ ck mark /co / lk / kind pig/ ba gve goat/ / gilIt makes m sc otink it. The cook is baking aak.Plee ass ter pares twpiee of ae.Do as id, oyoul do wha houldnt be done Agoodgirl sgoin toe gam forsme goodpes. II.典型口语习语、词组、谚语 (PRASES / IIOMS /PROVERBS) during he dog aysgetones got lck alue a usys b a genhan rb Pter ayPaulEver dog as his /it day. 总结与操练语法小练习: Fillin anksith a/ a. 1. ella i _ stdent, and shede i _ unvriy.Sei _Amrcan 2. w may dasare tee in_yer? Hw ayminuts retherei _ ho? 3. Our teachr i takig wih _ oldmanfrom_ Face There is_ il inting thwll. ill i lank itis / am / ar/ my ur/ hr hi I _anew stuent _ name _lice. I _French.2.hat natinlity _ you? I a _ Amercn. brother _ a teacher. _ ae is . Kin. Myaut_ actrss. _na _ Stela. 3. Sue _mysster.Se _ anurse. he like _ job. 翻译小练习: Is hat echanic hardwring(勤快的)? s, he s.2Wa oe e youn girl o?Sh a husewfe. 3 She dost ohar.She is erylazy4.Wt ntiality re yu?Im Spnis.ha cour re yur newca? ron. UNIT FOUI.语音强化训练 (PNUCIAON) : st / ad / pa last / hard dark dg/ otle oss / shop go/ job C: form door alk horse / or wak u ut oodshoul / bok / cook /sugr u:mood ood/tooth / move/shoe/ school Se isanho ogathe doorway. Iw Pauli the dancin hall.Ths a art ofver lare park. oodfoo ould be ooked by a good coo. He bouhtsome rut ndoe ookiesor tht grup.II典型口语习语、词组、谚语(R IDIMS / PROVERB) get / eel ht ude t colla a uk dog ie a
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