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求一篇英语作文,内容已给出:最 近,我们班就将来高考英语学科总分值150分,降到10分,最后退出高考统考的舞台,这个话题进行了剧烈的讨论,一 些同窗赞成这个方案,另某些同窗反对,赞成的 同窗觉得:这个方案有助于减轻学习的承当,更好学习其她科目,同步,英语的提高可在大学, 反对的同窗觉得,英语是国际语言,是理解世界的重要工具,与世界接轨,必须强化英语学习,最后请谈谈自己的观点Thr i a hot oic i hina thee days:English may be canceled ncolge entrance xam.I has been eteriedhat Engis is ot as iprant a itused to b irnc. any povincs in hina haspopsd heoicy to ow th ecentage nistaes in he Entrance Soe o the even tns t cacel t.Fme, it rel har acep th pliy. I tink aay, Engls sofgrtmortne eerywhre. Is a inernaio ae.Iust canntiae how Chnese next generation live witut nglih. They annt ommnicte wit rge, tecannokee u wth h paceof globalztion.Hwcn Chin evelp tho English?eforis ncssaryfor ntance, bt Cina shouldnt kil Egis mpltly. Do ou ve anyidas aout it?近来教育部发出高考改革信息,英语将不再成为高考时统一考试的科目,考生将参与社会组织的英语水平考试,一年可以多考,并且成绩也许从本来的50分调低为120分或0分。环绕这一话题,某杂志向广大学生征文,请你用英语写一篇短文阐明你的想法和理由。注意:1.词数12左右。开头部分已给出,不计入总词数。 nl,theDepatmen o Eaion say thtglsh wi notbeamongh suecsf thationl Colleg Entane aminton. tdnt an take the Enish exmnatosveratmes a year adthemak ihtbe rduedfrom 150 o12or00. I qiute aproe ot efm,wc the followg ay conor. Frst of al,fo mre thn tree decds, we Chnse stdens have ee speigtoomuchtie on Englishstudy, btmany f em lom sengih fter guation, which i really a wast of me. Manwhil,qitea nubr f tuens gne e stuy of Chine.omard gli,they pet mch ess ime and energy studying Chnese. A fr the chan of h mark,Itink iteasonabl. s a hinese,e shuld b mo nernd abut our naivangua Tsm u, th aminatonrerm wl bepopular with motparen,teahers and stues.Stdentswillhav mre tieto stuy ther ubects andatend ore acviies, a their ies wil be moe colofu.高考英语作文热门话题之二-“中国梦”近来,你们班召开了以“我的中国梦”为主题的班会活动。请写一篇日记,记述班会状况及自己的感受。内容要点如下:1.每位同窗都畅谈了自己对中国梦的理解;2你谈到了自己的梦想;3.如何实现自己的梦想。注意:.总词数不少于100。 2.不可逐条翻译。3开头已给出,不计入总词数。参照范文:April 8oday ieRecety we d a clss meetng onhetopic o y ChieseDream. Inred y Pesidnt s Chinese Dream, eeyonetlked enhsstillybout hs uernding othe Chinse Drem. We leliev tht thi dreawil come tue n the fture. I als talkedabtmyown dra I hae alwas wanted t e doctoNo oly can ctssv peopes ivs but also they e doing arespecable job Door cals help peoleto live bettr lfew thirpofsonalnoldge.Torle my deam, Imust r twork hard r no on must learn s mch as I ca sotha I an gt into a good meicacolege, er I ca prpa mself eqatey oth job of aotor. Olyin hiswaycanI accomplish ygal.高考英语作文热门话题之三-中学生使用iad如果你是李华,是一名高中生。随着科技的发展,iPd已成为中学生的新宠。用Pad既可以听音乐,阅读纯文本电子书,又可玩电子游戏。请你用英语给某英语报社写一封信,谈谈中学生使用iad的状况。信的内容必须涉及如下几点:、使用iPad对学习的好处:2、对课堂纪律和学习也许产生的负面影响:3、提出自己的建议并阐明理由。注意:开头已经给出,不计入总数。词数20字左右参照范文:ar Etor,m a seir high shoolstudeamed Li Hua Now manytudet ha Pds an hinkis a fahion tse hem. U g an iPd,we ca liste to music, downloda lot oflearn maerias n red tem on hescreen Appently, its helplo ur study, esecialy ournlsh lsninSo studen, hve, ringthei Ps to th clasom andlist t music wiout earphn,wic makes t teacher d other studnts getly annod. Somothe even wae rcoutime i clas playingi gmes.I m oio, as sudens, we should me oo se ofiPads o helpche academic success The lasroom is acefor unts o study, and thereforeconceraton is awfullyedeforu o larnoulesns Futrore,the chool sould me arue to gudethe student us iPds in aroper way. ors sner, Ha高考英语作文热门话题之五-中国式过马路前不久,央视“焦点访谈”栏目曾就“中国式过马路”现象进行了不少采访和评论。请用英语写一篇10-1 词的短文,结合自己的所见所闻或亲身经历描述“行人闯红灯”(desrans ru th elight)引起的若干问题,并就此提出某些解决措施。 注意;短文的开头已给出(不计词数)。N long ago, CCTV “Focu Tal”carried o man inerviews d ade ome revant coments n th pheona-“rossinoadsithe Chese style”._优秀作文:Not long ago, CTV “ocus ak” caried outan intvies ad me some rlevt cmes o the henomena-“rosig rods nh Cine style”Tke oneof yexperices fo p Itsa Tesday nd it rned at do. hr as onla fe mintes left formet to chol on time. was hrried hat I ned he rd light. I was so dangerous o m tht the ar hardly it eouy. Frm then on, I nerdareto un he rd ligt. I thik t cned
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