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2022年考博英语-中国人民解放军陆军装甲兵学院考前拔高综合测试题(含答案带详解)1. 翻译题1. When education fails to keep pace with technology, the result is inequality. Without the skills to stay useful as innovations arrive, workers sufferand if enough of them fall behind, society starts to fall apart. That fundamental insight seized reformers in the Industrial Revolution, heralding state- funded universal schooling. Later, automation in factories and offices called forth a surge in college graduates. The combination of education and innovation, spread over decades, led to a remarkable flowering of prosperity. Today robotics and artificial intelligence call for another education revolution.【答案】1. 当教育跟不上科技的发展,结果就是不公平。科技创新到来之时,如果工人的技术不再有用,他们就会吃亏,而当被淘汰的工人太多时,社会就会开始分裂。在工业革命时期,当时的改革者们抓住了这种基本的观点,随之带来的就是由国家出资的全民教育。后来,工业和办公自动化又带来了大学生的激增。数十年来,教育和科技创新的结合,造就了令人瞩目的繁荣之花。今天,机器人和人工智能呼吁着另一场教育变革。2. 单选题Since the two countries couldnt _ their differences, they decided to stop their negotiations.问题1选项A.rectifyB.obscureC.reconcileD.oblige【答案】C【解析】【选项释义】A. rectify矫正,纠正 B. obscure使模糊;使隐晦C. reconcile使和谐一致;调解 D. oblige(以法律、义务等)强迫,迫使【考查点】动词辨析。【解题思路】根据句意“由于这两个国家的分歧无法_,他们决定停止谈判”可知,是因为分歧无法调解,所以会停止谈判,该题选择C项符合句意。【干扰项排除】A、B、D项不符合句意。【句意】由于这两个国家的分歧无法调解,他们决定停止谈判。3. 单选题Its a modern city, full of _ tower blocks.问题1选项A.risingB.ascendingC.soaringD.heaving【答案】C【解析】【选项释义】A. rising上升的,新兴的 B. ascending升(序)的C. soaring猛增的,高耸的 D. heaving(用力)举起;拖v.【考查点】形容词辨析。【解题思路】根据句意“这是一座现代化的城市,到处都是_高楼大厦”可知,空格处修饰的是tower blocks(高楼大厦),soaring可表示“树木、建筑等高耸”,所以该题选择C项。【干扰项排除】A项指太阳、月亮的上升;B、D项不符合句意。.【句意】这是一座现代化的城市,到处都是高耸的高楼大厦。4. 单选题Sometimes it is necessary to be careful _ the right date to sit for a test.问题1选项A.when choosingB.when you will chooseC.when you have chosenD.when you chose【答案】A【解析】【选项释义】A. when choosing当选择的时候 B. when you will choose当你将选择的时候C. when you have chosen当你已经选择的时候 D. when you chose当你选择了的时候【考查点】时间状语从句。【解题思路】根据句意“有时,小心是必要的,_正确的日期参加考试”可知,空格处是填入一个时间状语从句,由主句可知,这里用的是一般现在时,并且讲的是一般的事情,所以从句不用将来时态或者过去时态,when choosing相当于when you are choosing,所以该题选择A项。【干扰项排除】B、C、D项根据解题思路可知,这三项都与主句时态和逻辑不符。【句意】有时,当你选择正确的日期参加考试时,小心是必要的。5. 翻译题2. I climbed heights in order to see the splendid granite mountain in its fullest view. In this experience I had been seeking the aesthetic. I knew I would find it, for I had seen post cards in advance and was following the map. The seeking took considerable effort and time. It was a heavy investment. I was not going for the scientific purpose of studying rock formation, or was it for the recreational purpose of exercising my limbs in the fresh air, though that exertion added intensity to the experience and was its context.【答案】2. 为了饱览壮丽的花岗岩山峰的全景,我登上了高地。这次旅程中我一直在捕捉一种美感。我知道会如愿以偿,因为我事先看过一些有关的风景明信片,循着山路示意图一路找来。这样的寻找费时费力,投入颇大。尽管这次跋涉加深了我对美的体验,而且是这番体验的不可或缺的环节,但我此行的目的既不是出于对科学的动机来研究岩石的结构,也不是出于娱乐消遣的考虑在清新的空气中舒展肢体。6. 填空题Directions: In this section, there is a passage with five questions. After you have read the passage, answer each question in English. Write down your answer on ANSWER SHEET.A language is a system of sounds, gestures, or characters used by humans to communicate their ideas and feelings. There are about 4,000 spoken languages in the world. Some are spoken by millions of people. Other languages have only a few speakers.All languages have rules for forming words and for ordering those words in sentences. In written languages, meaning is expressed through a system of characters and rules for combining those characters. In spoken languages, meaning is expressed through a system of sounds and rules for combining those sounds. Many deaf people use sign languages, in which gestures do the work of the sound system of spoken languages.Word order is more important in English than it is in some other languages, such as Russian. The sound system is very important in Chinese and in many languages spoken in West Africa.Languages are always changing, but they change very slowly. People invent new words for their language, borrow words from other languages, and change the meanings of words as needed. For example, the English word byte was invented by computer specialists in 1959. The English word tomato was borrowed from Nahuat, an American Indian language spoken in Mexico. The English word meat once referred to food in general.There are several major language families in the world. The languages in each family are related, and scientists think they came from the same parent family. Language families come in different sizes. The Austronesian family contains at least 500 languages, including Pilipino, Malay, and Maori. The Basque language, spoken in northern Spain, is the only member of its language family.The Indo-European language family contains 55 languages, including English, German, Spanish, Russian, and Hindi. Another language family
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