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2022年考博英语-重庆大学考试题库及全真模拟冲刺卷(附答案带详解)1. 写作题Directions: For this part you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the following topic On Paying back student Loans. You should write at least 150 words according to the outline given below in Chinese.1. 现今,在高校通过助学贷款完成学业的学生越来越多。2. 但是有些学生毕业后没有能力或拒绝按时还贷。3. 你认为贷款的学生应如何对待还贷问题。【答案】略2. 单选题A majority taken collectively may be regarded as a being whose opinions and, most frequently, whose interests are opposed to those of another being, which is styled a minority. If it is admitted that a man possessing absolute power may misuse that power by wronging his adversaries, why should a majority not be liable to the same reproach? Men are not apt to change their characters by agglomeration; nor does their patience in the presence of obstacles increase with the consciousness of their strength. For these reasons we should not willingly invest any group of our fellows with that unlimited authority which we should refuse to any individual.One social power must always predominate over others, but liberty is endangered when this power is checked by no obstacles which may retard its course and force it to moderate its own vehemence. Unlimited power is in itself a bad and dangerous thing, and no power on earth is so worthy of honor for itself or of reverential obedience to the rights which it represents that we should admit its uncontrolled and all-predominant authority. When the right and means of absolute command are conferred on a people or a king, on an aristocracy or a democracy, a monarchy or a republic, there has been implanted the germ of tyranny.The main evil of the present democratic institutions of the United States does not arise, as is often asserted in Europe, from their weakness, but from their overpowering strength; the excessive liberty which reigns in that country is not so alarming as is the very inadequate security which exists against tyranny.When an individual or a party is wronged in the United States, to whom can he apply for redress? If to the public opinion, public opinion constitutes the majority; if to the legislature, it represents the majority and implicitly obeys its injunctions; if to the executive power, it is appointed by the majority and remains a passive tool in its hands; the public troops consist of the majority under arms; the jury is the majority invested with the right of hearing judicial cases, and in certain states even the judges are elected by the majority. However iniquitous or absurd the evil complained about, no sure barrier is established to defend against it.1.Which of the following would be the most appropriate title for the passage?2.With which of the following statements would the author of the passage be most likely to agree?3.The authors treatment of the topic of the passage can best be described as( ).4.In the passage, the author is primarily concerned with( ).问题1选项A.The Tyranny of the MajorityB.Democracy: Triumph of the PeopleC.Abuses of PowerD.The Failure of Democracy in the United States问题2选项A.Democracy is no greater defense against tyranny than is monarchy or aristocracy.B.Minority rule would probably be more responsive to the needs of all people than majority rule.C.To render itself immune to the germ of tyranny, the United States should strengthen its political institutions.D.Since one social power must always predominate over others, it is futile to provide checks and balances in government.问题3选项A.ironicB.neutralC.logicalD.irreverent问题4选项A.challenging a commonly held beliefB.contrasting two opposing viewsC.advocating a course of actionD.reconciling an apparent conflict【答案】第1题:A第2题:A第3题:C第4题:A【解析】1.判断推理题。根据文章第一段第二句,“If it is admitted that a man possessing absolute power may misuse that power by wronging his adversaries, why should a majority not be liable to the same reproach?”,如果承认一个拥有绝对权力的人可能会滥用这种权力来冤枉他的对手,为什么大多数人在滥用他们权力的时候不会受到同样的指责呢?此句为文章的中心句,体现了文章的中心思想。下文继续提出我们不应该把我们应该拒绝给个人的绝对权力授予任何大多数派的人。可判断出最符合文章的主题与大多数派相关。选项A符合题意。2.判断推理题。根据文章第二段最后一句,“When the right and means of absolute command are conferred on a people or a king, on an aristocracy or a democracy, a monarchy or a republic, there has been implanted the germ of tyranny.”,当绝对命令的权力授予一个民族或一个国王、一个贵族或一个民主、一个君主制或一个共和国时,就已经埋下了专制的种子。可判断出民主和君主制或贵族统治一样,也可能导致专制统治,选项A符合文意。文章中并没有提及少数人统治比多数人统治更令人满意,并未将二者进行比较,选项B不符合文意。根据第三段第一句,“The main evil of the present democratic institutions of the United States does not arise, as is often asserted in Europe, from their weakness, but from their overpowering strength”美国现行民主制度的主要弊端,并不像欧洲人常说的那样,来自于它们的软弱,而是来自于它们压倒一切的力量。可判断出文章并未提及美国需要加强政治制度来免受专制统治。选项C不符合文意。根据文章第二段第一句,“One social power must always predominate over others, but liberty is endangered when this power is checked by no obstacles which may retard its course and force it to moderate its own vehemence.”,一种社会力量必须始终凌驾于其他力量之上,但如果这
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