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人教社高二英语单词创新学习(分单元同步)成都市成华区英语教研室 何朝平人教版 高二unit 2单词表(上)说明:*为超课标词汇,一般不作详细讲解Unit 246-2- media 5mi:dIE(pl)medium 5mi:dIEm(media pl) n. C媒体;中间的,中等的归类记忆 单数-um 复数-adatumdata(数据) medium media(媒介) bacterium bacteria(细菌)47. *reliablerI5laIEbladj. that can be trusted to do sth well; that you can rely on可信赖的;that is likely to be correct or true可靠的48. fire fBIEn. burning with place U, C火,炉火;C火灾 v. to shoot off bullets 1)开火,射击;2)打发人走,轰走解雇 名言 Fire proves gold; adversity proves men. L. A. Seneca(Roam statesman) 火试炼真金;逆境考验人品。L. A.塞尼加(罗马政治家)谚语 A little fire burns up a great deal of corn.星星之火可以燎原。谜语趣记I am always hungry; I must always be fed. The finger I lick will soon turn red.一言辨异 Fired (解雇)by his boss, he was so angry as to fire (开枪)his gun and set his house on fire(着火).短语归类记忆(be) on fire 失火,在烧指状态catch fire 着火指动作 seton fire 使燃烧指状态set fire to使着火指动作make a fire 生火light / start a fire 点火discover a fire 发现起火control the fire 控制火势be trapped by / in the fire被火围困 put out the fire 灭火escape from the fire 逃离火境比较on fire, on the fireon fire着火,on the fire在火上。 Put the food on the fire. The house is on fire.对比记忆 A cook will be fired if in the kitchen the food on the fire is on fire. fire alarm 火警 fire escape 安全梯 fire fighter n. C消防人员fireplace n. C壁炉fire wood n.U木柴fireworks n.焰火对比联想记忆簇 The tired fire fighter, who was hired yesterday, and didnt rang the fire alarm but fired from the fire escape at the tire on fire in the fireplace with much fire wood tirelessly, was fired today.那个昨天刚雇佣的疲倦的消防队员,没有拉响火警而是朝有许多木柴的壁炉中的燃烧着的轮胎不倦地开火,因此今天被开除了。49. facefeIsn.C, U the front part of the head from the thin to the hair 脸;面孔 v. to have the face or front pointing (towards) 面对;面向 face to face: in the direct presence(of) 面对面;当面 make a face=make faces 做鬼脸;做苦脸 sb.face sth. sb.be faced with sth 面对谚语A good fame is better than a good face.美名胜于美貌。高考试题1._ with so much trouble, we failed to complete the task on time. (2006四川)A. Faced B. Face C. Facing D. To face2. Faced with a bill for 10,000,_. (2006陕西)A. an extra job has been given to John B. the boss has given john an extra jobC. an extra job has been takenD. John has taken an extra jobfacial 5feIFEladj.面部用的50. difficulty5dIfIkEltI n.1.U the state or quality of being difficult困难2.Cdifficult things难事 名言 Difficulties strengthen the minds, as labor does the body. L. Annaeus Seneca (Roman statesman and philosopher) 困境锻炼心智,犹如劳动增强体魄。对比联想记忆簇 The scientist says he has much different difficulty doing difficult research on the differences of science. 科学家说他在研究科学的不同上有很多不同的困难。 易错点difficulty的双重可数性:I have little/ great/ much difficulty (in) learning English./ There is little/ great/ much difficulty (in) learning English (此句型只用作不可数名词)If you have the difficulties Im in! (用作可数名词)He has great/little/much difficulty continuing his research work, for he is having money difficulties. (前者用作不可数名词,语义抽象;后者用作可数名词,语义具体。)想一想 在英语中还有哪些名词具有双重可数性?请归类记忆。51. editor5edItE n. C编辑52. reason5ri:znn. cause, motive 原因,动机 名言Strong reasons make strong actions. William Shakespeare, British dramatist强有力的理由产生强有力的行动。英国剧作家 威廉莎士比亚高考试题Nobody believed his reason for being absent form the class _he had to meet his uncle at the air port.(2006重庆)A. why B. thatC. where D. becausereasonable 5ri:zEnEbEl adj. 有道理的,合情合理的53. electI5lektvt. (formal)choose sb. to do a job by voting for them (投票)选举比较 1)elect sb (to be/as) +职位:(正式)选举某人为 2)elect sb. to +组织机构:选举某人到3)make sb. +职位:选举某人为(侧重结果)4) choose sb. (to be/ as) +职位:选择某人为 (侧重动作)比较 We voted for him as monitor of our class.We made him monitor of our class.We elected him (to be/as) monitor of our class.We chose him (to be/as) monitor of our class.54. go up上升归类记忆 增加减少become morebecome less/fewerincrease(vt.&vi.)增加,增长,增大decrease (vt.)减少add (vt.)增补,加上,附加leave out(vt.) 省略raise(vt.) 强度,价值(格)等提高(人为)drop(vt.&vi) 落下rise(vi) 自然增加fall(vi.)降落put on (vt.)体重、数量增加lose (vt.)失去go up(vi.)上升go down (vi.)下降55. burn down: be destroyed by fire烧毁56. injure5IndVEv. to hurt 伤害,损害(泛指大、小意外创伤) injured adj. having been hurt 受伤的 injury 5IndVErIn.U,C (injuries)(an example of) harm 受伤处,伤害 add insult to injury 倍加侮辱,雪上加霜 表格对比记忆 英语词性汉语宾语injurev.意外伤sb/sth.woundv.&n.专指刀、剑、枪伤、战争之伤sb.damagev.&n.损害,伤害sth.destroyv.毁坏sth.hurtv.内外伤,包括感情sb./sth.一句辨异After being wounded in the war, he had an accident when his car was damaged, but not destroyed, and he himself not injured.归类记忆 injury 种种:burn(灼伤) bump(碰伤) bruise (擦伤) lump(肿块) scratch(抓伤) swelling(肿胀)57. headline5hedlBIn(报刊的)n. C大字标题58. informIn5fR:mv. to tell, to give information to; 告知,通知,报告 inform that; inform sb. of/about sth. 易错点有无介词:汉语直宾在前直宾在后通知某人某事inf
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