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Unit 6 Our Local AreaTopic 1 Is there a computer in your study?一.重难点讲解1、 Its on the second floor.There is a study next to my bedroom.它在二楼。我卧室的隔壁有一间书房。(1) floor地板;楼层”,常以介词on连用。表示楼层时,英美之间是有区别的:英国美国一楼:the ground floorthe first floor二楼:the first floorthe second floor三楼:the second floorthe third floor在表示几层楼的房间时,不用floor,而用story(美)或storey(英)Eg: a five-story/storey house栋五层的房间。My family lives on the fourth floor of that 15-story/storey building.我家住在那座十五层楼房的四层楼上。(2) next to在近旁,紧邻I sit next to Jim.我坐在吉姆旁边。3、Is there a computer in ypur study? 你的书房里有电脑吗?(1) study名词,“书房复数为studies.Eg: Tom often does his homework in his study.汤姆经常在他的书房里做作业。Is there a sofa in your study?你的书房有沙发吗?(2) study动词,学习,研究”Eg: We are studying Section A.我们正在学习 A 部分。Su Lan doesnt study Japanese at school.苏兰在学校不学 日语。2、Why not come upstairs and have a look?为什么不上楼来看看呢?(1) come upstairs 上楼 。反义词 come downstairs 下楼”(2) have a look 看一看,瞧一瞧”后面可 + at sth have a look at sth 看一看某物Eg: Let me have a look at your pictures. 让我看看你的照片。“have a +名词”结构have a ride 骑车 have a swim 游泳 have a walk 走路,散步 have a sleep 睡觉 3、Oh,there are so many books on the shelves.哇,书架上有这么多书啊!so many +名词复数这么多的 ”so much +不可数名词“这么多的 ”Eg: There are so many students here.这儿有这么多的学生。There is so much milk in the bottle. 瓶里有这么多的牛奶。4、Hes in front of the house.他在房子前面。In front of 在前面”指在某物外面的前面反义词 at back of Eg: In front of / At back of my home there is a rive.在我家前 /后面有一条河。In the front of 在的前部”指物体内部的前面反义词 at the back ofEg: He sits in the front of / at the back of the classroom. 他坐在教室的前面 /后面5、Jane and Michacl are talking about her study.简和迈克尔正在谈论她的书房。Talk about意为谈、谈论,后面接谈论的内容。Eg: The students are talking about the picture.学生们正在谈论那幅画。Talk to/with意为“与.交谈”,后面接谈话的对象。Eg: My English teacher is talking to/with my father . 我的英语老师正在和我父亲谈话。6、Its near my desk.在我桌子附近。near意为“在.附近,靠近。next to是短语介词,意为“在 近旁”所表达的距离 要比 near 更近。Eg: Sarah is sitting next to the window. 萨拉挨着窗户坐着。Sarah is sitting near the window 萨拉坐在窗户附近。7、But there is one next to my family photo on the wall 但是墙上全家福旁边有一个(挂钟) 。on the wall 在墙体外部表面。Eg: There is a picture on the wall. 墙上有副画。in the wall ( 全部或部分)在墙体里。There are three windows in the wall. 墙上有三扇窗户。There is a holw in the wall. 墙上有个洞。8、 Dont put them there . Put them away,please.另1J把它们放在那儿,请把它们收起来放好。(1) Dont put them there . 是否定形式的祈使句。句型结构Dont + 动词原形Eg: Don t be late for school! 上学别迟到!(2) put away将收起“短语动词相当于及物动词,后面加宾语。当宾语是代词时用宾格,且代词放在中间,若宾语是名词时可放后面也可放中间。Eg: put them away ; put your books away=put away your books 类似的用法还有put on (穿上); take off (脱下) ; give back (归还) ;work out (算出) .9、How many planes are there in the desk?桌上有几架飞机?how many + 可数名词复数+ are there + 地点状语?由 how many 引出的 there be 句型中的数词提问,回答用 there be+数词(+名词+地点状语)Eg: How many books are there on the desk? 桌上有多少书?There are seven books.有七本书。对不可数名词前的词或短语提问, 用 how much+ 不可数名词 +i 是 there + 地点状语?Eg: How much milk is there on the table? 桌上有多少牛奶?-There are five bottles of milk on it. 有五瓶。 How much tea is there in the cup? 茶杯里有多少茶水?-There is only a little. 只有一点儿。11、 in the tree 在树上。并非树上固有,是外来的东西在树上;on the tree 在树上。表示本来长在树上的叶子或果实。Eg: There are some birds in the tree 树上有一些鸟。There are many apples on the tree.树上有彳艮多苹果。12、 On the left of the yard,there is a kitchen and a dining room.在院子的左边,有一个厨房和一个餐厅。(1) left名词“左,左边”;形容词 “左边的”Eg: Some people write with left hand. 有些人用左手写字。Turn left. 向左转(2) on the left of 在的左边 Eg: On the left of the road.在公路的左边。类似的用法:on the right of在的右边;in the center of在的中央;At the back of在后部;in the front of在的前部。in the center of在中央=in the middle of(in the middle of还有在1.中间一般指时间的中间)Eg:I will go to Beijing in the middle of August. 八月中旬,我要去北京。13、My father and I are watching TV in the living room. 我和爸爸长在客厅看电视。I和其他人称并列时,一般放在最后几个人称代词同时作主语时,排列顺序一般为:you and I ;you and he(she);You,she(he) and I; we and you; we and they; we,you and they.承认错误时I放在其他人前面,表示说话人勇于承认错误:Eg: You, she and I all like music.你、她和我都喜欢音乐。I and my brother made the mistake.我和我弟弟放了这个错误。14、The bag in picture A is green.图 A 里的书包是绿色的。在英语中,介词短语作定语日放在被修饰词的后面,in picture A是bag的后置定语。Eg:The book on the desk is Miss Zhou s.书桌上的那本书是周老师的。不定代词的定语也放在不定代词之后。Eg: I have something important to tell you.我有些重要的事要告诉你。15、Im very glad to get a letter from you.很高兴收到你的来信。(1) glad愉快的,愉悦的。=please ; be glad to do sth高兴做某事,乐意做某事Eg: Im glad to see you.很高兴见到你。Hes glad to help others.他很乐意帮助别人。be glad of sth/be glad that 从句,因.而高兴Eg: Im glad of your success.我为你的成功而感到欣慰。Im glad that you are safe.你安然无恙,我很高兴。(2) get a letter from sb收到某人的来信。Eg: I get a letter from one of my old friends every year. 我每年都收到一位老朋友的来信。 表收到某人来信时”=hear from sb.Eg: Can you hear from your parents every month? 你每个月都能收到你父母的来信吗?No,but I can hear from my sister.不能,不过我可以收到我妹妹的来信。 write to sb./write sb a letter.给某人写信Eg: Do you write to your family every month? 你每个月都给家人写信吗?I write to Uncle Li every week
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