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资料收集于网络,如有侵权 请联系网站删除初中英语定语从句专项突破训练满分:班级:_姓名:_考号:_一、单选题(共64小题)1Have you ever heard of the news _ is about the Strawberry Concert?AwhoBwhatCwhichDwhen2Language learning isnt hard itselfThe attitude _ you have decided if you can learn it well at lastA what Bwho Cwhich3-The panda is a kind of animal _ I like bestAwhoBwhichCwhereDwhat4The beautiful girl _came here last Saturday is my friend.AwhichBwhereCwhomDwho5There will be a flower show in the park _ we visited last week.Awho Bwhere Cwhich6Do you know the man_ saved five people in the fire?AwhoBitCwhenDwhom7 Where is the School English Speech Contest going to be held tonight? Im not sureIs it in the hall _ can hold 300 people?AwhereBwhatCthatDwhen8Its bad for health to hurry to move into a house has new furniture in it.Awho Bwhere Cthat9I know a place_we can have a big mealAthatBwhereCwhichDwhat10Do you like swimming in winter?Of courseThe water_a bit cold at first but then I am warm and full of energyAtastesBfeelsCsmellsDlooks11Which song do you like better, Lucy?I prefer the song Little Apple_ can attract many people.AwhichBwhoCwhomDwhere12The dog _ played with you just now is _.Awhich; mineBwhich; myCwhat; mineDwhat; my13Studying in groups is a popular way _ can develop students abilityAwhichBwhatCwhoDwhom14Do you know Deng Ziqi sings the song Pao MoAwhichBwhoCwhenDwhere15- What are you doing?-Im reading the book _you lent me last weekAwhatBwhoCwhenDthat16- What kind of movies do you like?- I like movies _ can cheer me upAwhoBwhatChowDthat17Is there anything _to you?Athat is belongBthat belongCthat belongsDwhich belongs18I hate people _ laugh at others when they are in troubleAwhoBwhomCwhichDthey19Is there anything to you ?Athat is belongBthat belongCthat belongsDwhich belongs20I hate people laugh at others when they are in troubleAwhoBwhomCwhichDthey21The red skirt _ my mother bought for me is made of cottonAthatBwhenCwhoDwhose22The photo _ taken by my brother last week is very niceAwhich wereBthat isCthat wereDwhich was23Sitting down after a walk is relaxing But do you dare to sit on a seat_ tells you your weight?AwhomB/CwhoDthat24-Why are you so worried?-Ive lost the watch my dad bought me on my birthdayAwhomBwhoCwhoseDwhich25I think the first lesson we are learning is very easyAthatBwhereCwhoDwhen26Why dont you like fishing?Fishing a hobby_needs much patience, but Im not patient at allAwhoBthatCitDwhat27The stories _ were written by Mark Twain are often humorousAthatBthoseCwhoDwhat28Do you know the young lady _ your mother is talking?AwhoBwhomCwith whomDwhich29He will never forget the days _he spent with you in Japan.AwhenBthatCon whichDin which30A good friend is someone _makes you _.Awhich; happyBwho; happilyCwho; happyDwhose; happily31The park _we visited yesterday is an excellent one AwhereBin whichCwhoseDthat32Jim, there is someone in the office _ would like to speak with youAwho Bwhich Cwhom33Most students like the teachers _can understand them well.Awho Bwhen C, what34Do you know the girl _is singing in the classroom?AwhoBwhichCwhenDthat35I dont know _ nowShe is much better todayAhow is sheBwhere is sheChow she isDwhere she is36 Which of the e-mails _ you have ever got is the greatest? I really cant decide_ of them are very wonderful.Athat; AllBwho; BothCwhich; NoneDwhat; Neither373-junior high school life will be over I will remember those things and teachers _ are unforgotten AwhoBwhichCthatDwhom38Do you know the young lady _ your mother is talking?AwhoBwhomCwith whomDwhich39I love people_are friendly to others.Awhich Bwhose Cwho40Do you know the name of the boy _ father is a doctor?AwhoBwhichCthatDwhose41Martian Brother is the nickname for a boy called Hua Chenyu won the 2013 Supei BoyAwhoBwhichCwhoseDwhat42 Which of the e-mails _
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