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篇章词汇理解答题技巧一. 篇章词汇理解题型分析v 长度:220词左右v 题目:从15个被选项中选取10个单词填入 原文的空格中。v 掌握备选单词的词性和词义v 理解和记忆相应的前缀和后缀二. 篇章词汇理解答题步骤v 将词库中的15个词按词性分类。v 快速浏览全文,掌握文章大意,尤其要注意文章的首句、尾句及主题句。v 仔细阅读全文,边阅读边解题,先易后难,各个击破。我们可以充分利用自己掌握的语言知识,将选项的范围缩到最小,然后根据语境、上下文、文章主旨进行判断并做出选择。把所选单词放入文章后,通读全文,看整篇文章是否通畅三. 篇章词汇理解答题技巧1确定词性1)动词。(1)动词原型、动词单数第三人称、过去式v auxv. + V原形 (can, could, may, might, ought to, will, + v.原型)v V. + to+ V原形 eg. He hopes to help her. (注意:to作为介词的情况,比如stick / attach / cling +to + n.)v n./pron. + vi. (+介副词短语)eg. She ran (into the room).v n./pron. + be / 系动词(look, smell, feel, taste, sound, turn, grow) +adj.v n./pron. vt. n./pron. eg. I have an apple.v 例证:For example, women now 52 about half of all cars.CET-4 2006.12 (N) A. scale C. generate M. insulted N. purchase v 例证:Nowadays, weather experts are able to forecast when El Nino will 55 , but they are still not completely sure what leads to it or what affects how strong it will be.CET-4 2006.6 (O) A. estimate D. notify O. strike (2) 现在分词 ingv be + ing v have been + ingv acknowledge, admit, advise, advocate, anticipate, avoid, confess, consider, delay, deny, dislike, enjoy, envy, escape, favor, finish, forbid, forgive, cant help, imagine, involve, mind, permit, postpone, practice, prevent, quit, recall, recommend, resist, resume, risk, suggest, tolerate, understand + ing v ing + n. eg. A moving carv n. + ing eg. A picture hanging on the wall(3) 过去分词 edv have/has/had + ed v be + edv Have been + edv ed + n. eg. A damaged housev n.+ ed eg. A house damaged in the earquakev 例证:Enclosed in the envelope was a typed note _him to ring a certain number if he is still interested. (instructing)v 例证:The speaker, _ for her splendid speeches, was warmly received by the audience. (known)2)名词 (普通名词 和动名词)v a/an/the + n.v n. + n. Eg. A morning readingv adj. / num.+ n.v ing / ed + n. v prep. + n. v vt. n. Eg. Buy a housev n. + v. v 例证:Awareness of pollution dangers has resulted in stricter _ of waste disposal. (regulation)(3) 形容词v adj. + n. v be动词 / 系动词 + adj. v adv. + adj. Eg. Especially important例证:During the eighteenth century, it was _ for several neighboring towns to get together to designate a remote spot as a dump site. (customary)(4) 副词v adv. + adj. v adv. + v. 或 v. adv. eg. He quickly took the book.例证:Nowadays, weather experts are able to forecast when an El Nino will strike, but they are still not _ sure what leads to it or what affects how strong it will be. CET-4 2006.6 (completely)2.利用固定搭配v 英语中有很多是固定搭配的词组,如能在平时多积累一些固定搭配的短语或词组则能达到事半功倍的效果。v 例证:They _into the Israeli building with sub-machine guns blazing at five a.m. (burst)3.利用复现关系v 复现关系指的是某一个词以原词、近义词、同义词的某种形式反复出现在文章中,在解题时我们如能注意这一现象,也可以提高解题的效率。v 例证:The warming of the ocean has far-reaching effects. The hot, humid air over the ocean causes severe 49 thunderstorms. CET-4 2006.6 (E) E. tropical G. stable J. destructive
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