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疑难词汇一对一释义1. the unknown 未知的东西2.fear 害怕,恐惧3. deal with跟打交道4. doubt 怀疑5. judge 判断,审判6. putat ease 使放松,自在7. act 扮演,表现8. self-confident 自信的9. straight 直的,率直的10.conversation谈话11.mutual 相互的12. effort 努力13.develop培养,发展吉林省扶余县第一中学2011-2012学年度上学期月考试题高 一 英 语完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分) Making friends is a skill. Like most skills, it improves with_36_.If you want to meet people and make friends, you must be able to take some_37_.You must first go 38 there are people. You wont make friends staying home alone. Join a club or a group, for talking with those who _39_the same things as you do is easier. _40_join someone in some activity.Many people are_41_when talking to new people. _42_meeting strangers means facing the unknown. And its human _43_to feel a bit uncomfortable about the unknown. _44_of our fears about dealing with new people come from doubts about ourselves. We _45_other people who are judging us finding us too tall or too short, too this or too that. _46_dont forget that they must be feeling the same way. Try to accept yourself_47_you are and try to put the other person at ease. You will never feel more_48_.Try to act self-confident even if you dont feel that way. When you enter a room full of_49_. such as a new classroom, walk tall and straight, look_50_at other people and smile. If you see someone , youd like to_51_something to, dont wait for the other person to _52_a conversation.Just meeting someone_53_doesnt mean that you will make friends with that person. Friendship is_54_on mutual liking and “give and take”.It_55_time and effort to develop.36. A. ageB. practiceC. skillD. everything 37. A. photosB. actionC. placeD. troubles38. A. where B. thatC. whichD. when39. A. haveB. shareC. keepD. like40. A. SoB. OrC. HoweverD. But41. A. afraidB. fearfulC. nervousD. familiar42. A. Above allB. In allC. To allD. After all43. A. natureB. needC. habitD. custom44. A. NoneB. FewC. MostD. Few45. A. suggestB. considerC. doubtD. imagine46. A. AndB. ThereforeC. ButD. So47. A. whatB. whoC. thatD. as48. A. dangerousB. usefulC. familiarD. comfortable49. A .strangersB. peopleC. classmatesD. students50. A. anxiouslyB. friendlyC. curiouslyD. directly51. A. speakB. talkC. sayD. tell52. A. startB. makeC. endD. hold53. A. strangeB. newC. familiarD. tiresome54. A. dependB. laidC. takenD. based55. A. takes B. spends C. costs D. needs【疑难词汇解析】1.deal with v. 与打交道【例】We often deal with him.我们经常与他打交道。【扩展】处理;做生意;涉及【例】1. So how do we deal with these new challenges?因此,我们该如何处理这些新挑战呢? 2. This chapter deals with the problem of inflation.本章论述通货膨胀问题。3.We deal with many customers.我们与许多客户有生意往来。2.judge dd vt 判断;审判【例】He was asked to judge a literary competition.他被邀请评判一场文学竞赛。【扩展】n. 法官;裁判员【搭配】judgeby/ from根据来判断 Judging from/by多放在句首,作为独立成分的状语。【例】Dont judge a book by its cover,不要以貌取人。Judging by this weeks news, Apple seems to be managing well without him.根据本周的新闻判断,没有乔布斯先生,苹果似乎经营良好。3.putat ease使放松,自在【例】When bringing the employee into your office, put him or her at ease. 当员工来到您的办公室后,您一定要想进办法让他/她放松、感觉很自在。4.mutual mjutul adj. 共同的;相互的,彼此的【例】1.Terrorism is another issue of mutual concern in the region. 恐怖主义是该地区另一个共同关注的问题。2. These opportunities have helped us build mutual trust and respect with the city 这些机会帮助我们建立了与这座城市的相互信任和尊重。【答案详解】本文内容简介:本文介绍了一些交朋友的技巧:比如,加入俱乐部多认识人;多参加活动,找一些有共同兴趣的人;接受自己,表现出自信;主动交谈;花时间和努力去培养等都可以提升你交朋友的能力。题号答案难易度解析一对一技巧指导36B中档题Practice makes perfect.练习能成就完美或熟能生巧。像大多数技能一样,多练习就能提高。这里选practice。常识问题37B简单题如果你想与人交朋友,那么你必须要采取行动take action。句意分析38A简单题你首先必须到一个有人的地方去。这里where引导一个地点状语从句。句意分析39D简单题加入一个俱乐部或一个团体活动,因为跟与你有共同兴趣爱好的人交流比较容易.like the same things as you跟你喜欢相同的东西。句意分析40B简单题join a club .与join someone in some activity是同一性质的,所以选or。句意分析41C简单题一般的人碰到陌生人都会感到紧张nervous。常识问题42D中档题毕竟遇到陌生人意味着面对未知的世界。After all,毕竟;above all,首先,最重要的是;in all,总共,总计;to all对所有人而言。语境分析43A易错题面对未知世界感到有点不舒服时人的本性。选nature,本性,本质;大自然。学生很有可能不知道nature的这个含义,而选habit习惯。积累词汇44C简单题我们大部分与人打交道时所产生的恐惧感来自对自己的怀疑。句意分析45D易错题我们总是想象别人评判我们太高或太矮,这个或那个。学生容易误选doubt怀疑,但这种感觉是自己凭空想象出来,不是怀疑他人,而是怀疑自己。句意分析46C简单题努我们总是想象别人看不起我们,但不要忘了别人也是同样的感觉。前后句为转折关系切实吃透句意,理清前后句的逻辑关系47D中档题努力接受你自己本来的样子。as sb are按照你本来来 的样子,类似的搭配还有as it is 。例:put the sofa as it is.把沙发放在原处。Act as you are按你本来的样子表现。句意分析积累词汇48D易错题否定词+比较级=最高级。本句否定词never+ more comfortable,“从来没有这样舒服过”,其实表达“最舒服”的含义具备扎实的句法功底,切实吃透句意。49A简单题本句提到such as a new place,所以应该是一个充满陌生人的房子。句意分析50D中挡题walk tall and straight, look_50_at other people and smile.挺直走路,直视别人的眼睛以及微笑都是自信的表现。选directly,直接地。始终扣紧本段主旨51C易错题如果你碰到某人,你要首先和别人讲话不要等他人开始这个谈话。spe
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