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选修8 Unit 5知识点汇总I 重点单词/词组1. alternative adj. 供选择的;其他的 n可能的选择;选择对象alternative energy替代能源have no alternative but to do sth.别无选择只好做=_(1)_ (任你选择) of marrying or remaining a bachelor.(2)I offered the _(提供选择的建议) of spending the vacation in the mountains or by the sea.(3)I had no alternative _.(除了接受该项提议之外)2. assume v假定;设想;假装;承担assume sb./sth. to be假定/假设某人/某事为 It is assumed that.被认为assumption n假定,假设 on the assumption that假定+同位语从句assuming that.假设/假定+条件从句We must _(假定他是清白的)until he is proved guilty. (假定) the proposal is accepted,when are we going to get the money.A lot of people that poverty only exists in the Third World. 许多人认为贫困仅仅存在于第三世界。Im working the money will come through.我是在假定能拿到钱的情况下工作。(5)_ (普遍认为) that stress is caused by too much work.3. arrest n逮捕;拘留vt.逮捕;吸引arrest sb.for因而逮捕某人 get arrested遭逮捕 arrest ones attention引起注意 under arrest被捕 Embry _ (因为偷车而被捕了)The police expected to _ (进行拘捕)soon.Her extreme beauty _ (引起了男孩的注意)The agent was for carrying a false passport. A.arrested B.accused C.charged D.suspected4. look ahead 向前看;为将来打算Look_深入调查 look _照料,照顾;关心;注意look _回顾,回想 look_歧视,看不起look_希望,盼望 look_把某人看做(或当做)look _当心;注意 look_浏览,仔细看look_好转,有起色;向上看;查找 look _上下打(1)_ (向前看),you all will have a brighter future.(2)Ive _ (浏览了所有文件) but I still cant find the contract.(3)He _ (向前看去) in order to find his mother.(4)_ (小心)!The car is running too fast.5. significance n.意义;意思;重要性;重要意义the significance of.的重要性/含义be of great/no/little significance 有(重大)意义/无意义/不太重要 be significantbe of significance 有意义 significantly adv.重大地;有意义地This new discovery of oil is (有着重大的意义) to this areas economy.Please inform us if there are any (重大)changes in your plans.6. relief n.much to ones relief =to ones great relief使某人大为放心的是,使某人深感宽慰的是provide relief for sb 为。提供救济品 This medicine will_. 这药会为你减轻一些痛苦。 _(我们大大松了一口气),the children all arrived home safely. Relief _the flood hit areas. 救济物品被空运到洪水受灾地区。 relieve sb.from anxiety消除某人的忧虑relieve sb.of解除某人的(负担等);减轻某人的(痛苦等) Being able to tell the truth at last _ (使她感到轻松). The new secretary will_(减轻一些我们文案工作的负担)some of the paperwork.7.cut up (1)Alice cut up the meat and began to cook it._ (2)Mary was really cut up when her friend died. _用cut的相关短语填空:(1)You smoke too muchyou should really try to _ .(2)She kept _ on our conversation.(3)Our water supply has been _ .(4)She was pretty _ about them leaving.8. regardless of regardless of =_=_不管,不顾;尽管,虽然。这几个词后不能直接跟从句,但可以接the fact that.。The club welcomes all new members _ _(不分年龄).They decorated the house _ .( 不惜工本)The goal is to make higher education available to everyone who is willing and capable his financial situation. A.with reference to B.owing to C.in terms of D.regardless of9.(be/get)fed up with I_. 我等她等烦了。 People are _. 人们厌烦这么多的交通堵塞。 You_, Whats the matter? 你满脸不高兴的样子,怎么啦?用feed的相关短语填空(1)You can _ these carrots _ the rabbits.(2)People here _ rice chiefly.(3)In the end,I just got his constant complaining.(4)Im really this weatherwhy cant it be sunny for a change? A.fed up toB.fed on C.fed toD.fed up with10.date back to=date from追溯到。这个词组没有被动态,也不用进行时,所以在句子中常用一般现在时长城始建于春秋时期。_.The bridge _(始建于17世纪)is in ruins and needs repairing.11.选词填空:disturb/interrupt(1).Her sons illness _her, and she felt upset.(2.)I am sorry to _the meeting, but there is an urgent long-distance call for Mr.Smith.(3.)We _in the middle of our conversation.(4). The noise of the machine _
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