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年第一学期徐汇区学习能力诊断卷高三英语试卷(满分 14 分,考试时间 12分钟).1考生注意:1. 考试时间 12分钟,试卷满分 10 分。2. 本考试设试卷和答题纸两部分。所有答題必须涂(选择题)或写(非选择题)在答题纸上,做在试卷上一律不得分。3. 答題前,务必在答題纸上填写准考证号和姓名,并将核对后的条形码貼在指定位置上,在答題纸背面清晰地填写姓名。I. Lisening CompreheniSctioDirections: n Secton, ull hr tnhort covrsatins betwen two speakr. At the e o ec covesaion, a questinwibekedabot wht was saiT covaios adthequstis will be skn oly onc. ter you hara onersat n he queton about it, ed te four poible answs o yourape, andecide whihone s th best nswer to th quetio yuhve herd.1.A. A a bankB. n theeC. A home. n a cafe.2.A. A concrt.B. A ok sa. baq.D. An art eiition.3.A. 50 minuesB. 25 mnutes. An hour and quar.D. An hou da hal4.A. The tn wl arrive on tme.B.The ran isae etthe str.C.h man ill tk the ne tin.D. The woman hs towait fr he rain5. She tao much.B. She on lieseking.C. e ialays very rak.D.She tn talks udly.6.A. Se dent want to hav a brtdyty.B She doesn like th giftC. he wans o frgt hr brthdayD hdent ant to rowl.7. . he om doent want ot t evening.B. he ilm is not worth seein a al.C. T mn wont go to te moviswi te woan.D. The man is veytiedfromhis work.8.A.Tesumme tsyars erril otB. Las smer was even htrC.Ht weathr helpspeople lse wihtD.Lht astger tisorning.9.A.H oul have initedary.B. He is doig busiss with Mary.C e was man f his wod.D.He ddntwt t s Mar tohepat.10. A. Se would ther nv moreeoplto come.B. Te pepard t uc fod at revius meetng.C. Th ay mmbrs alwas t a lt.第 1 页 共17 页微信公众号:上海试卷D. Thehould prepremore food addrnks.ction Diretons: Iection B, youwll heatwo shorpsge an onelongr cnverston,an you wl b sked evea questions ch f te ssages dte nveatio.Te paages an th convrstin willb radtwi,btth quetins will e spoken only nce. Whnyuhearaquetion, rea th furposibe awes o ou pper ad dece whic on would be th s nswert thequestion ou have hdQesions1though 3are ased ohe folwng ssge.11. A.Se was born in poor familyB. S words aotor i hr aly lif.C. Se pent er wolelfe i London.D. Sh deide t hep the oorwhn she as young.12. Becaseofhe poor lvigcondonB. ecause shewas snt t selen ose.C. Becaus fr eah oblmD. Bcuse her familyov antercity.13. A Se ounehe irt stement houe n Amr.B. he roteoks about the problems faed te por.C. S introduce laws helwoke, oen, and chilren.D. She helphs who had cmet Aericafro ohecoure.Questions14trugh16re bse onhe flowin assg.14. . heyare aviale in ifeent languages xetussaB. hey are rgeof useful esppubli pakagesC. They ae not tobtaken out o ecee.D. hey canhlp te en with thir langagelening.15.A. Conslhm frequetyB. Us the compe regulaly. Occpy the computr early.D. rnt esays ptnty.16 iro-copte a seieB. Fciitie of acolle. The uof icromputes.Theoprtiof pitr.sio 17 throuh 20 are aseon the follong convrsaio17. . H i the jralit of a cl nwspaer.B. H s ahuean of nerninaltories.C. He i anexperene eitorof a T prgramD. He an advoefor enironmentproection.18.renttrends inecnomic develmen. Dometic issues of eneral socal coernC. neratl relaos ad forgn olicies.D. Cnflictsmongdifferent olitic patie.19. . Bsd nwhathepubli wan to know.B. Byiterviewngeople whohvstories.C. y nlingth urre social pobls第 2 页 / 共17页 Bae n plic expctationsnd itors judmen.2.A Firs-hand toies. Pratia exprece.C udiences feback. Eucatonl bakgrond.II amarnd oaburySectio ADireios:Ater rang the asage eow, iin thelank omae he pasagecoerent adammatical orrec. Fr the blan ith a gi ord, fill in eh bank wih theproer formo h ivword;for hherblanks, us one word tht est itseac blanThe Grashopper i Va gh PaintngArtcnervators(管理
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