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湖北省高等教育自学考试英语专业毕业论文小学阶段英语语感教学方法初探准考证号:013510210522学生姓名:张亚玲指导教师:张新建武汉大学外语学院制2012年2月Preliminary Exploration on Language Sense in Primary School English Teaching xxxTutor: Zhang XingjianFebruary 2012摘 要前段时间,我听了一些小学生读的的英文对话,发现现在的小学生普遍缺乏语感,他们的听说话动中的语音的轻重缓急,语调的抑扬顿挫几乎没有,在听说内容时不能很好的表现出相应的情感,体验等。想来现在的学生学习有点不切实际,学习目标没有达到。也许好的学习方法有待尝试吧。试想现在小学生阶段的英语教学方法有很多,而且大都正在潜移默化中成为定式的学习方法。该阶段的教学,尤其是外语课堂上的,应体现有趣,有效,有用的特点,来解决实际出现的问题,并且完成教学的任务。像现在的一个叫听世界口译的培训机构,对不同阶段的学生采用不同的教学方式,尤其是把小学生的课堂氛围弄得恰到好处,各方面都有注意。该阶段的教学还属于启蒙阶段的学习,学生对英语还是一个全新的概念,不知所云,所以一旦让他们在这各阶段掌握有效、有趣的语言学习方法,会让他们在外语学习上少走弯路。目前教学方式不断在变,学生的学习方法也不断的在变,但学习的目的始终是没有变化的,即形成自己的思想与别人交流,沟通,而现有的教学方法能让人准确用第二语言来表达自己,说出英语的我认为不过是语感的培训练习,本文则主要的对小学生阶段的英语语感教学的方法进行初探。关键词:小学阶段 英语语感教学 方法 作用ABSTRACTOnce, I listened to primary school students reading English dialogs, most pupils lack of sense now, many students heard a voice of priorities, with little tone accent ,also they cant very well show the appropriate feelings, experiences. Students learn a bit unrealistic knowledge now, learning unknown words, such as objectives. Maybe some good learning methods should be tried. Several training institution like LISTEN TO THE WORLD, this organization always tried their best to do new things to improve leveled students pronunciation. There have many primary stage English teaching methods now, and they are subtle learning ways. The stage of teaching, especially in foreign language should be reflected in the classroom of fun, efficient, and useful features, appears to solve practical problems and accomplish the teaching task. This stage of teaching belongs to the first phase of study, students on English is a new concept, it is unintelligible, so effectively once they find a fun language learning method, it at a later time will be of great help to them. Currently teaching way constantly in variable, students of learning methods also variable, but the purpose always is no changes, which has formed their own thought to communicate with others .Existing of teaching method can let people accurate with second language to express themselves. English is just a sense of training exercises; this is pupils stage English sense teaching of method for preliminary of researchKey words: primary school language sen se teaching researchContentsChapter One: IntroductionChapter Two: Methods of language sense teaching in primary school 2.1 Reading 2.2 Environment for language acquisition. 2.3 Various for language activities.ConclusionBibliography.Chapter One IntroductionStrong sense of understanding and strong, listening to other people grasp the essentials, language fluency of expression appropriateness, responsive, show it is the efficiency of foreign language learning. For many reasons wed better do some kind of research to learn and explore the language sense to make our life better. To students it would be a great job to finish this kind of language learning method, as well as a great project for them to solve realistic method in the real world around us. Also it is a way to keep this kind of methods to get interested this way to be efficient. So I would like to improve and practice the method. Chapter Two Methods of language sense teachingin primary schoolThrough we have some ideas about this kind of methods to learn a language, what is the sense of it? What language people understand language induction is a sign language training to practice makes perfect. It includes people on English pronunciation, semantics, and language of fine sense of color and so on. It is formed by repeated practice of listening, speaking, reading, and cumulative and a natural language practice.Use of the English language on the English teaching and English plays an important role. But how to practice this kind language sense? There are three aspects:2.1 A lot of repeated reading, recitation. Learning any language requires a lot of reading. Learning English also needs to read. People who learn English well, in General, have read quite a number of books, conversely, the only people who read more, really learn English. The reason is simple, but many English people do not understand. Many people are keen to doing exercise and think that this is the right approach to learning English. However English levels have no substantial increase. I had experience, at beginning learning syntax method, but it cannot keep the accusations of completed exercises, especially each oral examination, more of us are silent. It cannot solute actual problems. We learn English is to communicate with others, to speak it out. Learning English is to do the right exercises, after all, we have to deal with exam, and you need some knowledge on the writing. But in the end, good
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