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精品资料Unit 1 Living well Period 3Grammar & Writing 课时精练(人教新课标选修7,课标通用)(时间:45分钟).用所给动词的适当形式填空1A mans first care should be_(avoid) the reproaches(谴责)of his own heart.2Please remember_(lock) the door when you leave the room.3Its good_(help)others when they are in trouble.4The man downstairs told the man upstairs not _(drop)his shoes onto the floor at midnight any more.5For her sister Mary _(study) music, is a good choice.6Im sorry_(take up)so much of your valuable time.7She could do nothing but_(change) her name under the circumstances.8She has no pencil _(write)with.9The goal of this activity is_ (meet) the needs of common people.10The boy is not tall enough _(reach) the bookshelf.答案1.to avoid2.to lock3.to help4.to drop5.to study6.to have taken up7.change8.to write9.to meet10.to reach.用动词不定式完成下列句子1He is said _ _ _ a new novel.据说他写了一本新小说。2I wanted the letter_ _ _ at once.我要这封信立刻打出。3They are said to_ _ _in that area.据说他们正在那个地区建房子。4Then the coldblooded animal had no choice but _ _ _ and sleep.然后,冷血动物没有别的选择只好躺下睡觉。5I think it possible _ _ _ _him.我认为跟他和睦相处应该是没有问题的。答案1.to have written2.to be typed3.be building houses4.to lie down5.to get on well with.单项填空1A few days after the interview I received a letter_my admission to the university.Aoffering BofferedChaving offered Dto be offered答案A考查非谓语动词。offer 和其逻辑主语a letter 之间是主谓关系,所以要用现在分词表主动,相当于which offered。句意为:面试后的几天,我收到了这所大学录取我的信。2He told us whether_a picnic was still under discussion.Ato have Bhaving Chave Dhad答案A考查“疑问词不定式”结构。 句意:他告诉我们,是否要进行野餐仍在讨论中。“疑问句不定式”在宾语从句中作主语。故选A。3Schools across China are expected to hire 50,000 college graduates this year as shortterm teachers,almost three times the number hired last year, _reduce unemployment pressures.Ahelp Bto have helpedCto help Dhaving helped答案C考查非谓语动词作状语。句意:为帮助减少失业压力,预计全中国的学校今年雇用50 000大学毕业生作为短期教师,几乎是去年雇用的3倍。动词不定式作目的状语。故选C。4Simon made a big bamboo box _the little sick bird till it could fly.Akeep BkeptCkeeping Dto keep答案D句意:为了让生病的小鸟待到会飞,西蒙做了一个大的竹盒子。动词不定式用来表示目的。故选D。5The scientist was rewarded by the government for_such a great contribution to the country.Amake BmakingCbeing made Dhaving made答案D考查非谓语动词。在介词for的后面要用动名词形式,在获奖前贡献已经做出了,所以要用完成时。句意:这位科学家因为为国家做出了巨大的贡献,得到了政府的奖励。6More TV programs, according to government officials, will be produced _ peoples concern over food safety.Ato raise BraisingCto have raised Dhaving raised答案A句意:据政府官员说,还要制作更多的电视节目以提高人们对食品安全的关注。空格处为不定式短语作目的状语,C项为不定式的完成时,表示动作发生在谓语动词之前,与句意不符,故选A。7_ the project in time,the staff were working at weekends. ACompleting BHaving completedCTo have completed DTo complete答案D考查非谓语动词作状语。句意:为了及时完成该项目,全体员工周末都在加班。根据句意可知,需用不定式作目的状语,故排除A、B两项;C项尽管是不定式形式,但不作目的状语,也应被排除。故选D项。8David threatened _ his neighbour to the police if the damages were not paid.Ato be reported BreportingCto report Dhaving reported答案C考查threaten后作宾语的非谓语动词用法。句意:大卫威胁说,如果这些赔偿金没有得到赔偿,他就把邻居告到警察那儿去。threaten后需跟不定式作宾语,故排除B、D两项;David与report之间为主动关系,应用主动形式,故选C。9The children all turned_ the famous actress as she entered the classroom.Alooked at Bto look atCto looking at Dlook at答案B考查非谓语动词作状语。句意:那个著名的女演员走进教室时,孩子们都转过去看她。由句意可知应用不定式作目的状语。故选B。10Passengers are permitted _only one piece of handluggage onto the plane.Ato carry BcarryingCto be carried Dbeing carried答案A句意:乘客只允许携带一个手提行李包登机。permit sb to do sth意为“允许某人做某事”,本句是它的被动形式,故选A。11The ability _an idea is as important as the idea itself.Aexpressing BexpressedCto express D. to be expressed答案C句意:表达想法的能力和想法本身一样重要。 ability,chance,idea,answer, attempt, way, time等抽象名词常用不定式作后置定语,此时不定式用主动形式,用来解释说明被修饰名词的内容,故选C。12Tony is said _ to New York, and now he is studying medicine in a famous college in America.Ahave gone Bto have goneC. going Dto go答案Bsb is said后跟不定式,排除A、C;从下文可知,Tony出国在前,is said在后,故用不定式的完成式。13That is the only way we can imagine_ the overuse of water in students bathrooms.Areducing Bto reduceCreduced Dreduce答案B句意:这是我们能想到的减少学生们在浴室过度用水的唯一办法。分析句子结构可知,we can imagin
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