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精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上一般现在时专项练习一、写出所给词的第三人称单数形式sit swim read make run write have go do watch cry study play say wash 二、用do或does的适当形式填空1._yourideabiketoschool?Yes,I_.2._yoursisterlikePE?No,she_.3.What_thestudentshave?Theyhavesomepens.4.How_Lindagotoschool?Shegoestoschoolonfoot.5.He_notspeakEnglish.HespeaksChinese.6._theywatchTVonSundays?Yes,they_.7.Myfatherandmother_notreadnewspapersonSaturday.三、用一般现在时填空1.What_he_(have)?He_(have)atoyplane.2.Mymother_not_(like)English.She_(like)Chinese.3._you_(go)toschoolbybus?No,I_(go)toschoolbycar.4.MissWang_(swim)everyday.5.I_(like)English.Tom_(notlike)English.6.Themoon_(go)aroundtheearth.7.When_you_(go)toschool?I_(go)toschoolatfiveeveryday.8.What_(do)heusually_(do)afterschool?9.Thegirl_(look)beautiful.四、句型转换1.Igotoschoolbybus.(用He做主语变否定句)_2.Kimplaysbaseballverywell.(变一般疑问句)_3.DaviddoesntlikelearningFrench.(变肯定句)_4.AlandoesntwatchTVonschoolnights.(变肯定句)_5.Wehaveenoughtimetodoit.(变否定句)_6.Snoopyhasacar.(对划线部分提问)_7.Doyouhaveapencil?(把主语改成she)_8.Theyplaybasketball intheparkonSundaymorning.(对划线提问) _I、用括号中所给词的适当形式填空:1Thebuses_(use)alotofoil.2Eachofus_(have)strongpointsandweakpoints.3Mydaughter_(watch)TVeveryday.Sometimesshe_(see)afilmonSunday.4LiWei_(have)adaughter.Shestays_inanursery.5Ourfamily_(be)ahappyone.6Hermother_(teach)Englishatamiddleschool.7Jackoften_(listen)totheradio.8He_(say)thatProf.Liis_tired.改句子1This is my pencil.(变一般疑问句)_ _ your pencil ? 2. These red socks are Kates . (变一般疑问句)_ _ socks Kates ? 3. I want to buy a big green bag . (变特殊疑问句) _ you want to buy ? 4. Mary does not have any books . (变肯定句)Mary _books . 5. The clothing shop is on sale . (变为否定)_. 6. She likes the black bag very much . (变为否定句) _. 7. I buy the pants for only 50 Yuan. (用she改写句子)_ _ the pants for only 50 Yuan. 8. Its an English dictionary . (对画线部分提问) _? 9. Lily and Lucy are fifteen years old now . (对画线部分提问)_ _Lily and Lucy ? 10. Her dog is 2 years and 5 months old . (变为否定句) Her dog _ _ 2 years and 5 months old . 11. We live in Nanchang. (改为否定句) We _ _ _ in Nanchang . 12. Its lunch time.(改为同义句) Its _ _ _ . 13. My sweater is black and white. (对划线部分提问) _ _ is _ sweater? 14. She has long, black hair. (改为同义句) _ hair _ long and black. 15. They are three blue desks. (对划线部分提问) _ _ they?用所给动词的适当形式填空。 1. People usually _ (eat) dinner in the evening . 2. His sister usually _(go) to school at 7:00 am . 3. Lin Tao _ (like) his new sweater . 4. Let me _ (have) a look . 5. _ he _(like) English ? 6. I want _ (go) to a movie . 7. He _ (not know)the teachers name . 8. She likes _ (play) chess .选择题练习1.Who_overtherenow?A.singingB.aresingC.issingingD.sing2.Itseightoclock.Thestudents_anEnglishclass.A.haveB.havingC.ishavingD.arehaving3.Listen!Thebaby_inthenextroom.A.cryingB.criedC.iscryingD.cries4.Look!Thetwins_newsweaters.A.arewearingB.wearingC.arewearD.iswearing5.Donttalkhere.Grandparents_.A.issleepingB.aresleepingC.sleepingD.sleep6.Tomisaworker.He_inafactory.Hissisters_inahospital.A.work/workB.works/workC.work/works
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