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2011年全国专业技术人员职称英语等级考试模拟试题(综合类)考试时间:120分钟 考试总分:100分第l部分:词汇选项(第l15题,每题l分,共15分) 下面共有15个句子,每个句子中均有1个词或短语划有底横线,请从每个句子后面所给的4个选项中选择l个与划线部分意义最相近的词或短语。答案一律涂在答题卡相应的位置上。1 We saw a lot of commercial buildings in Chicago. A condemned B razed C business D vacant2 Salt has been a respected commodity for much of recorded time. A flavoring B preservative C remedy for illness D article of trade3 Pure feldspar is a colorless, transparent mineral, but impurities commonly make it opaque and colorful. A truly B rapidly C periodically D frequently4 In l925 Clarence Darrow competently opposed William Jennings Bryan at the renowned Scopes “Monkey Trial”. A adeptly B maliciously C privately D rashly5 The Olympic Games attempt to transcend national interests and bring together the best international athletes in a spirit of friendly competition and peace. A debate B celebration C instruction D rivalry6 He is going to compile the data requested by the tax collector. A sprout B evade C redeem D gather7 After l850, various states in the United States began to pass compulsory school attendance Laws. A harsh B diversified C mandatory D complicated8 In statistics the most frequently used computations are the mean, the median, and the mode because all are indicators of central tendency. A graphs B variables C calculations D words9 The Empire State Building was conceived on a grander scale than previous skyscrapers. A executed B designed C financed D applauded10 Theodere Dreiser was one of the first American novelists to portray immoral characters without condemnation. A hostility B sadness C blame D pity11 Most religions are concerned with the worship of one or several deities as well as with ethical rules of conduct. A faith B speech C thought D behavior12 The Passamaquoddy and Penobscot people were confederates of the colonists in Maine at the time of the Revolutionary War. A guardians B teachers C allies D observers13 By the l880s, living conditions in the congested Eastern Seaboard cities of the United States had become local scandals. A developing B diverse C crowded D wealthy14 The population of Seattle is a conglomerate of people from different ethnic and cultural backgrounds. A a company B a fluctuation C an assortment D a matching15 Although dolphins, sometimes swim singly or in pairs, they usually congregate in large herds, often numbering in the hundreds. A procreate B eat C live D assemble 第2部分:阅读判断(第1622题,每题l分,共7分) 阅读下面这篇短文,短文后列出7个句子,请根据短文的内容对每个句子做出判断。如果该句提供的是正确信息,请在答题卡上把A涂黑;如果该句提供的是错误信息,请在答题卡上把B涂黑;如果该句的信息在文章中没有提及,请在答题卡上把C涂黑。Step Back in Time Do you know that we live a lot longer now than the people who were born before us? One hundred years ago the average woman lived to be 45. But now, she can live until at least 80. One of the main reasons for people living longer is that we know how to look after our-selves better. We know which foods are good for us and what we have to eat to make sure ourbodies get all the healthy things they need. We know why we sometimes get ill and what to do to get better again. And we know how important it is to do lots of exercise to keep our hearts beating healthily. But in order that we dont slip back into bad habits. lets have a look at what life was like 100 years ago. Families had between l5 and 20 children, although many babies didnt live long. Children suffered from lots of diseases, especially rickets((佝偻病) and scurvy(坏血病) , which are both caused by bad diets. This is because many families were very poor and not able to: feed their children well. Really poor families who lived in crowded cities like London and Manchester often slept standing up, bending over a piece of string, because there was no room for them to lie down. People didnt have fridges until the l920s. They kept fresh food cold by storing it on windowsills(窗台板), blocks of ice, or even burying it in the garden. Some children had to start work at the age of seven or eight to earn money for their parents. If you had lived l00 years ago, you might well be selling matchsticks(火柴杆)(a job done by many children)or working with your dad by now.16 on average women lived longer than men l00 years ago. A Right B Wrong C Not mentioned17 People now enjoy longer lives for unknown reasons. A Right B Wrong C Not mentioned18 A hundred years ago many kids died at an early age. A Right B Wrong C Not mentioned19 Poor diets can lead to such diseases as rickets and scurvy. A Right B Wrong C Not mentioned20 Peo
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