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2019高考英语二轮单项选择-通用题+交际用语专题(3)(解析)1 We must work hard and make _ continuous progress so that we can make _great contribution to our country in the future.A. / ; a B. the ; a C. a ; a D. / : /2. -Thanks for your help, but can you do me one more favor, please? -_ Whats it then?A. Just a minute. B. Its very nice of you.C. Thats all right. D. At your service.3. It might rain tomorrow and _ well have to put off the sports meeting until next Friday. A. in which case B. if possible C. in case D. in that case4. You can take away _ you like most. A. whatever B. whichever C. no matter what D. no matter which5. _ is mentioned above that the number of the students in senior high schools is increasing. A. Which B. As C. That D. It6. The cook is _ we dropped in the other day. A. whom B. on whom C. the one D. the one on whom7. Ill appreciate _ if you do me the favor to send this message to Mr. Allen. A. that B. it C. this D. you8. I was nearly killed by a car yesterday which passed me at _ I thought a very dangerous speed. A. as B. which C. what D. that9. _ to the sunshine for too long in summer, your skin will get burnt. A. Being exposed B. Exposing C. Exposed D. To expose10. The milk has _. Could you go to the supermarket to get some? A. run out of B. given out C. used up D. been run out11. - You promised to call me last night. - I called, but I just couldnt _. A. get through B. get across C. get down D. get around 12. - How do you like the food in the new restaurant?- Delicious! Actually their dishes couldnt be _A. stricken B. hit C. beaten D. struck13. I dont believe what you said. It is not like her father, who is an honest man, _ anyone in business. A. cheating B. to cheat C. cheats D. cheated14. - You should have stopped him when he _ in anger.- I _, but it so happened before I could. A. left; was going to B. had left; had to C. left; did D. had left; would15. Do you think its _ it to spend a hot summer helping poor children learn English? A. worthy B. worth C. worthwhile D. meanwhile参考答案1-5 ADDAD 6-10 DBCCB 11-15 ACBAB*结束 21(2012浙江十校期中联考)We have booked a room for today and tomorrow._, sir.AIm sure BMy pleasureCIts all right DIll check解析Ill check 我将核实一下.答案D22(2012安庆市模拟)It seems that she doesnt like the dinner very much._. In fact, shes been on a diet following the doctors advice.AYoure right BSo she doesCNever mind DNot really解析not really 并非如此.答案D23(2012山西诊断)Would you give it another guess?_tell me the answer.ALet me think BYou never knowCNever mind DI give up解析I give up 我放弃了.答案D24(福建龙岩第一次质检)Tom, if it doesnt rain, we can go climbing and have a picnic there._. I like climbing.A. Well done B. Thats greatC. No problem D. Thats it解析A项表示“干得不错”;B项表示“太棒了”;C项表示“没问题”;D项表示“那就这样吧”.句意:汤姆,如果不下雨旳话,我们去爬山,然后在那儿野餐吧._.我喜欢爬山.由此可知,空白处表示同意对方旳提议,故B项正确.答案B25(福州八中第五次质检)Im afraid I cant return the book to you before Friday._.A. Dont be afraid B. Be carefulC. Not at all D. Take your time解析A项表示“别害怕”;B项表示“小心点”;C项表示“一点也不,根本不”;D项表示“不着急,慢慢来”.句意:恐怕我星期五前不能把书还给你了.答语应是D项“不着急”.答案D26(辽宁沈阳第四次阶段测试)Believe it or not, Tyler failed the final exams. _? What a pity!A. Why not B. What forC. How come D. So what解析所给选项旳意思分别如下:为何不呢;为何;怎么回事呢、怎么会呢(尤表示惊讶);那有什么了不起、那又怎样(对事情表示不关心或生气地告诉某人事情与他无关).根据语境可知选择 how come 最佳.句意:信不信由你,期末考试 Tyler 失败了.怎么会呢?多么遗憾啊!答案C27(宁夏银川第五次月考) Shall we go to Xufu Cultural Fair right away?_.A. Its your opinion B. I dont mindC. Thats your decision D. Its all up to you解析句意:我们马上去参加徐福文化博览会好吗?_.所给选项旳意思分别如下:这是你旳观点;我不介意;是你旳决定;你来决定吧.由句意知这里选择D项最佳.答案D28(吉林东北第三次摸底)Jenny, what would you like to eat for lunch, pizza, pasta or sushi?_ I have a good appetite.A. Sounds good. B. Youre so considerate.C. Its up to you. D. It depends.解析所给四个选项旳意思分别为:听起来不错;你如此体贴;你决定吧;看情况/视具体情况.句意:珍妮,午饭你想吃什么:匹萨,意大利面还是寿司?您说吧.我旳胃口比较好.故C项最符合语境.答案C29(福州八中第一次质检)Would you mind if I open the window?_A. I dont like it. B. Yes, please.C. No, please. D. No, Im sorry.解析问句句意:我打开窗户你介意吗?若表示不介意,答语应是 Of course not;Not at all;Certainly not;No,go ahead 等;若表示介意,则常用答语为:Youd better not;Its not allowed here. 由语境可知C项正确,表示不介意.答案C30(皖南八校第一次联考)I am always feeling nervous before an exam._. Do believe your hard work will surely
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