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bDensity/bthe number of vehicles occupying a road lane per unit length at a given instant. bFlow/b the number of vehicles passing a point per unit of time; often called volume when the time unit is one hour. bGap/b the time interval between the passage of consecutive vehicles moving in the same stream, measured between the rear of the lead vehicle and the front of the following vehicle. bHeadway/b the time interval between passage of consecutive vehicles moving in the same stream, measured between corresponding points (e.g. front bumper) on successive vehicles. bInterrupted Flow/b occurs when flow is periodically interrupted by external fixtures, primarily traffic control devices. bJam Density/b the density when speed and flow are zero. bPHF (Peak Hour Factor)/b This describes the relationship between hourly volume and the maximum rate of flow within the hour: PHF = hourly volume/maximum rate of flow. For the 15 minute periods, PHF = volume/4 x (maximum 15 minute volume within the hour) bShockwaves/b Shockwaves occur as a result of differences in flow and density which occur when there are constrictions in traffic flow. These constrictions are called bottlenecks. The speed of growth of the ensuing queue is the shockwave, and is the difference in flow divided by the difference in density. bSpace Mean Speed/b the arithmetic mean of the speed of those vehicles occupying a given length of road at a given instant. bSpacing/b the distance between vehicles moving in the same lane, measured between corresponding points (front to front) of consecutive vehicles. bSpeed/b the time rate of change of distance. bTime Mean Speed/b the arithmetic mean of the speed of vehicles passing a point during a given time interval. bTravel Time/b the total time required for a vehicle to travel from one point to another over a specified route under prevailing conditions. bUninterrupted Flow/b occurs when vehicles traversing a length of roadway are not required to stop by any cause external to the traffic stream, such as traffic control devices. bVolume/b Traffic volume is the most basic and widely used parameter in traffic engineering, vehicles per mile, or vehicles per kilometer. Bit 钻头 Bit Per Second bps 每秒传输的位数 Bitumen 沥青 Bituminous Joint Fillers 沥青接缝填充料 Bituminous Material 沥青材料 Bituminous Overlay 沥青封层 Bituminous Pavement Road 沥青铺路 Bituminous Penetration Macadam 灌入式沥青路面 Bituminous Pressure Distributor 沥青压力散布机 Bituminous Sand Slurry 沥青沙浆 Bituminous Surface Treatment 沥青表面处理 Bituminous Water Proof Coating 沥青防水层 Bituminous Treated Base BTB 沥青处理底层 Bituminous Treated Sand Gravel 沥青处理砂砾 Black-Hole Effect 黑洞效应 Balance Cut and Fill 挖填之平衡 Blast 开炸 Blast Pad 喷气防护坪 Blasting Method 炸移法 Bleeding 路面冒油 Blight proof courses 病虫害防治 Blood alcohol concentration 血液中酒精浓度 Blown Asphalt 吹制沥青 Boiling 砂涌 Bonding Agent 黏着剂 Bore 钻凿 Bored pile 钻掘桩 Borehole 钻孔 Boring 钻探 Boring log 钻孔柱状图 Boring machine 钻机 Boring Rod 钻杆 Boring-core 钻孔岩心 Borrow 借土;借方 Borrow area 借土区 Borrow Pit 借土坑;取土坑 Bottle neck control 瓶颈路段(地点)管制法 Bottle Neck Road 瓶颈段;瓶颈路 Bottleneck 瓶颈 Bottom Course 底层 Bottom Flange 下翼绿 Boulder 卵石 Box caisson 沉箱;箱式沉箱;匣式沉箱 Box Culvert 箱涵;箱形涵洞 Box Drain 水沟渠;匣形沟渠 Box girder 箱形梁 Bracing 支撑 Bracket / Chassis 拖架 Brake failure, Defective brake 煞车失灵 Brake light 煞车灯 Brake Reaction time 煞车反应时间;制动反应时间 Braking Distance 剎车视距(停车视距) Braking system 煞车系统 Branch and Bound Algorithm 分枝界定法 Breakdowns 故障 Breaking of Emulsion 乳化沥青黏结 Breaking Wave 碎波 Breakaway 脱离式接头 Breath alcohol concentration 呼气酒精含量 Brick Pavement 砖铺路面;砖铺面 Brick Pavement Road 砖铺路 Brick Road 砖面路 Bridge 桥梁 Bridge Abutment 桥台 Bridge Approach 桥粱引道 Bridge bearing 桥支承 Bridge deck 桥面板 Bridge deck/floor 桥面 Bridge expansion joint 桥面伸缩缝 Bridge floor 桥面 Bridge head 桥塔 Bridge inspection 桥梁检测 Bridge Management System 桥梁管理系统 Bridge pier 桥墩 Bridge railing 桥栏杆 Bridge span 桥跨 Brightness 照杜;辉杜;明亮度 Brightness contrast 辉度对照比 Brittle fracture 碎裂 Brittleness 脆性;脆度 Gravel Road 碎石路 Broken Stone Surface 碎石路面 Broken-back Curve 断背曲线 Broken-Beach Grade Line 破背坡度线 Benkelman Beam 彭柯曼梁 Buckling 挫屈;路面拱起 Budget 预算经费 Budgetary estimate 经费概算 Buffer 缓冲剂;缓冲器 Buffer buildings 缓冲建筑物 Buffer distance 缓冲距离 Buffer reach 缓冲段 Buffer time 缓冲时间 Buffer zone 缓冲带 Building Code 建筑规刖;建筑法规 Building Coverage Ratio 建蔽率;建筑面积比 Building Line 建筑线 Built-in Parking Facilities 建筑物附设停车空间 Bulb Type 球状 Bulk Density 虚松体密度 Bulk Specific Gravity 松比重;容积比重;虚比重 Bulkhead 隔墙;天窗;驳岸;隔舱 Bull Dozer 堆土机 Bulldozer 推土机 Bulldozer Blade 刮刀 Bullet-nose 弹头尖端式 Bullet-nose Form 弹头式 Bumper 保险杆 Bundle method 光束法 Bureau of Public Road (renamed to FHWA) 美国联邦公路局 Bus 大客车 Bus Bay 公车湾 Bus company 公车公司 Bus driver 公车驾驶员 Bus driving 公车运行
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