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(人教PEP)五年级英语上册教案UNIT 3 Whats your favourite food 第二课时 一、教学目标能听懂会说:What do you have for lunch? I have -并能在实际情景中运用。能熟练运用A部分单词进行说话练习。能了解中国及国外一些传统节日中食物所蕴含的文化,开拓学生的视野。二、教学重难点本课中要让学生掌握询问一日三餐和回答三餐所吃食物的句型,能达到熟练问答。三、教学过程1Warmup (热身)(1) Lets chant(2)Free-talkingI am your new English teacher today, Let me introduce myself. (I like tomatoes) what about you?2Presentation and practice(新课呈现和操练)(1) Recycle the wordsT: I have a big meal, what do you like? (复习一课时中的一些单词,拓展句子Hmm, yummy.)(2) T: Different child likes different food, then, its 7:00, its time for breakfast. Sarah and Chen Jie, are talking about their breakfast, can you guess what do they have? (听力,在听力中出现新句型:What do you have for breakfast?)教学新句型用chant 进行小组练习Breakfast, breakfast, what do you have for breakfast? Milk, milk, I have milk. (变换声音进行换词说唱活动)。师问生答,根际实际情况了解What do you have for breakfast today? Hmm, its yummy.生问生答(3)Its 11:00, its time for lunch食堂就餐图,出现Mike and Sarah, .How does Sarah ask Mike, because Mike is hungry?What do you have for lunch today?熟读几次后,猜猜Mike吃什么,出现对话,读一读。分角色读,小组中自由读-出现CAI中给对话配音活动:用上黑板书中的图片进行抢答(整堂课就是把全班分成男女两大组,并进行过程中评价)(4)打开课本读对话3. Extension and consolidation(1)Its 6:00p.m, its time for dinner; design a dialogue between your parents and you. (学生进行写的练习)(2)Do you know what we have on these festival?了解中外的节日中的特殊食物。4. Homework根据提供的食物金字塔,为自己家设计一份科学的三餐食谱。5板书-2-小学资源网投稿邮箱: xj5u163.com -
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