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nit H do you sdyora tes?Pat 1: Teacng desig (第一部分:教学设计)Sructs: vrb+by with geundTart lnguag: ow do stuy fortest?Wel, I tuy by worknghy classatHave you ever tudd wha gro?Y, I have. Ive eared a lo tay. I don hve a prtnr o practcenglisth.Maybe yoshud in annlis clb.Vbulr: flash,taenos, frtran, meorize, aud,comm, mae mstae, prounciatn, beafa t, Wha bot? hy o y?Learnng satees: Penaizn,RolplyngSecton AGoals o alk about howto tuy T ra out how to studyPocresaingu byreingHello, veyone! From nwon yu are aninhgrad. Cngratlaionstoy and wisyua e succs inourstudie!Today w sha tke up the fis uit n this new em, Unit 1 Hodo y stdy f atst?Look a the lckard ad rea aft methetaget language for t nt. When youread pa atention to te sructue o h sentenceHo doyou stdyfor tes?Wll, I study bywrkn wth mycasmates.Haveyou evr sdiedwith a roup?es, haveve learnd alot ht way.Idont havea atneroractc Engli with. Maybe you shoud join an English lub.aning to Lernis verimportntAnd leaning to atesialsvry iportnt to ou.erningcol e easier!Ifyouhae t deelope od aysormetod to tud ora test, talk oulassmas abut t, yor parents,oe teach le me i yu are bravenough.You oldbe reenouhto alk to othes abot your lems withyour stde. Next le to gi ou soe usu ractial avc bou studyng or a test andlso sk u uestions ome yuinkaot thns such a:usig your tim effecve tivt hoolear your essons in th nih gradeyariffert mdes of tehng you mayeet h deveop particulrsills, such as otetking inclss1A: Chking the as youstudyNet tn to page 2 andcheck te ayyou tu for an Elistet.Then dd oter waysyou u smtims.How o you sudor a est?Itu for a st_B readin the tape; B underlning theexpresss; By readng o the text; By doing ue eam aprs; By igoverercssbos; B copyin dn h xt; By larningthe xt by eat; By pkin hclassmatesNowas yourhand nd repot your added was to te clss. wil ae a list of ll tadeways onth blackoard.1bLisening and witngLstn to uerstand how these peol inhe ctur n page 2 suyfor at. Write ters fro h ictu Wheistning, ay entionothe structures f the senc.c Dona airwrkNo narssk your pnerhowhe or hestuisor tstA: How yu sdy fr a s?B: stdb wokinwith grou.: Itudy b lsnin o Englsh. stdy by paying ames ith myclsmts. I study doingacionsuch ascooin, matingF.I study b singing Egish sngsG. Istudy by wriinlers nd eais.H. tudy ctng out smple dalues.I. I stuy b lstenigto a nderstandng stis.J. I study by wiin ile sentencK. stuy by itatinrmth rcoring.L. Istudy by spaking otwod or hrase.M. I studyding simpl role lays.N. Istdy by reading nd nrstandi simple store.O. sd using aily exprsons.P. I study y erforngshortplays.Q. Isuy y pfng simpl hye. Ituybwritingsentences forpctures.S. I study by writig ou siple ems.TIstuy b rng aloud correctly. std by paigtext plys. I tudy b wokng with classmaes.W I study by gig e the text befor cass.X. stdy by copying words nd presin. I udy byooing daying.Z I sudy by skng ohs quens.a Listeni d checkingNow ltgoo ge 3 Listen t tetape an hek the esion o as.hile listeing, pay ttenon tothe sruturs of the senences.2b Liteng and macingLisen ag an mth ac questn fro 2a wih anaswer nthb ae 3Ding a pairworkNxt w e oig tmak coersn in pair sig th inrmatio rom civitis 2 and 2b.A: Hve u evertuded wt a grop?B: Ys,Ihave. veleared ot th ay.A: He y velerneEnglsh bywahing vdeos?: Ys, hav. ve eardaot at ay.A: Haveyou ever prctied onverations ith fiens?: Yes, I hae.Iveleare alot t way.: Haveyou ever lsen toaps?B: Ys, I av.Ielearned a o tt ay.A: Have o evread od to actce punation?B: Ys, Iaveve learned lot tht way.3Readn hticle ad ompeting the crt.eadng o e tapeW aegoin to eadtearticon pag irste shal re
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