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第十二讲八年级下 Unit 3Unit 4单元话题Unit 3 Chores and permission(家务和许可) Unit 4 Interpersonal communication(人际沟通) 熟词生义1.drop(v.)落下;掉下 Some bottles dropped onto the floor.一些瓶子掉在了地上。遗漏(字、音等),掉(字母) You dropped the letter sin your spelling of stress.你拼写stress时,漏掉了一个字母s。(n.)滴;水滴 Dont waste a single drop of water.不要浪费一滴水。2.offer (n.)提议;提供It is a very kind offer.We are glad to accept it.这是一个非常好的提议。我们都很乐意接受它。出价;报价 Will you accept their offer?你会接受他们的报价吗?3.copy (n.)(相同书籍、报纸、杂志等的)份,本,册 I ordered two copies of this book from abroad.这本书我从国外订购了两本。抄本;副本 I asked her to make me four copies of this letter.我请她将这封信复印四份。4.cause (n.)起因;原因 Televisions and computers are the causes of having poor eyesight.看电视和用电脑都是视力变差的原因。词汇拓展1.sweep(v.) (过去式/过去分词)扫;打扫2.throw(v.) (过去式)(过去分词)扔;掷3.lend(v.) (过去式/过去分词)借给,借出4.develop(v.) (n.)发展,发育(adj.) 发展中的(adj.) 发达的5.ill(adj.)(n.)疾病6.drop(v.) (过去式/过去分词)落下,掉下7.fair(adj.) (n.)公正性,合理性(adj.) 不合理的,不公正的8.relation (n.) (n.)关系;联系9.communicate(v.) (n.)沟通,交流10.argue(v.) (n.)争论,争吵11.cloud(n.) (adj.)多云的12.proper(adj.) (adv.) 正确地,适当地13.two(num.) (序数词)第二(adv.)第二,其次14.explain(v.)(n.)解释;说明15.clear(adj.) (adv.)清楚地,清晰地16.quick(adj.) (adv.) 快地;迅速地17.usual(adj.)(adj.)不寻常的,与众不同的 (adv.)通常地;一般地短语归纳1.do the dishes2.扫地3.倒垃圾4.铺床5.叠衣服6.at least7.过来,顺便拜访8.频繁,反复9.吃惊地,惊讶地10.一就11.目的是,为了12.依靠,信赖13.照顾14.结果15.闲逛16.快速查看,浏览17.成功地发展,解决,算出18.get on with 19.cut out 20.compare .with 21.依看情景交际礼貌地提出请求1.? 请你带这条狗出去遛遛好吗?OK, but I want to watch one show first.好的,但是我想先看一个节目。2.? 你能把垃圾扔一下吗? Yes,sure.好的,当然可以。征求许可3.? 我能和朋友一起出去吃晚饭吗? Sure, that should be OK.当然,那应该没问题。4.? 电影结束后我们能去喝点东西吗? No,you cant.You have a basketball game tomorrow.不,你不能。你明天有篮球比赛呢。谈论问题5.You look tired. ? 你看上去很累。怎么了?I studied until midnight last night so I didnt get enough sleep. 昨晚我学习到半夜所以我没有休息够。6.You look sad,Kim.?Kim,你看起来很伤心。怎么了?Well,I found my sister looking through my things yesterday.哦,昨天我发现我妹妹在翻看我的东西。给出建议7.What should I do? 我该怎么做? 为什么不忘了它呢?8.What should he do?他应该怎么做?.他应该和他的朋友谈谈,这样他能说声抱歉。语法回顾1.could 表示礼貌的请求和许可2.Why dont you.?/Why not do sth.?句型3.连词until, so that, although的用法【参考答案】【词汇拓展】1.swept2.threw; thrown3.lent 4.development; developing; developed5.illness6.dropped7.fairness; unfair8.relationship 9.communication10.argument11.cloudy12.properly 13.second; secondly14.explanation15.clearly16.quickly17.unusual; usually【短语归纳】1.洗餐具2.sweep the floor3.take out the rubbish 4.make the bed5.fold the clothes6.至少7.come over 8.all the time9.in surprise10.as soon as11.in order to12.depend on13.look after/take care of14.as a result 15.hang out16.look through17.work out 18.和睦相处;关系良好19.删去;删除20.比较;对比21.in ones opinion【情景交际】1.Could you please take the dog for a walk/Could you please walk the dog2.Could you please take out the rubbish3.Could I go out for dinner with my friends4.Could we get something to drink after the movie5.Whats the matter6.Whats wrong7.Why dont you forget about it8.He should talk to his friend so that he can say hes sorry1
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