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一年级-上学期英语口语测试题一、 问候 -reetng(任选个,Chooe ay wo tems, one pn or ach)1、Goo monig. 2、Godfteron.3、Hw a ou?4. Nice t meeto!二.读单词 (任选个,coose n four tems o rea, one pnt for eac) 1 2 3 8 94 5 6 7 0三 听指令做动作。Isy, yu do.(任选两题 Chose nytwoiems,oe oint foreah.).Toh our osefce/earsmouth/eye Give me a peilrulerrubepiehaburgercakepizza, lease?4. MyI hav apenilrulrrbberieamburgecapa,plase?四 综合Integratedorlt (三大题任选一题hose ony one im,to oits). 请向教师简介自己的三样文具。Inrodu any three of r staionar ts.is m2.演唱或者吟诵课本里任何一首歌曲或歌谣(下面例子可以任选)Cose ayiteo chantsing:han: 1 Applepie banana pie, 2 tll girl, sort gir, oe andtwo 3 a ruler, a pncil, Ican see 4has his? htsthis? Its chck. Song: 1 od morning I cnrw ne lle, tw ile,threitl bbits 3. 任选一副图画进行描述 escribe aone f the folowing pictures Modl(例) : 1saik. 2 Its redgreen/yelow/ 3Its ig/sall/round/. 评分原则:1. 级别(9-10分) 2.级别B (7-8分) 级别C (2-分) 4 级别D (2分如下)
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