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WRITING QUESTIONS 46 and 47 PART ONE Question 46 You are the training manager of a company which has won a large export order. You have been asked to organize foreign language training for some of your staff. Write a memo of 40-50 words to staff: explaining why the courses are necessary saying which members of staff should attend announcing when the courses will start Write on your Answer Sheet.RART TWO Question 47 Your company exports to a number of countries around the world. The company is looking for new agents for international freight. Read the two advertisements below, on which you have made some notes. Then, using the notes, write a short report for the Export Sales Manager, covering all your points and saying which agent you recommend. Write 120-140 words.Write on your Answer Sheet.BEC考试的一点小技巧海外的考试严严谨性和规范性一般来说都是有规律可循的。商务英语写作鼓励人们注意格式,采用套话,模仿优秀的范文。因而,在短时间里,还是可以让自己的写作有所改观的,比如:你可以多看一些比较好的范文,熟记一些典型句型。高级考试写作主要考的是商务信函、调查报告以及建议书的写作,而且是三选一。建议你最好找一些剑桥大学考试委员指定的考试书籍上有关的范文细心揣摩,一定会有收获的。报考时会发一个红皮册子,上面的范文请大家反复看,对考试非常有帮助。口语同样也存在套话,也有许多经典句型,此处不再一一赘叙,请大家在BEC板块中查看相关内容的帖子。
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