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最新教学资料冀教版英语培优专项训练四Lessons 13-16I.单项选择1.The workers are trying to _ whats wrong with the computer.A. look for B. find C. find out D. look2.I met a friend of mine on the street, but I couldnt _ his name at that time.A. think over B. think of C. think hard D. think about3. One of my hobbies is playing _piano.A. a B. an C. the D. /4.Its impolite _ with old people loudly.A. talk B. to talk C. talking D. talks5. I dont think he is a popular football star, _?A. is he B. isnt he C. do I D. does he6.Yao Ming is one of the best players in NBA. We are all _ him.A. angry with B. strict with C. worried about D. proud of 7. What are you doing? Im trying _ the computer. It doesnt work.A. mend B. mends C. to mend D. mended8. I think real cards are _ than e-cards.A. nice B. nicer C. nicest D. the nicestII. 补全对话,方框中有两项多余A. Business people are very busy, you know. B. I like planes very much. C. That way I could travel. D. But Im always thinking “busy” is better than “free”. E. Ive changed my idea now. F. Maybe Ill be a businessman. G. But I like to live in one place.A:What are you going to do after leaving school? B:Im thinking about becoming a plane driver.1 A:So you like travelling, dont you? B:Of course I do. I like to visit different places, make different friends and know different things. A:That sounds great.2_B:What do you want to be in the future?A:3 I like to go into business and make money. B: 4 A:Youre right.5_ B:Yes, I agree with you.III. 完形填空Guinness World Records is a famous book about world records in human life, including many kinds of special skills. But do you know 1 the book came out(出版)? 2 November 10, 1951, an Englishman, Sir Hugh Beaver went on a shooting party. He had a discussion with his friends: 3 was the fastest bird in Europe, the golden plover or the grouse? They wanted to 4 the answer in books but they failed. Sir Hugh Beaver thought there must be many such problems in the world. 5 publish(出版)a useful and interesting book to provide(提供)the answers to all these problems? In 1954, Hugh Beaver decided to 6 for such a book. He asked for help from two friends 7 owned a fact-finding agency(机构)in London. They published the first book of The Guinness Book of Records in August, 1955. The book had only about 200 pages, but it was very 8 and won the champion of best-seller in Britain. The book of records has been renewed each year. Now it is enjoyed in 9 than 100 countries around the world. It has used about 35 kinds of languages. The book 10 holds a world record. Isnt it amazing? 1. A. how B. what C. that D. whether2. A. In B. On C. At D. By3. A. who B. what C. which D. why4.A. write B. give C. receive D. find5. A. Why not B. Lets C. What about D. We shall6. A. buy B. have C. make D. work7. A. which B. whose C. who D. what8.A. boring B. bad C. difficult D. popular9. A. more B. some C. many D. much10. A. it B. itself C. its D. itsIV.阅读理解ACheetahs are the fastest animals on land. Reaching speeds of over 60 miles per hour, they can easily catch up with any other animal over short distances. Living area: Cheetahs once lived in most of the open area of Africa, in the grasslands of India, southern Russia, Iran, and Pakistan. Today, however, most cheetahs are found natively(本土地)only in eastern and southern Africa.Average weight: Males: 43kg; Females: 38kgLength: 120150cm; Tail length: 6080cm; Shoulder height: 5080cm How long they can live: for 1214 years in the wild.Falcons are the fastest animals in the air in the world. They have been reported to reach speeds of up to 200 miles per hour during vertical dives(垂直俯冲). Its ten times faster than their level(水平)flying speed. Living area: Falcons live mostly along mountains, coast-lines, and increasingly in cities. Weight:Males:440750g; Females:9101, 500g Length:4151cmHow long they can live: may reach 1720 years of age1. How long is a cheetahs tail? A. It is 4151cm long. B. It is 6080cm long. C. It is 120150cm long. D. It is 1214cm long. 2. Now most native cheetahs are found in _ . A. Pakistan B. Africa C. Russia D. India3. What may be the level flying speed of a falcon? A. About 18 miles per hour. B. 60 miles per hour. C. 200 miles per hour. D. 120 miles per hour. 4. According to the passage, we know that female falcons are _ than male falcons. A. lighter B. heavier C. faster D. smaller5. Whats common(共同的) between the two kinds of animals? A. They live in the same places. B. They are both very fierce. C. They are both very fast animals. D. They can both live very long.BThere are fifty states in the United States. The largest in population is California, and
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