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Period Reading and useful structures【学习目标】1. 掌握这些用法: 情态动词表示对过去的推测 先行词way 后面的定语从句形式 It is + V-ed + that 从句 Nor + 倒装句 限制性和非限制性定语从句异同比较2. 学会知识的迁移,灵活运用以上句型和结构3. 引导学生培养珍爱祖国文化遗产的情感【学法指导】1. 阅读课文,注意语境中对重点单词、短语的理解、掌握。2. 运用词典,拓展对词汇的学习。3. 背诵例句,强化对重点句型的记忆。【课内探究】I. Sentences structures (句型结构)1Frederick William I ,the King of Prussia, could never have imagined that his greatest gift to the Russian people would have such an amazing history.普鲁士国王腓特烈威廉一世绝不可能想到他送给俄罗斯人民的厚礼会有这样一段令人惊讶的历史。could not/never have done 表示对过去否定的推测,意为“过去不可能干过某事”。也可以改为 “cant have done” It couldnt have been a pleasant trip. 那一定是一次不愉快的旅行。 Mr. smith cant have gone to Beijing ,for I saw him in the library just now.史密斯先生不可能去北京了,我刚才还在图书馆见过他。知识链接:could have done (过去) 本可以做而没做某事; (过去)可能做过某事must have done (过去) 一定做过某事, * 此句型没有否定形式should have done (过去) 本该做而没做某事 shouldnt have done (过去) 本不该做而做了某事neednt have done (过去) 本不必要做却做了某事 I _ my examination easily ,but I made too many stupid mistakes.我本可以轻易通过考试,但我犯了太多愚蠢的错误。 He didnt turn up at the meeting. He _. 他没来开会,一定是忘了。 You _ the essay before 5 pm yesterday, but you went to the movie .昨天五点钟之前你就该交论文的,你却去看电影了。 They _ a taxi , for it was not far from the city center to the museum.他们没必要打的士,因为从市中心到博物馆很近。2Later ,Catherine had the Amber Room moved to a palace outside St Petersburg where she spent her summers.后来,叶卡捷琳娜二世派人把琥珀搬到圣彼得堡郊外她避暑的宫殿中。have/get sth. done:(1)使某事被做(主语有意识的行为,可能是主语自己做,也可能是让别人做);(2)遭遇,经历(此事违背主语的意愿)。 He was lazy and often had his clothes washed. 他很懒,常常让别人给他洗衣服。 She _in the storm. 她的房屋在暴风雨中遭到了破坏。知识链接:get sb to do sth 让某人做某事Have the driver bring the car round at 4 oclock. 让司机四点钟把车开过来。 She entered the bank and _outside. 她进了银行,让她的助手在外面一直等着。 The manager asked me to get someone to repair the broken computer. _。3In 1770 the room was completed the way she wanted. 1770年,这间琥珀屋按照她的要求完成了。(1)本句是一个主从复合句:she wanted 是定语从句,修饰先行词the way.(2) the way 是名词短语在此处作状语,其功能相当于in the way,意为“以一样地”。知识链接:(1)the way 作先行词,并在定语从句中作状语时,其后定语从句的引导词可以用that/in which或者省略的形式。(2)the way 作先行词,并在定语从句中作主语或宾语,则用that或which引导。I dont like the way_.我不喜欢她跟你讲话的方式。This is _he often used to do such things.这就是他做这类事情常用的方法。We first broke the law in a way _.我们首先用和平的方式违背法律。4For example, it can be proved that China has more people than any other country in the world. 举例来说,中国人口比世界上其他任何一个国家的人口都多,这是可以证实的。本句是“It + be + + that”句型。其中it 是形式主语,that 引导的从句是真正的主语。 It is proved that the little boy hasnt told lies. 事实证明小男孩没有撒谎。知识链接:It is said that 据说 It is reported that 据报道It is believed that 人们认为/相信 It is suggested that 人们建议It is hoped that 人们希望 It is advised that 人们建议It is said that the reporter will come to cover the election of this village.据说记者要来报道这个村的选举。_China will certainly play a more and more important part in the world.人们普遍认为中国将肯定会在世界上发挥越来越重要的作用。5Nor do I think they should give it to any government.我认为他们不应该把它交给任何政府部门。否定词nor 位于句首,应该用部分倒装。形式为:“nor + be动词/ 助动词/ 情态动词+主语+动词+其他”。表示前面的否定情况也适用于另一人或物,可用neither替换nor.Tom isnt good at maths, neither/nor am I. 汤姆不擅长数学,我也是。He didnt pass the exam,_. 他没通过这次考试,我也是。知识链接:(1)若表示前句中的肯定情况也适用于另一人或物,要用“so +be动词/ 情态动词/ 助动词+主语”,表示“也是这样,也是如此”。(2)当前句中既有肯定的情况也有否定的情况,两种不同的情况也适用于另一人或物时,则用以下句式:It is the same with sb./sth.或So it is with sb./sth.He likes swimming and_.他喜欢游泳,我也是。Tom is very clever and studies very hard._.汤姆聪明且努力学习,玛丽也一样。注意 如果后一句只是重复前一句的意思,表示“确实如此”,此时主谓不倒装,句型为“so+主语+be动词/ 助动词/ 情态动词”。She speaks French very well. 她法语说得很好。So she does. 她说得确实很好。【达标测评】1. Before driving into the city, you are required to _.(wash)在驱车进城之前,你必须将你的车洗了。2They had to _all day long because of poor light in the room.(burn)由于屋子里光线不好,他们整天不得不开着所有的灯。3What surprised me was not what he said ,but the way_to me.(say)使我吃惊的不是他所说的内容,而是他对我说话的方式。4If Pi had lost hope ,he _alone with a tiger in the lifeboat on the vast ocean.(survive)如果派失去了希望,他就不可能在茫茫大海上独自和一头老虎共处一舟而活了下来。5It has been proved _in childhood helps to protect you against serious illness in later life.(eat)已经证实,儿童时期食用蔬菜有助于保护你免受后期生活中重大疾病的侵扰。6What a pity! Considering his ability and experience, he _.(do)多可惜啊!考虑到他的能力和经验,他本可以做得更好的。7Mrs. Brown was much disappointed to see the washing machine that she _went wrong again.(have)布朗夫人很失望地看到她让人修理了的洗衣机又出了问题。8Never before in his life _such a great loss ,so he almost lost the hope of life.(
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