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www.ks5u.com话题9计划与愿望(Plans and intentions).话题相关词汇1计划;打算plan2建议suggestion/advice3愿望wish4决定decision5满意satisfaction6准备preparation7决心determination8渴望desire9策划design10引导;指导guide/direct/instruct.话题相关词组1打算做某事plan to do sth./intend to do sth.2愿意做某事be willing to do sth./be ready to do sth.3习惯于(做)某事be used to (doing) sth.4为准备prepare for/make a preparation for5接受某人的建议accept/take /follow ones advice6就提出建议give advice on(how to do)sth.7建议某人做某事advise sb. to do sth./suggest doing sth.8实现目标achieve ones aim/target9献身于;致力于devote oneself to 10决心做某事be determined to do sth.11渴望做某事dream of/about doing sth. 12努力做某事make efforts to do sth. 13鼓励某人做某事encourage sb. to do sth. 14觉得想做某事feel like doing sth. 15订计划make a plan .实用句型1如果我在一个新的环境学习,我将会有更多的机会交朋友和经历一种新的生活。If I study in a new place, I will have more chances to make new friends and experience a new kind of life style.2依据我的性格,我理想的生活方式将是担任一名科学家,从事研究、讲学以及写书。Judging from my personality, my ideal life will be a scientist, researching, lecturing, and writing books.3我已经决定去北京参加英语夏令营活动,因为我觉得通过听讲座和演讲,我能够学到更多关于英国和美国的文学。I have decided to go to Beijing for the next English summer camp, because I think I can learn more about British and American literatures by attending the lectures and speeches.4我告诉他们我非常乐意帮忙。I told them I was perfectly willing to help others when in need.5真遗憾她拒绝了这个好建议。It is a pity that she refused to accept such a good suggestion.佳作背诵暑假将至,同学们就自己的暑假生活安排进行了交流。请你(Li Lei)用英语向美籍教师Mr.Brown写封邮件介绍有关情况以及自己的暑期计划。内容应包括以下要点:1.有的同学打算外出旅游,放松一下;2.有的同学计划在家中多读书,为将来的学习做准备;3.有的同学准备参加体育锻炼,保持身体健康;4.谈谈自己的暑期安排。要求:1.不要逐词翻译,文中不要提及真实的校名和姓名;2.词数80左右。_参考范文Dear Mr.Brown,Summer vacation is coming.We have different plans for it.Some of my classmates are going to visit some places of interest.Some are not going out, instead, they are going to do more reading and prepare for the future studies.Some want to do more sports to keep fit.I plan to go to Beijing to see the Olympic Games.Because its a good chance to make more friends and know more about the Olympic Games.Yours sincerely,Li Lei
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