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Ningbo Daxie Development Zone FAIRPLAY PORT INFORMATION宁波大榭开发区港口资料BERTH QUESTIONNAIRE (PETROLEUM & BULK LIQUIDS)泊位调查表(石油& 散装液体)Please reply to:Fax: 0574-86764280Tel: 0574-86764280请回复传真: 0574-86764280电话: 0574-86764280Port Detail港口细节Port 港名Port Code ( World port index ) if available港口代码Country国家UN Country Code ( If available )UN 国家代码Latitude纬度Salinity (Salt / Brackish / Fresh)盐度 (海水 /半海水 / 淡水 )Longitude经度Tidal Range 潮差范围下述表格使用的单位LRF Port ID:Please state units used in the following tables: Metric 公制(Preferred 首选)Imperial 英制BP Port ID:Important Information重要信息If available please include any additional relevant material with this questionnaire,Please make every effort to complete the fields in these sectionssuch as terminal handbooks, pictures or plans of the port or berths.(W, G, C and D ), if relevant.如有,请提供与调查表相关的其它资料,如码头手册、图片或港口及泊位的平面图等请尽可能填齐这部分的相关内容(W, G, C 和 D 相关内容)REFWater Depth ApproachesApproach 1Approach 2Guidance Notes航道水深航道 1航道 2指导性备注W1W2W3W4REFW5Taken at Chart Datum . Please state min depth for each approachWater Depth in Approaches航道水深从海图深度基准面算起。描述每段航道的最小水深Minimum Under Keel Clearance in ApproachesIf required by Port Authority or terminal. Normally stated as a depth or apercentage of a vessels draught.航道最小龙骨下面富余水深是否为港口或码头要求。 通常以水深或船舶吃水的百分比来描述Maximum Draught in ApproachesAbsolute maximum irrespective of tide level, if relevant航道最大允许吃水不考虑潮水情况下,最大绝对允许吃水Transit on Tide (High Water, Low Water, NA)Advise if any tidal restrictions乘潮(高潮、低潮、不适用)提供任何潮水的限制Water Depth AlongsideBerth 1Berth 2Berth 3Berth 4Guidance Notes泊位水深泊位1泊位2泊位3泊位4指导性备注Water Depth Alongside BerthAt chart datum海图基准面起算泊位水深1W6W7W8Minimum Under Keel Clearance Alongside Berth泊位最小龙骨下面富余水深Absolute Maximum Draught Alongside泊位最大绝对吃水Are Tides Used To Calculate Draught是否利用潮水计算吃水If required by Port Authority orterminal. Normally stated as a depthor a percentage of a vesselsdraught.是否为港口或码头要求。通常以水深或船舶吃水的百分比来描述Maximum draught at any time, ifrelevant任何情况下的最大吃水Do you apply positive low watertides to increase maximum draught?Are there any restrictions usingtide?是否利用低潮水位以增加最大吃水?利用潮水是否有限制?W9REFG1G2G3G4G5G6G7G8Date of Last Hydrographic SurveyDate of last official soundings上次水道测量日期最近一次的正式水深测量General InformationBerth 1Berth 2Berth 3Berth 4Guidance Notes一般信息泊位 1泊位 2泊位 3泊位 4指导性备注Pilot Boarding PointThe location where the pilot boardsthe vessel引水登船点引水登船的地点Berth Name / Number泊位名称 /数量Company running and/or owner ofBerth Operatorberth泊位经营人公司经营人和 /或泊位的所有人Berth PositionGeneral location in port, Lat andLong if available泊位位置港内概位,如有,提供经纬度。SBM / SPM, FSU, FPSO, CBM,Berth TypeSTS, Wharf, T / L jetty, Finger pier,Alongside, etc.泊位类型单浮筒 , 多浮筒 , “T码”头,手指狀码头, 靠码头 ,等Berth LengthLength of berth available for vessel泊位长度船舶可利用的泊位长度Type of BottomSand, Mud, Rock, etc.底质沙、泥、岩石等Dock Water Density1000-1025 or more码头水比重1000 1025 或更多2REFTerminal Contact 1码头联系表 1C1Name 姓名C2Telephone Number电话号码C3Facsimile Number传真号码E-mail Address 电子邮件C4(Important - Please complete)(重要 请填写)C5Address 地址Website, Terminal and/or PortC6码头和 /或港口网站REFTerminal Contact 2 (If applicable)码头联系表 2C1Name 姓名C2Telephone Number电话号码C3Facsimile Number传真号码E-mail Address 电子邮件C4(Important - Please complete)(重要 请填写)C5Address 地址Website, Terminal and/or PortC6码头和 /或港口网站3REFD1D2D3D4D5Berth DimensionsBerth 1Berth 2Berth 3Berth 4Guidance Notes泊位尺寸泊位1泊位2泊位3泊位4指导性备注Maximum Summer DeadweightPlease list any exceptions请列出任何例外最大夏季载重吨Minimum Summer DeadweightPlease list any exceptions请列出任何例外最小夏季载重吨Maximum Berthing DisplacementPlease list any exceptions请列出任何例外最大码头靠泊排水量Maximum Alongside DisplacementPlease list any exceptions请列出任何例外最大码头停泊排水量Minimum DisplacementPlease list any exceptions请列出任何例外最小排水量D6D7D8
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