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Unit 4 Unforgettable experiences一、选用正确的关系代词填空1. There is little _is interesting to me in the book.2. I returned the books _are written in English to the library.3. This is the question about _ I am going to speak.4. These are the very points _puzzle me .正是这几点难住了我。5. The scientist and his achievement _ you told us about are admired by us all.6. He talked happily about the men and things _interested him greatly in the school.7. Those _ want to go outing please sign their names here 8. The man _ I met at the meeting is a famous writer .9. have never known any person _ English is so good.10. A friend _ helps you in time of need is a real friend.答案:1. that 2. that/which 3. which 4. that 5. that6. that 7. who 8. who/whom 9. whose 10.who 二、单项选择1. Smith_ the good chance to hand his suggestion to the director, and at last, it was accepted. A .covered B. seized C. advanced D. thought2. Heres my card. Lets keep in_. A. touch B. relation C. collection D. friendship3. We have_ two seats for the theatre for Friday evening. A. fixed B. ordered C. settled D. booked4. All our attempts to_ the child from drowning failed. A. rescue B. defend C. cover D. make5. When I was passing the Town Hall, I heard the clock_ twelve. A. beating B. striking C. hitting D. pronouncing6. We had to pay the rent two weeks in_. A. advance B. total C. all D. trouble7. This book_ by Oxford University Press. A. has published B. is published C. published D. is publishing8. I could hardly_ the children away from the party. A. carry B. move C. push D. drag9. I_ to control my temper and didnt burst out in front of many people. A. struck B. struggled C. shook D. insisted10. Studies show that the things, _ a good family life, friendship and work satisfaction cannot be bought. A. for example B. and so on C. such as D. such that11. We spoke in a low voice_ waking the baby up. A. instead of B. for fear of C. in order to D. by means of12. He has_ letters to answer. He has to work from morning to night. A. a great deal of B .masses of C. the number of D. a great many of13. Remember not to miss the_, or youll be punished. A. deadline B. situation C. means D. benefit14. Is that the address_ youll send the telegram to? A. who B. whom C. where D. which15. Do you know the professor in_ hometown we stayed? A. which B. his C. whose D. whom 三、完形填空John Clark was a postman. He was fond of dogs. However, when he was delivering (投递) letters, he found that 16 dogs were his friends. One particular dog called 17 , who lived at No.108 Turner Road, was one of Johns 18 . Whenever John came near his 19 house, Spot would lie in and 20 out on John, barking (吠叫) and trying to 21 his ankles.After a heavy snow, 22 was freezing that morning. The road was covered with 23 . John was afraid of 24 down, so he 25 his bike and walked with 26 stops. Unfortunately, John slipped on a patch of ice, which was opposite to No.108 Turner Road. Spot 27 this as John together with his bike made such a big noise. Spot jumped onto Johns 28 and tried to bite his neck. Quick as a flash, John, 29 hands were full of letters, bit 30 on the leg.John Clark said later, it was the 31 thing I could do. I dont approve of (赞成) 32 to animals, but that dog 33 had it coming. Since that day Ive had no 34 at No.108. Spot always hides round the 35 of the house when he hears me coming.16. Aall Bnot allCone of Dnone of17. ASpot BJohn CTurner DClark18. Afriends Bneighbors Cenemies Dcompanions19. Aown Bowners Cfriends Dlovely20. Areached Bset Cworked Djumped21. Alap Bkill Ckiss Dbite22. AJohn BIt CSpot Dthe street23. Adirt Bmud Cice Dwater24. Afalling Bknocking Cturning Dgoing25. Arode Bleft Cpushed Dpulled26. Asafe Bbig Cquick Dslow27. Asmelled Bsaw Crecognized Dheard28. Achest Bshoulders Clegs Dfeet29. Aboth Bwhose Chis Dwhich30. AJohn BhimselfCSpot Ditself31. Abest Blonely Conly Dvery32. Amercy Blove Cpity Dcruelty33. Aprobably Bperhaps Chardly Dreally34. Aletters BtroubleCchoice Dfriends35. Afront Bback Cdoor Droof四、Read the following passagePolos Unforgettable Experience and then choose the correct answer. When
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