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2022年考博英语-西南交通大学考前模拟强化练习题(附答案详解)1. 单选题The most effective way I know to improve your writing is to do free writing exercises regularly. At least three times a week. They are sometimes called “automatic writing”,“babbling”, or “jabbering” exercises. The idea is simply to write for ten minutes (later on, perhaps fifteen or twenty). Dont stop for anything. Go quickly without rushing. Never stop to look back, to cross something out, to wonder how to spell something, to wonder what word or thought to use, or to think about what you are doing. If you cant think of a word or spelling, just use a squiggle or else write, “I cant think of it.” Just put down something. The easiest thing is just to put down whatever is in your mind. If you get stuck, its fine to write “I cant think what to say, I cant think what to say” as many times as you want; or repeat the last word you wrote over and over again; or anything else. The only requirement is that you never stop.What happens to a free writing exercise is important. It must be a piece of writing which, even if someone reads it, doesnt send any ripples back to you. It is like writing something and putting it in a bottle in the sea. The teacherless class helps your writing by providing maximum feedback. Free writings help you by providing no feedback at all. When I assign one, I invite the writer to let me read it. But also tell him to keep it if he prefers. I read it quickly and make no comments at all and I do not speak with him about it. The main thing is that a free writing must never be evaluated in any way; in fact there must be no discussion or comment at all.Free writing may seem crazy but actually it makes simple sense. Think of the difference between speaking and writing. Writing has the advantage of permitting more editing. But thats its downfall too. Almost everybody interposes a massive and complicated series of editings between the time the words start to be born into consciousness and when they finally come of the end of the pencil or typewriter onto the page. This is partly because schooling makes us obsessed with the “mistakes” we make in writing. Many people are constantly thinking about spelling and grammar as they try to write. I am always thinking about the awkwardness, wordiness, and general mushiness of my natural verbal product as I try to write down words.1.What is the main purpose of this passage?2.Which of the following is encouraged about free writing?3.According to the passage, the phrase “get stuck” is closest in meaning to which of the following?4.The author believes that compared with speaking, writing( ).5.Which of the following is NOT a general practice in free writing, according to the author?问题1选项A.To point out the only effective way of improving writing.B.To reveal the crazy feature of “automatic writing”.C.To urge readers to try to do free writing exercises regularly.D.To describe the process of free writing问题2选项A.Thinking about spelling and grammar as we try to write.B.Teachers are supposed to provide feedback or make comments about a piece of writing.C.Cross out those ideas that seem to be ambiguous.D.Never worry about the “mistakes” we make in writing.问题3选项A.Unable to do any more of something that you are working on because it is too difficultB.Fixed in a particular position and impossible to moveC.Unable to escape from a boring situationD.Start doing something eagerly and with a lot of energy.问题4选项A.has the advantage of permitting more editingB.functions more as a conscious process of correcting “mistake”C.is just to put down whatever is in your mindD.makes more sense than simply putting down words问题5选项A.Writing down whatever is in your mind.B.Paying no attention to spelling, diction or grammar while writing.C.Writing something and putting it in a bottle in the sea.D.Ignoring all possible mistakes while writing.【答案】第1题:B第2题:D第3题:A第4题:A第5题:C【解析】第1题:作者意图题。文章首先介绍了自由写作,包括其注意事项以及方式和特征,在最后一段的开头也强调: Free writing may seem crazy but actually it makes simple sense (自由写作也许看起来非常疯狂,但是这里面的道理很简单)。最后对比了学校的写作教育和自由写作,因此B项 “揭示自由写作”比较符合文章的目的。第2题:细节事实题。A:写作时思考拼写和语法。B:老师应该对一篇文章做出反馈或评论。C:把那些看起来模棱两可的想法去掉。D:永远不要担心写作时会“犯错”。第一段指出: Never stop to look back, to cross something out, to wonder how to spell something (不要停下来去回顾已经写的内容,去划掉一部分,去思考单词该怎么拼写),因此A项跟C项不是自由写作所鼓励的。由 “Free writings help you by providing no feedback at all (自由写作通过不提供任何的反馈来达到帮助的目的)”可知B项也不是自由写作所鼓励的,故选D。第3题:词义题。“get stuck”出现在第一段: If you get stuck, its fine to write “I cant think what to say, I cant think what to say” as many times as you want (如果你get stuck,你可以直接写我不知道该写什么”)。由此推断出文章中的get stuck指的是在写作过程中遇到困难,不知道该写什么内容以及不知道该怎么写,故答案选项为A。第4题:细节事实题。Think of the difference between speaking and writing. Writing has the advantage of permitting more editing (思考一下说话和写作之间的区别。写作的优点是可以写下很多),A项是对此句的同义转述,故选A。第5题:细节事实题。第一段指出: The easiest
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