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Unit4 Topic1 SectionC 精品学案学习目标:1. 复习形容词比较级和最高级的用法。2. 谈论地球上热带雨林的基本状况及它们对于地球上生物的重要性。3. 增强学生保护森林资源的意识。课前预习:一、从文中找出下列短语。茂密的森林多雨 在世界上热带地区地球表面 数以千计 离地面 30 多米高 地球之肺 储存水分 使空气更清新,更干净维持水循环灭绝 在某事中起重要作用 保持自然的美丽例如 越来越小 保护某人/某物免于二、语言点导学:(1) Rainforests cover 6% of the earth s surface.译:cover v覆盖 如:Water most parts of the earth.覆盖着地球大部分地区。cover with 用覆盖如:The mother her baby a blanket just now妈刚给她的宝宝盖上了 毛毯。(2) Thousands and thousands of animals live in rainforests .译:thousands and thousands o成千上万的。 当 hundred, thousand ,million, billion表示不确定的数目时,常用复数形式,后面跟介词of,意为“数以百计的,成千上万的, 几十亿。如:There are people in the ya陶子里有数百个人。当这些词与具体数词连用时不用复数形式。如:five hundred五百 , 九百万 十亿(3)But now ,rainforests are becoming smaller and smaller, so we should protect them.smaller and smaller来越小,“形容词比较级+and+形容词比较级”或“ more andmore +多音节形容词原级:表示“越来越的意思。如:The weather gets and云气变得越来越冷了。Beijing is beautiful. d匕京越来越美丽。课后巩固:(一) .根据首字母提示完成句子:1. We should pthis wild animals.2. In f, he can t speak English at all.3. Please save every dof water on earth.4. The plants in the forests help us to cthe weather.(二) . 从方框中选词并用其正确形式填空。fill with, in fact, the earth s surface, feed on, thousands of5. fishes live in the ocean.6. Sheep grass.7. Please the bottlewater.8. Water covers most of .9. , blue whales are the largest and heaviest animals in the world.
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