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精品资料Recycle 2教材分析本单元是一个复习单元,是对本册教材4-6单元所学的语言知识的综合复习。通过阅读、兴趣活动、听力和书写练习及演唱歌曲的形式再现3个单元所学的语音、词汇、句型、话题等语言知识,使其进一步得到强化和巩固。同时在完成复习单元的活动中,提升学生归纳、总结、自主学习和合作学习的能力,体现语言学习的综合性和适用性。其中Read aloud.不分班是通过阅读的形式复习水果和数字的英语表达及句型I like / dont like / Where is ? Listen and draw.部分是通过完成听音、画图的练习复习介词额用法。Go up the ladders. Go down the snakes.部分是通过完成练习复习词汇及元音字母在单词中的发音。Sing a song.部分是通过歌曲,进一步强化元音字母在单词中的读音和一些词汇。而在本单元的学习过程中,教师可结合复习的内容设计形式各异的活动,且活动要有梯度、可操作性强,为学生创设展示自我、勇于探究合作的平台,让全体学生都有所收获,有所提高。教学目标知识目标1. 复习4-6单元的语音和词汇。2. 复习4-6单元的句型,能够熟练掌握并运用到日常生活中。3. 能够根据情境图片听懂、会说Read aloud.的内容。4. 能够完成复习单元的各项活动和各项练习。5. 学唱英文歌曲。能力目标1. 能够听、说、认读4-6单元的三会单词。2. 能够熟练掌握4-6单元的重点句型并运用到日常生活中。3. 通过复习进一步强化和巩固4-6单元所学的重点词句和元音字母在闭音节单词中的发音。4. 能够听懂、会唱英文歌曲 “Short vowel song”。情感、文化及学习策略目标1. 激发学生学习英语的兴趣,体验英语学习带来的乐趣。2. 培养学生探究、合作、归纳和总结的能力。单元课时划分第一课时:Read aloud.第二课时:Listen and draw.第三课时:Go up the ladders. Go down the snakes. Look and write. Sing a song.第一课时教学内容 Read aloud.教学目标及要求1. 复习本册书六个单元的词汇和句型,能够听说、认读,并能在实际情景中表达。2. 能够听说、认读各种动物名称,并通过句子Im big and tall. 从而进行形容词的复习运用。3. 能够运用句式I can get the I like / dont like进行语言交际活动。4. 通过水果的展示,巩固复习数字在情景中的运用。5. 积极调动学生主动学习的兴趣, 指导学生进行合作学习,并培养学生的观察能力和实际运用语言的能力。教学重点和难点重点:复习水果banana, grape, strawberry, apple的英文表达,动物giraffe, elephant, monkey, mouse, rabbit, tiger的英文名称。形容词fat, tall, short的复习及运用。 复习数字1-20的英文表达。正确运用句式Imand I can get the I like / dont like难点:单词strawberries的准确读音,能够把所学句型,词汇,整合运用到真实环境中,从而进行交际活动。教学准备:录音机及磁带,水果照片, 动物图片Step1 Warming up & Revision1. Sing a song: “At the zoo” and “Fruits”2. lets chant on page 3. Review1) game: Whos fastest? 教师拿出动物肖像图片,把学生分成若干组,每一组选一个同学为代表,随意选出一个动物图片,学生拿着图片快速描述出动物的外表特征,从而复习形容词,谁答得对,答得快,就给该小组加分,分数最多的小组为获胜者2) Look and say出示多媒体课件,让学生认真看水果图片并回答问题。如教师出示一张葡萄的图片,对学生进行提问:Who can get the grapes? S: Giraffe.此时教师可以启发、帮助学生用句子来回答:Giraffe is big and tall. It can get the grapes.从而进行水果的复习3) Lets count (review 1-20).出示水果的图片,让学生数一数水果有多少,复习数词11-20Step2 Presentation & Practice1. Sentences: Look! So much fruit! Im and . I can get the 1) Draw a big tree and much fruit. Look! So much fruit! 在认识句子的基础上,也再一次认读水果单词2) Show the animals photos. Whats is it? What is it like? It is small and short. 出示各种已经学过的动物,对其进行简单的描述,借此复习下形容词的使用方法以及形容词的单词3) Introduce : Im . Im and I can get the 给每一位学生发动物图片或者是水果的图片,然后把自己当成是这个动物或者是水果介绍自己,熟练运用句式:Im Im and . I can get the 4) Everyone choose an animal and introduce it.2. Sentence: 13 bananas! I like / dont like Where is ? Here you are !1) Show the fruit. I like apples. What do you like? Me too! / I dont like apples. (I like / I dont like)2) Ask : Where is? (put the fruit in different place)T: Where is my bananas? S: Here you are! Bananas! Step3 Extension & Consolidation 1. Free talkT: Who can get the bananas? S1: Monkeys!T: Yes, Im a monkeys. Im small and short. I can get the bananas.2. Have a test(1) 连词成句So, fruit, Look, much _dont, apples, like, I _ are, you, here._ grapes, I, the, get, can_(2) 选词填空 A. dont B. you C. bananas D. bigIm a monkey, I can get the _I_ like grapes. I like applesIm_ and tall. I can get the grapes.Here_ are!3. finish the workbookStep4 Summing up1. Review the sentences in this lesson.2. Homework: Make a new dialogue like page 66.Blackboard writing:第二课时教学内容Listen and draw.教学目标及要求1. 复习Where is the?句式,并熟练运用方位词 on, in, under来回答。2. 能够运用句式Where is the? Its on / in /under 进行Listen and draw.中的语言交际活动。3. 调动学生主动学习的积极性,指导学生进行合作学习,并培养学生的观察能力和实际运用语言的能力。教学重点和难点重点:掌握方位介词on, in, under,正确运用句式Where is the? Its on / in /under 进行问答。难点:能够把文中句式熟练应用到真实环境中。教学准备:课件、图片、录音机、磁带Step1 Warming up & Revision 1. Sing a song: Where is the toy car?2. Review the words:1)Game: Where is the 出示一把尺子,问:Whats this? 学生回答完毕后,让学生闭上眼睛,教师把尺子藏起来,让学生猜一猜:Where is my ruler?答对得学生给予奖励2)look and say带领学生观察教室里的物品,先由教师带领学生一问一答,之后学生以两人小组为单位,进行where is the?句式的问答活动3. Homework showing学生上台展示他们的回家作业所编写的新对话Step2 Presentation & Practice1. Listen and draw1) Show the wall map, ask: Whats in this picture?2) Listen to the tape and draw them out3) According to the wall map, use “in, on, under” to ask and answer: Where is the ? Its in / on/ under.2. Lets count: How many footprints do you see?1) Look at the book, count the footprints and understand “footprints”.2) Show the wall map with another road, count it (review the number)3) Show the content on the book, read the dialogue.S1: Look at this picture. Where is the?S2: Its on / in/ under.S1: How many do you see?S2: I see.(就书中的东西以及其位置进行问答,先从师生问答开始,然后让学生之间进行互问互答,一次熟悉句型和发音)Step3 Extension & Consolidation 1. Free talkShow the pictures of fruits.T: How many apples do you see? S1: I see9.T: You are right.2. Listen an
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