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Unit 2 Our New Home 第一课时一、教学目标 1.知识目标:能听懂、会说、认读、拼写四会单词“living room, dining room, bedroom, kitchen, bathroom , garden。能认读并熟练运用句型:A. Is there a .in .?Yes ,there is . / No , there isnt. B. Are there .in .?Yes ,there are . / No , there arent. 2. 能力目标:学会正确用本节的单词和句子进行谈论。 3. 情感、策略和文化目标: (1)运用chant教学技巧,创设情景,让学生自然“拾得”语言。 (2)鼓励学生大胆开口说英语,实际地用学过的英语,培养学生团队精神 。二、教学重点,难点。 1.正确掌握本单元的四会单词及句型。 2.正确运用本单元的四会单词及句型。三、教学准备 1. 教学光盘,PPT,教学图片等。2. 作业本等。四、教学过程Step 1 Warm- up 1.free talk: T: Hello, boys and girls. Today Ill tell you something about my new home. This is my new home . (出示图片) Do you want to go and have a look?【设计意图:通过自由交谈,拉近师生距离,并通过介绍老师的房子,激发学生学习的兴趣和热情,引入本课的主题】2: Review:出示新家的图片并进行复习。. T: Wow, is it nice? Whats in my new home? (Using the sentences: There is a ./There are ) T: There is a living room, a bedroom, a kitchen, a bathroom, a study and a balcony. T: Is there a garden in my new home? No, there isnt. But there is a balcony.(阳台) Look,I bought a lot of things for my new house. What are they? Ss: a bed这pillows, table, desk ,chair, computer, flowers, forks 【设计意图:通过头脑风暴,快闪图片等方式复习本课的重点句型和单词,板书上呈现重点;并帮助学生回忆起房间内的物品,为接来下的听说读写做好铺垫。】Step 2 Lead-in & Presentation 1、Learn the new words and sentences. (1)教师出示图片,共同学习。 T: Look ,there are three bedrooms in my new home. This is my bedroom. 引导学生说出,Ss:b-e-d, bed,r-o-o-m, room,bedroom,bedroom.并进行学习。 (2)e ,/e/ ,/b/-/ed/=/bed/, oo/u:/,/r/-/u:m/=/ru:m/,/bedru:m/ (3)听教学光盘的音,指名读后,自读单词并记忆“拾得”单词,然后在课本画四线三行按教师的书写格式写下来。如图 【设计意图:让学生在课本上按四线三行写一个单词,可加强学生记忆,培养学生书写的规范,长期练习,可提高学生的书写能力。】 (4)根据教师出示的图片进行说话练习。 Ss:There is a bed in my bedroom. There is a pillow in my bedroom. . (5)引入学习新句型并用此图片进行操练。 Is there a .in .? Yes ,there is . / No , there isnt.2、同法教学dining room, living room, bathroom, garden, kitchen(1)学习dining room时,可从图片引入学习复习句型 Are there .in .? Yes ,there are . / No , there arent. 用上的单词可有chairs, table. (2)学习living room时,可用sofas, TV 等 学习bathroom时,可用door, windows等 学习kitchen时,可用plates, forks 等 学习garden时,可用birds, flowers等进行操练。 (3)全班读新词及句型,独立用2至3分钟的时间去记忆,并同桌互相背诵句型,签名作证。 【设计意图:根据记忆及遗忘的规律,让学生利用课堂的2至3分钟去记忆拾得当节所学的内容远比回家复习的效果好,所以课堂上让学生这样做是会有所得的。】Step 3 Practice接上一环节,操练句型,导入学习chant activityT: I like my new home, do you like your home?Ss: Yes, I do.T: Is there a living room in your home?Ss: Yes, there is.T :Is there a kitchen?.导入Chant activity, 边拍手,边chant,学生代入其他词进行操练,完成P17,并读一读。Step 4 Extension T: OK. boys and girls, there are many rooms in your home, what can you do in your home? Can you watch TV in the bathroom? Ss: No,.I can sleep. I can read. I can eat.【设计意图:简单呈现并操练What can you do ? I can .让学生明白房间的功能性。】Step 5 Moral education T: No matter our home is big or small, No matter our home is new or old, no matter where it is, We love our home. Look at our big home Taishan. There are many parks. There are many streets. Its very beautiful. (设计意图:渗透情感教育 ,无论是“大家”还是“小家”,我们爱我们的“家” 。 )Step 6 Homework 1.Copy the new words and sentences. 2.Draw the pictures of the rooms. 【设计意图:抄写和画画能帮助学生记忆及更好地运用。】五、板书设计(图片可用磁石贴在黑板上) Unit 2 Our New Home Is there a .in .? bedroom dining room living room Yes ,there is . / No , there isnt. Are there .in .? bathroom kitchen garden Yes ,there are . / No , there arent.
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