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北京语言大学22春汉语写作离线作业二及答案参考1. 衡量应用文优劣的重要标准是( )。A.应用性B.综合消息C.平实性D.语言准确规范参考答案:A2. 词汇的规范化要求主要有以下几方面( )A.可以用自创词B.不要用死词C.不可乱用外来语D.不要乱用方言土语参考答案:BCD3. My father said that he would take _ for dinner when he came next time. Aall us out BoutMy father said that he would take _ for dinner when he came next time.Aall us outBout all usCall out usDus all outD4. 组成行政公文文本格式主要有( )。A.眉首B.机密公文C.版记D.落款参考答案:ABC5. 我们同意将即期信用证付款方式改为即期付款交单。我们同意将即期信用证付款方式改为即期付款交单。Well agree to change the terms of payment from L/C at sight to D/P at sight.6. Mr. Bush _ gardening as his hobby shortly after he retired from the General Motor lasMr. Bush _ gardening as his hobby shortly after he retired from the General Motor last year.Atook upBtook backCtook inDtook over正确答案:A解析:句意:去年从通用公司退休后不久,布什先生就开始把园艺作为他的业余爱好。本题考查词组辨析。在本题中take up是“开始从事、开始做”。take up是个很重要的短语,意思很多,例如:拿起,开始从事,继续,吸收,占据等等。take back:送还,接回,取消,使回忆起;take in:接受,接待,吸收,理解,包括,轻信,注意到,欺骗;take over:把从一地带到另一地,接收,接管。7. He agreed _ me _ an early start, so he agreed _ my proposal.A、with ,to , onB、toHe agreed _ me _ an early start, so he agreed _ my proposal.A、with ,to , onB、to, with , onC、with, on, toD、on, to , with正确答案:C8. 教案的知识结构混乱,教学步骤随意,语言艰深晦涩等问题的出现,不会影响课堂效果。( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:A9. 演讲稿又叫演说词,它是用作口头发表的演讲文稿。( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:B10. Customers find access to the web page slow, so l m getting it _ up.Customers find access to the web page slow, so l m getting it _ up.A. speedB. speededC. to speed参考答案B11. 写作过程四要素中的写作受体就是( )。A.作者B.真人真事,真情实感C.作品D.读者参考答案:D12. 所谓“绾结”、“收住”,或者指分散全篇的观点,或者指展示过程的结局,或者指升华作者的感情。( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:A13. 散文中不能有虚构和想象。( )A.正确B.错误参考答案:B14. If places _ alike, there would be little need for geographers. A) being B) are C) beIf places _ alike, there would be little need for geographers.A) beingB) areC) beD) wereD此处是考察表现在情况的虚拟条件句,故从句中谓语动词用一般过去式。15. 请将正确答案填在第57处。请将正确答案填在第57处。正确答案:EE16. There are several applications called Web browsers that make it easy to access theWoThere are several applications called Web browsers that make it easy to access theWorld Wide Web, two of the most popular being Netscape Navigator and Microsoft sInternet Explorer.参考答案有一些叫做网络浏览器的应用软件,使用它能够很容易的访问万维网,其中两个较流行的是Netscape Navigato和 Microsofts nInternet Explorer.17. By the end of the year all but two people (leave) _.By the end of the year all but two people (leave) _.will have left由by引导的许多时间状语往往要求谓语部分为完成时态。如:by then,by now,by the end of,by the time that等,另外,由于句中时间状语by the end of the year意为“到今年年底时”,因此谓语部分只能用将来完成时。句意:到今年年底,将仅剩下两个人。18. 既有事实内容的广度又有事实内容的深度是深度报道的特性。( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:B19. 敬启者: 我们已经收到贵公司6月1日的来函,对此表示谢意。我们很高兴贵公司有足够的现货供货立即交货,但是我敬启者:我们已经收到贵公司6月1日的来函,对此表示谢意。我们很高兴贵公司有足够的现货供货立即交货,但是我们对贵方仍要求即期信用证付款有所不解。双方彼此满意的多年交易,我们有权放宽交易的条件。而且我们大多数的客户都采用承兑交单的付款方式,所以贵方若能接受此付款方式,我们将非常感激。Dear Sirs, We have received with thanks your offer dated June 1We are pleased that you have sufficient stock to make immediate delivery but we are surprised that you still demand that payment by draft at sight under irrevocable L/C. After several years of satisfactory trading with you, we feel that we are entitled to easier termsMost of our suppliers are drawing on us at 30 days after sight, documents against acceptance (D/A), and we shall be grateful if you can grant us the same terms. Yours faithfully, 20. 标题、开头、结尾、段落、行文线索等可称为文章的内部结构。( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:A21. 文化教学(名词解释)参考答案:英语教育中要注重开展文化教学,引导学生多阅读一些英语名著,全面了解文化差异充分认识到西方文化的魅力,也可以运用多媒体,根据放英语视频、英语电影呈现出生动形象的英语文化,实现渗近文化教学的目的,使学生深入理解英语文化的含义,明确英语知识的文化背景,扩展学生文化知识面,从而逐步提高学生的文化素养。22. 外物积聚的三种形式是什么?( )A.笔写B.全景呈现C.阅读D.运用计算机贮存信息参考答案:ABD23. 导语的写作要求有( )。A.突出最有新闻价值的新闻要素B.意见C.吸引读者往下看D.行文简要生动参考答案:D24. A diet which contains a lot of fat and something harmful may result in serious disease.A diet which contains a lot of fat and something harmful may result in serious disease.如果食物中含有大量脂肪和有害物质,将导致严重的疾病。本句中的定语从句which contains a lot of fat and something harmfuf翻译成了汉语的条件状语从句“如果食物中含有大量脂肪和有害物质”。25. 梅兰芳表演体系又被称为( )。A.写意派B.写作客体C.表现派D.写实派参考答案:A26. 敬启者: 本公司曾经担任多家厂家的独家代理。我们专营精制棉织品,包括各类家用亚麻制品,行销中东。与贵公司敬启者:本公司曾经担任多家厂家的独家代理。我们专营精制棉织品,包括各类家用亚麻制品,行销中东。与贵公司一向有事务联系,互利合作。贵公司纺织部亦十分了解有关事务合作的情况。关于我方的信息,可向他们查询。为了促进产品在巴林的销售,我们愿意做贵方在此地的独家代理。您忠诚的Dear Sirs, We would like to inform you that we act on a sole agency basis for a number of manufactures. We specialize in finished cotton goods for the Middle Eastern marketOur activities cover all types of household linen. Until now, we have been working with your textiles department and our collaboration has proved to be mutually beneficialPlease ref
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