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国家开放大学电大本科理工英语42023-2024期末试题及答案(试卷代号:1388)一、交际用增(共什10分小融?分)15 8L也择正饵的培句完成下面对话,井将答宴序号写在答融纸上。1. Sparr trnvcl munt be very very expensive.The cost of a on the Virgin ciftft is S 250.000.A. Thut not true*B. CMC Why do you think tn?2. ,m luiiving (nr ShaMhxi iomnrrnwA. HrinK n)e n prttMcnh11 Have a pIcASinnt inpfU Lei go out for a drink.3. Oh 二、调fl:WWtMit 30分,每小以2分) 6-2018:阊读下面的句子,从A、B、C三个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的正确选顼,并将答案序号却在答题纸上.6. Sonn on inveriicd fhr 31)pruifrr tunny yrurs ng()9 I don11 rrniembrr who. A Thry on trying to moke a new product- ihr worliTs nrnallesi robotsA. hammerII hinnuneC luntianoidK. Sa littleft bout chemistry tlt/it the lecture w&b completely beyond tneA. did11 knowK 1 knewC. do I know9. I Ind I known the result I you to tell m itviiK o fhni which12. I hr C heciiih rtho if runningK running牝 be run1 w/i. a lntli hrnrrd ihnt it wn my fit*! lime thril Ihhii my rornrticMirgery.A. /R hadV. Wrt!*14. There nrccll (dr Inwrrwikcrs to consider copyright laws.A. increasingK increase( incrrnnlE. I hr bnx inhdhl three lhingMA. too smnll not to11 ton Rmull tn( 0 tnnll tn16. Clever childrenknowledge M%ily.A. interestingfocusedG nbsorhvd17. Jm)t t behfVti thni romr ilh Mai trndurs onlyrnnkinn moneyA took enre of11 eared nbom( took cureIB. So fnr ns Pm nrnfc otlift urr inncrniMn vvould hve bvrn sihctory.A. eancerning11 concerninR withC cOUCrrnrdJ 9. Thr on inicrnnunn/il cconarnic problems mri in (irnrvn luat Mniiihy.A reference11 inference(:. con(crjnc annuulI rchnfilogy Innovnlioci (jnfvrcnrc in Beijinp.A concenirnird队 demonntrAlcd(*. dinplnycd三.Mltft理解(共计招分,旬小规4分)21 2SBI:阅傅下列短文,从AM、C三个i&项中培出一个正确答案并构答宝序号回在答J 峨上 And grnduAlly am I rt older nntl I grnw up tny hrro hz nprriril my brAUtiftil nnd hnppy like n (mrytnlcf hut lilt is much more than lhah My hern hnn rxphnnrd in rnv (hat life enn lr vrry hard Evrryonr niiiat sirux-h,hnnl to ronk( nil ihvir drcnnin ernnv Um: and to he n auccc5ful prr30nMciybit lircBuwc niy hrra liven jio dour in rnr I huvrn 1 My mother is the youngest child in her family. She has two sisters, who always low and take care of bcr. Maybebecause of lhn* she breoxnes a cheerful kind, friendly and loveahie person She wants everybody io feel comfortable when they are around her.My mQthrr lik;s to ju”dy and io read rvcryihingt from books to newspapers; Everyone really likes to talk and chol with hcrt so she has many friends. My mother believes all you need is to be a hard working person who olways wants to study hard, so thai you enn be a aucxxsuI pvrson. She 做ys tlisi many people Around her hsvc succeeded because they haw studied nnd worked bard-21. If a person wants to succeed in his lifts he A in PnniRraph 2 may have ihc snme nitfftning hs ”.A. encouragedB showedCi cared23 I he writer fs mother becomes a loveable person because .A. bhr is the youngest in ihr familyB. her t wo sisters love her very muchC she frch comfortable in her family2 I l-rotn ilir thirdWt c/m ndvr(4 删thut the wntvr.At in n fnrndly prrw)ri like his moihrrIV hn many 仆“ n山 to hilk with( knlngyt thr kind could help your car inlk io othrn nroinnl iu Unlike some proposed enrs of the (uturre it would not netiirtlly k the ihiving fm you. Hm it coull svnrn you nbom wluit other diivrr arc doinR. I hr U. S. Rovernmcnl nwiy rrquirc ihm (eaturc in ihtt futurtt* bin 11 w
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