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眉县首善镇东关小学 新课程有效教学行动工具冀教版小学五年级英语上册 时间 : 班级: 姓名: 教师:Lesson 1 Li Mings Big Family学习目标:1. 能够听、说、读、写:关于家庭成员的单词及重点短语 2. 重点单词:father, mother, grandmother , grandfather , brother , sister, uncle, aunt, cousin, family, child, parent学习重点:能够正确地认识本课生词,并学会运用。学习难点: 实意动词have,has,love在句子中的正确使用。学习过程:【自主学习】一. 你能写出学过的家庭成员单词吗?相信你一定行! _ 二.你会翻译吗? 1.李明的家庭_ 2.住在加拿大_3. a picture of her family_ 4. how old_【合作探究】探究一:读课文,讨论并回答问题。 1. How many people are there in Li Mings family? Who are they? 2. Does Li Ming have brothers and sisters? 3.Is Li Mings family big?探究二:分组讨论:介绍自己的家庭成员。【巩固练习】(一)、用家庭成员填空。1. I have two _ and _ .2. My parents have one _ : me!3. My mother and father are my _.4. I dont have brothers _ sisters. (二)、请你想一想,选一选。 ( )1、My mothers daughter is my _. A father B son C grandmother D sister ( ) 2、How _is Bob? He is twenty years old. A old B name C many D much ( )3、Jenny _in Canada. A am B are C live D lives 自我评价 组长评价 教师评价 优秀 良好 加油【课后反思】:
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