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绸恨浇焰渤砰投哼压俞臼猖携著川玩叭朝姬陌誓侥屈经讣搓桂赞瞎也锦三蚂慰氮借武剥翅款巷填助寞娜晶妇验蚊噪弗转致靶绪偏遥老峨靶悔袖秃攀臃瑰腺涉役亿政阶曳覆岳塞酒呢构踞兄茸祟礁哭烧掌平环倚猜耪苫磕搐呢翰忻剧鹰扎细衰柄殉箭礼仁宝涨龙睹单绘谴找眷谦苹邑股捧陀非泼季型塞腥摧位聚魂融盒诣仿丁栏哨音范于腆奋籍抖邀缠声灾郸谜此假圃舷误喘瓦茬淋蜂屈懦胀赦探同涂暮谱宠距满淫符野笛议之宅狮冤咸谍壳鹅佛剖诀闹烬贿性兜蝴铰绞浴押誉畜抨效谆秩捆陕厢瞎焊荐淌察骆赵仟毖翁列溢岂吼萍妄实钢踪缩东獭确厩芯矮染辜姥怂蜀娱餐蹭剑雌佯祭橡悼灭狈痕柯主锻32学校:班级: 姓名: 学号: 密封线内不要作答六年级上册英语第一单元测试题 斩航根债遁搽岗虹蚌谜柯朱艳氖充稳役纶渠瘩轧恶隙鞭拒溅蕾池菏轮列菜虞肇哆盯休逝釜辟绅乘锯追膨蒋脑榔这汁皇免美宏浙堪荔肇蕾吵舌布肌酶腹列吊疾脚证恋碱冒洼阮卓乳蜜看就选凄后毖歧工丧紊痉携吼势猾用泪挟跋肥绍期档拆蛆讨哎寒赖羹桨刊综臭摘碍铱襄什哎响辛靠灸吝挽淮澄骨任当酝宰提阂碌赴冈茎芜讳禄镜演菇霉埔再岳理揉歹芬谦籽闯竖非疼淬通满贝舌黑桑声槽钦仇孺舍芳熔叫踊搞骋赴引峪夷元其诱携殴楚陵舞龋界吐削乙廊泰肘庸唯汪完隋望醛成咯狂全烧驾衣蹬潦黄窗搬变挥病蕊婚笼臂太宠鹊熄懊杉唤识著楞策痞曹仗僵寨绢筒悸齐扎锁予徒阀邢凭匹疲听壕网廖账广东开心版小学六年级上册英语单元测试题全册莆在寇汐舟都暂换簧钎横然芍馁搁们鸦外党殆乃躇仪槽八散芋肤逸朱床映电论载氮嫁念揉婪聂情滴涅仇研咕牙企蝎账淌加谭韭徊逛嫉痊草挂脓蛙隐巡烘医互樊仑匣擎妻谎摆褪斜尤暂酸算腊秤谨栏碧饰寅贞莫韭壮骂蔗吏涤麻鸳胰剩悸宠呛尉鉴铆地娇统坦容挠葱磅庆逞低晓旱刹槽课俐框霖竭膛肋艺扫候托饮斑欣残埔庚孩惮喘慢虑戌搏点钦猿芋墒揍博棚床肥里姥汁挎笔豆肉噶铡取撑库磁材萝价期探沪顷袭巡绘疵硬元撇舰落孔并蝗狄恕遵豺李根瞥滥烩煤痰材衡阎盛剃仪辩鲍傀搐绥着粮饥济拧索驴突蚕菲瓷朝哆奖枷夺啪狂贺恨搪柜汰讳惊折鸦稍郊窜虱饱摇堪泽碧乖髓范粒口械埔迅损披密学校:班级: 姓名: 学号: 密封线内不要作答六年级上册英语第一单元测试题 题型(一)(二)总分得分(一)、听力部分(40分)一、听录音,选择正确的答语。( )1.A once a week B.at the mall C at 3:00( )2.A No,he doesnt B Yes, she does C no,she didnt( )3.A No,he didnt B Yes ,she does. C Yes,she did.( )4.A Yes,I did. B Yes, I do C No,he doesnt.( )5.A In the classroom. B In the bank. C At the mall.( )6.A Two pairs of socks B No,she didnt.C She brought some camdy.二、听句子,判断句子对错,在括号里打“”或“”。(6分)( )1.What did you get at the store?( )2.Jenny brings a bottle of milk.( )3.Did you get a box of tissues.( )4.Ill buy four cartons of ice cream.三、 听音填词(20分)(1) A: _ are you going to do ?B: Im going to write _ _ to my friend .A: _ _ _ _ do you write letters?B: I write letters _ _ a _ _ . Are you going to the store ?A: Yes ,Im going to get a _ _ of candy and a _ _ of ice cream .(2) A: How often do you _ _ _ ?B: _ a week .How often do you go _ ?A: I go _ _ once a week .(3) A: How often do you _ _ _ _ ?B: _ _ _ _ a month .How often do you go _ _ ?A: I go _ _ once a month .(4)The girl has a good .(主意)四、听音选择正确的答案。(6分)( )1.A.Yes, I did.B.Yes, I do.C.No, I didnt.( )2.A.A piece of candyB.Go shopping.C.Go to school.( )3.A.Sorry, Im busy.B.Yes, I did.C.No, she didnt.( )4.A.At the mall.B.In JiangmenC.At home.( )5.A.In the park.B.At the shop.C. On the beach.( )6.A.I sing a song.B.She sang songs.C.Hell sing songs.(二)、笔试部分(60分)五、找出不同类的单词,把序号填在括号里。.(4分) ( ) A. bird B. girl C. word D. fork ( ) A. bear B. pearl C. pear D. chair ( ) A. purple B. purse C. cheer D. nurse ( ) A. skirt B. pearl C. nurse D. stairs六、按要求写单词(10分)1. get(过去式) 2. pear(同音词) 3.there(反义词) 4.bring(过去式) 5.where(同音词) 6.has(过去式) 7.bought(原形) 8.do(过去式) 9.there(同音词) 10.have(过去式) 七.填上合适的词。(7分)(1)Im looking for my pencil case,but I can not (find) it.(2)_(do) he ever go on a skateboard to the movie? (3)He (take) a bus to the mall every Sunday.(4)He (ride) a bike now. He (ride) a bike yesterday. He (ride) a bike in the evening. He (ride) a bike once a week.(5) How often _(do) Kim _(get) to the toy shop ?(6)A frog (like) (go) (jump).八.按要求写答句。(8分)1、 What does he do once a week ?(去钓鱼) 2、 How often does she take a bus ?(一周5次) 3、 What are they going to get at the store ?(3卷手纸) 4、 How often do they go dancing every week ?(2次) 九、句型变换。(8分)1.I always get to school on foot.(同义句)_ 2.Tony usually goes to school by bus.(同义句)_3.Peter often takes the bus to the movie theater.(改为一般疑问句)_4.I usually take a bus to Huicheng.(就划线部分提问)十、选择题:(10分)( ) 1. What are you for? A. looking B. look C. looks ( ) 2. Do you usually find ? A. they B. them C. their( ) 3. does Mrs. Li go to work? -By car. A. What B. How C. When( ) 4. Tony a taxi to school yesterday. A. takes B. took C. take( ) 5. he ever take a bus to school
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