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Unit 4 Having FunTopic 1 What can I do for you?Section BI. Material analysis本课是话题一的第二课时,主要活动是1a和2a。通过Maria和Jane购物时和服务员的对话,学习关于表示购物愿望的表达“I am just looking.”,征询他人意见的表达“How do you like ?”“What do you think of ?”,以及表达建议的表达“Why not ?”。同时通过听一段关于购物的对话,培养学生从听力材料中获取细节信息的能力,培养学生的理财意识和一定的思维能力。此外,通过游戏,学生还将复习和巩固数字的表达法。II. Teaching aims1. Knowledge aims能正确朗读下列词汇及短语,并能在实际情境中加以应用。just, think of, think about, anything, mean学习“表达购物愿望、征询他人意见和需求、提建议”和“表达感谢和回谢”等功能句, 并在购物环境中进行交流,如:How do you like the trousers? What do you think of this yellow skirt?I dont like it at all. How about the blue one?Are you kidding? I will think about it.Thank you all the same. Im just looking, thanks.Why not try on that pair? All right. 通过游戏,复习和巩固数字表达法。2. Skill aims 能听懂及表达“表示愿望,建议的表达和提供帮助,征询意见,表达喜好”等购物交际用语。 能正确朗读课文,注意语音和语调。 能根据财力,拟定合适的购物清单。 能编写简单的购物对话,表达连贯准确。3. Emotional aims在学习过程中,创设情景,并采用灵活多样的授课方式,激发学生的好奇心和求知欲,培养学生学习英语的兴趣和积极主动的学习精神。鼓励学生模仿,积极大胆发言。培养学生形成合理的消费观。III. The important points and difficult points Students can use and express the functions in Section B properly.IV. Learning strategies1.Read aloud and clearly. Listen to the tape and the teacher carefully.2. Listen to listening materials and understand it. Be able to get the main information from it.V. Teaching aids图片、多媒体和黑板。VI. Teaching proceduresStep One Greetings and Revision1. Greet to the students .T: Hello , boys and girls . Today Ill give you a new lesson. I hope well have a good time today.(设计意图:由于是借班上课,因此师生都不熟悉,所以要注意向学生热情的打招呼,消除学生们的陌生心理和紧张情绪。)2. Play a number game.Ask students to look at the screen and know the rules of the game. The student who does wrong will say a number 100.T: Do you like games? Ss: Yes, I do .T: Good, now lets play a number game. Just do like me. (设计意图:通过做游戏,调动学生们的情绪,同时让同学们有意识的复习和巩固数字表达法。) Step Two Pre-listening1. Present some functions about 1a according to the asking and answering between the teacher and students.T: How do you like the game? Is it interesting?Ss : Yes. T: You can say “I like it.”.(How do you like ?= What do you think of ?)2. Practice the structure by making a short dialog.(设计意图:这个功能句是本课的重点,提前创设情境,有益于学生感知。)3. Show the pictures and lead to other key sentences by asking answering.T: Which one do you like?Ss: I like T: What do you think of the blue coat?Ss: I dont like it.T: What about the black one? Do you want to buy it?Ss: All right./Yes.T: You will ask (How much?)Ss: How much is it?T: Its ¥999.(用夸张的语言和动作让学生理解Are you kidding? Ill think about it. Thank you all the same.)(设计意图:在情境中展示新功能句,更有助于学生理解。) Step Three While-listening1. Ask students to look at each picture. Try to talk about situation and predict the content.T: Here are some pictures about shopping. Lets look at them and guess what they are talking about.(A)T: The boy doesnt want to buy anything. He will say (I just looking ,thanks.)(B)T: Michael says the trousers are too long. The saleswoman will say (Why not try on that pair?) (C)T: Jane doesnt buy the blue skirt? Why? Can you guess?(设计意图:引导学生观察图片并预测内容,有助于学生带着目的去听材料。)2.Present the questions and ask students to answer.(设计意图:提前展示问题,可以避免听力的盲目性。)3.Listen to 1a for the first time. Then check the answers with the whole class.4.Listen to 1a for the second time and finish 1b.5.Students read 1a after the tape and consolidate the key sentences. (设计意图:听录音大声朗读有助于学生注意语音和语调,巩固关键句是处理重难点的过程。) Step Four Post-listening1. Read 1a with their partners and play.2. Try to make new dialog in groups with the given pictures.(设计意图:同伴阅读对话属于巩固过程,小组编写对话属于扩展过程,使不同潜质的学生都得到了锻炼。)3. Listen to 2a and do exercise.T: Now Marias parents are in a supermarket(big shop),they want to buy something for Maria. First, please listen and check the answers.T: Please check the answers in your group. (1分钟后) Who can tell me the answers?T: Now lets listen again , write down the prices.(设计意图:听力体现任务型,让学生们带着任务去听,旨在锻炼学生从听力材料中获取信息的能力。)4. Ask students to make a shopping plan. And ask students to pay attention to use money properly.T: Today Marias parents only have 300 yuan . What can they buy? Can you guess? Please help them to make a shopping list.5.Let students check if the shopping list is proper.(设计意图:让学生们帮助玛丽亚父母制定一个购物单,能培养学生形成合理的消费观。) Step Five Summary and homework1. Ask students to summarize Section B.(words, key sentences)(设计意图:让学生总结本课重点知识,有助于帮助学生记忆与巩固。)2. Assign homework.1) Make a family shopping plan. 2) Make a dialog about buying the clothes with your own clothes.3) Preview Section C (1a). Read it and try to understand.(设计意图:布置开放性作业可以拓宽学生们的思路,布置预习有助于下节课的学习。)VIIBlackboard designUnit 4 Having Fun Topic 1 What can I do for you?Section B1. I am just looking, thanks. just 2. How d
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