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攀枝花学院本科毕业论文 英国贵族精神对中国公民意识的 启示:与中国现代贵族的对话学生姓名: 邓 蓓 学生学号: 200810201015 院(系): 外国语学院 年级专业: 2008级英语本科1班 指导教师: 何学德 副教授 二一二年五月攀枝花学院本科毕业论文 The Inspiration from English Aristocratic Spirit to Chinese Citizen Consciousness: the Dialogue with Chinese Modern AristocratsDeng Bei Under the Supervision ofHe XuedeSchool of Foreign Languages and CulturesPanzhihua UniversityMay 2012攀枝花学院本科毕业论文 Contents ContentsAbstractIKey wordsI摘要II关键字IIIntroduction1I. The characteristics of English Aristocratic Spirit2A. Chivalry Code21. Loyalty22.Courage23.Honesty24. Respect35. Fairness3B. Social Morality and Responsibility3C. Independence4D. Limitation of mind5II. The Characteristics of Chinese Citizen Consciousness6A. The Consciousness of Right and Responsibility6B. The Consciousness of the nation7C. The Consciousness of Equality and Equity8D. The Consciousness of Democracy and Legality8E. The Consciousness of Morality and Civilization9III. The Difference between English Aristocratic Spirit and Chinese Citizen Consciousness10A. The Idea of Freedom10B. The Idea of Respect12C. Social Responsibility and Morality13D. Self-consciousness14IV. The Inspiration from English Aristocratic Spirit to Chinese Citizen Consciousness16A. The Proper Methods of Self-realization16B.Patriotism16C.The Correct Concept of Money and Career17D.The Responsibility for the Modern Society17Conclusion19Acknowledgements20Bibliography21攀枝花学院本科毕业论文 Abstract AbstractEnglish aristocratic spirit has promoted the development of English society for a very long time. Chinese modern citizen consciousness, especially in the aspect of Chinese modern aristocratic spirit, has some imperfections. China can draw the experience and sparkles from the United Kingdom. English aristocratic spirit consists of chivalry code, social morality and responsibility, independence and certain limitation. The Chinese citizen consciousness consists of the consciousness of right and responsibility, the consciousness of nation, the consciousness of democracy and legality, the consciousness of equity and equality, the consciousness of morality and civilization. There are some differences between English aristocratic and Chinese citizen consciousness in the aspects of freedom concept, respect concept, social responsibility and morality and self-consciousness. The sparkles of English aristocratic spirit provided some inspirations for Chinese citizen consciousness, and could lead it to a better direction of development. Key wordsEnglish aristocratic spirit; Chinese citizen consciousness; differences; inspirations; Chinese modern aristocracy攀枝花学院本科毕业论文 摘要 摘要英国贵族精神在很长的一段时间里促进了英国社会的发展。中国现代社会的公民意识,尤其是中国现代贵族意识,在一定程度上存在缺陷。中国公民意识可以借鉴英国贵族精神之中的闪光点。英国贵族精神包括骑士精神,社会道德和责任感,独立意识等。中国公民意识包括权利与责任意识,国家与名族意识,民主与法制意识,平等与公平意识,道德与文明意识。与此同时,英国贵族精神与中国公民意识在自由观念,尊重观念,社会责任感与道德心,自我意识等方面存在差异。英国贵族精神在这些方面的优秀之处启示着中国公民意识,并能使中国公民意识向着一个更好的方向发展。关键字英国贵族精神; 中国公民意识; 差异性; 启示; 中国现代贵族19攀枝花学院本科毕业论文 Introduction IntroductionAt present, China is in a transitional period with rapid economic development. This is the main factor that affects Chinese citizen consciousness. “The question of crisis in moral convictions of morals of China about transition period, though the academia has not formed the same view on the intensity, origin of the crisis in moral convictions of morals yet, but the understanding that this prerequisite has existed in the crisis in moral convictions of morals is still identical” (Lu Youzhi, 2006). The appearance of the four “modern kongfu masters”, namely Dongxie(used-leather-shoe-made jelly and yogurt from eastern China), Xidu(industrial-gelatin-made capsules from western China), Nandi(sewage oil from southern China), Beigai(Sanlu high calcium milk powder which contains melamine from northern China), was a very convincing example of the unsatisfactory and serious situation of Chinese citizen consciousness. English aristocratic spirit was once the main spirit of English society which accelerated the progress of English society for a very long time. “English people were proud of and satisfied with the aristocratic system rather than disapproved it. They regard aristocracy as a representative of dignity and noble moral character” (Zhu Pingan, 2005). China could draw experience from Britain for the better development of her citizen consciousness. Using the good aspects of English aristocratic spirit for reference and borrowing the experience from it are for the bene
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