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【精品文档】如有侵权,请联系网站删除,仅供学习与交流定语从句填空练习100题.精品文档.定语从句填空练习Class_ Name_ Marks_一、比较1. This is the museum _ my mother worked 10 years ago. _ was built in 1950.2. July 1, 1921 was the day _ our Party was founded. _ we will not forget.3. I remember the days _ I lived in my home town. _ I spent with my grandpa.4. The house _ were going to visit was built a century ago. _ used to be temple is a school now.5. A bookstore is a place _ you can get books. _ books are sold. _ sells books.6. I cant find the card _ I wrote your address. _ _ I wrote your address.7. The box _ he put his photos is gone. _ he is carrying is heavy.8.The hotel _ we stayed during our holiday stands by the seaside. _ stands by the seaside is quite comfortable.二、填空1. The young man _ was trapped in the lift for 3 hours is Tim.2. The people _ I work with are all friendly and polite.4. I saw some trees _ leaves were black because of the polluted air.5. I bought ten books in all last week , and half_ _ are English ones6. I bought ten books in all last week , half_ _ are English ones .7. He came at a time _ we needed him most.8. The ways _ I used to use have been changed a lot.9.The parents have three children , _ _the oldest is a girl .10. The parents have three children ,and the oldest _ _ is a girl .11. The place _ you spent your holiday is far away from Xian12 .Please tell me the reason _can explain your absence reasonably .13. The reason _ he was punished is unknown to us.14. I wont forget the days _ we spent our holidays together.15. I will never forget the days _ we spent together.16.He saw a house _ windows were all broken.17.I m interested in the way _ does good to animals.18. Can you think of anyone _ could look after him?19. This is the best hotel _ I know.20. He showed a machine _ parts are too small to be seen.21. The season _ comes after spring is summer.22. This is the first museum _ we visited last Saturday.23. The girl , of _ the legs were broken in the earthquake , was taken to the nearest hospital.23. There is a boy downstairs _ wants to see you.24. The river _ banks are covered with trees is very long.25. Im going to meet Tom _ they say is a good boy.26.There are two terms in a school year ,the first _ _ is from September to February .27.He has placed an order for 300 shoes , 120 of _are children shoes .28. She tells us Mr. Green is a person _ _ we can learn a lot.29. The factory _ you worked five years ago has closed down.30. The bike and its rider _ had run over an old man were helped up by the policeman.31. The passengers and the suitcases _ were in the waiting room had to wait for another plane.32. This is the last lesson _ Mr. Smith taught us.33. The building , the wall of _is white , is my uncles house.34. Will you lend me the very picture _ you bought yesterday?35. The way _ the teacher educates his pupils is effective .36. The earthquake _ hit the city in 1906 was the biggest in American history.37. The building ,_ _ the roof we can see from here , is the city library.38. The chair _ he is sitting in is broken.39. Peter was talking with a lady , the son _ _ was extremely ill.40. She is a reporter with _ everyone likes to make friends.41. Is there anyone _ family is in Beijing ?42. I know the person _ company produces new machines43. She is the engineer,_ _ the work is considered to be the best here.44. This is the person ,the story _ _surprised everybody.45. This is the boy _ mother teaches us Chinese in our school.46. Please pass me the book _ cover is black.47. Is this factory the _a lot of students visited yesterday?48. The first thing _ we should do is to clean the room.49. You should do all _ I told you to do.50. The book has nothing _ interests me.51. He took away everything _ belonged to him.52. There is no person _ is always in the right.53. They talked much _ had nothing to do with the matter.54. here is little _ I can give you.55. I will never forget the day _ I spent with you.56. I will never forget the day _ I joined the army.57. This is the factory _ my father worked 30 years ago.58. This is the factory _ I visited.59. Mathematics is the subject _ _
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