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校本作业 No: 1Unit 2 Lets play sports !Period 1 Welcome to the unit 班 级 _ 学 号_ 姓名_一、用所给词的适当形式填空:1. He _ (real) likes dogs. He plays with his dog every day. 2. She is good at _ (run). 3. Sun Yang, the Olympic Champion enjoyed (swim) at a very young age. 4. Would you like to go _ (walk) with me? I have something important to tell you.5. Eddie walks to his bowl many _ (time) a day.二、改写同义句, 每空一词1. She is good at Maths. She _ _ _ Maths.2. Whats his favourite sport? What _ _ he _ _?3. She loves reading. She _ reading.三、翻译句子,每空一词1.让我们运动吧! _ _ _!2.他们喜欢打排球。 They like _ _.3.Amy喜爱游泳吗? _ Amy _ _?4. Tom 最喜欢打网球。 Toms_ _ is _.5. 我经常放学后踢足球。 I often play football _ _.默写作业:默写P18的对话和P18-19单词_家长签字:_订正:Unit 2 Lets play sports !Period 1 Welcome to the unit 班 级 _ 学 号_ 姓名_一、用所给词的适当形式填空:1. He _ (real) likes dogs. He plays with his dog every day. 2. She is good at _ (run). 3. Sun Yang, the Olympic Champion enjoyed (swim) at a very young age. 4. Would you like to go _ (walk) with me? I have something important to tell you.5. Eddie walks to his bowl many _ (time) a day.二、改写同义句, 每空一词1. She is good at Maths. She _ _ _ Maths.2. Whats his favourite sport? What _ _ he _ _?3. She loves reading. She _ reading.三、翻译句子,每空一词1.让我们运动吧! _ _ _!2.他们喜欢打排球。 They like _ _.3.Amy喜爱游泳吗? _ Amy _ _?4. Tom 最喜欢打网球。 Toms_ _ is _.5. 我经常放学后踢足球。 I often play football _ _.默写作业:默写P18的对话和P18-19单词_家长签字:_订正:校本作业 No: 2Unit 2 Lets play sports !Period 2 Reading 班 级 _ 学 号_ 姓名_一、根据句意和所给中文,填写正确的单词1. Yao Ming is one of the best _(运动员). 2. He is a new _(成员) of the School Football Team.3. I go to the Singing _( 俱乐部) to practice singing every Saturday. 4. Some students like playing basketball in their_( 空闲的) time.5. Everyone has his_( 梦想).二、改写同义句, 每空一词1. He is in Huanghe Football Club. He is _ _ _ Huanghe Football Club.2. He studies English when he has time. He studies English _ _ _ _.3. He comes from Beijing. He _ _ Beijing.4. He is strong. He _ strong.5. To be a good singer is her dream. Her _is _ _ a good singer.三、翻译句子,每空一词1. 她来自上海,但现在住在南京。 She _ _ Shanghai, but now she _ _ Nanjing.2.李华是他最喜爱的足球明星。 Li Hua _ his _football _.3. 她网球打得非常好。 She_ _ _ _.4. 听音乐使他很开心。 Listening to music _ _ _.5.我希望他梦想成真。 I hope _ _ _ _.默写作业:默写P20的课文_家长签字:_.订正:校本作业 No: 2Unit 2 Lets play sports !Period 2 Reading 班 级 _ 学 号_ 姓名_一、根据句意和所给中文,填写正确的单词1. Yao Ming is one of the best _(运动员). 2. He is a new _(成员) of the School Football Team.3. I go to the Singing _( 俱乐部) to practice singing every Saturday. 4. Some students like playing basketball in their_( 空闲的) time.5. Everyone has his_( 梦想).二、改写同义句, 每空一词1. He is in Huanghe Football Club. He is _ _ _ Huanghe Football Club.2. He studies English when he has time. He studies English _ _ _ _.3. He comes from Beijing. He _ _ Beijing.4. He is strong.
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