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常用+镑务英语300句Practical English 300 for Police Officers警务英语300句CONTENTS目 录Part 1 Daily Expressions第一部分日常用语Lesson 1 Greetings 第一课问候(3)Lesson 2 Introduction 第二课介绍(7)Dialogue 1 Introducing people 会话1人物介绍(7)Dialogue 2 How to Contact the Police 会话2联系警察(9)Dialogue 3 Tourist Attractions 会话3景点介绍(12)Lesson 3 Safety Instructions 第三课 劝 导(14)Dialogue 1 Standing behind the Yellow Safety Line会话1站在安全线后(14)Dialogue 2 Don Cross the Street Here 会话2不要在此横穿马路(15)Dialogue 3 Entrance & Exit 会话3 出入口 (17)Part 2 Services and Inquiries第二部分服务与咨询Lesson 4 Giving Directions 第四课 指 路(21)Dialogue 1 Helping People Who are Lost 会话1 帮助迷路人(21)Dialogue 2 To the Airport 会话2引导往机场 (23)Lesson 5 Looking for Missing Persons第五课 寻 人(25)Lesson 6 Accommodation & Registration第六课住所与登记(28)Lesson 7 Lost Property第七课 失物查寻(31)Lesson 8 Calling Emergency Number “110”第八课“110接警 (36)Part 3 Advice / Warnings Emergencies第三部分现场紧急处置Lesson 9 Questioning Suspects第九课盘查可疑行人(41)Lesson 10 Checking Suspicious Cars第十课检查可疑车辆(44)Lesson 11 Directing Traffic第十一课交通疏导现场(47)Lesson 12 Alcohol and Driving第十二课酒后驾车 (50)Lesson 13 Emergencies第十三课疏导失火 (52)Lesson 14 Restricted Area第十四课禁止采访 (55)Vocabulary词汇表 (57)Part 1第一部分Daily Expressions日常用语#Lesson 1Greetings第一课P = Police Officer, F = Foreign VisitorP:察:Hello, sir.你好,先生。F:外Hello, officer.你好,警官。P:察:Good morning, sir.早上好,先生。F:外Good morning, officer.早上好,警官。P:F:外P:察:Good afternoon, sir.下午好,先生。Good afternoon, officer.下午好,警官。Good evening, sir.(四)警察:F:外国P:警察F:外国P:警察F:外国P:警察F:外国P:警察F:外国晚上好,先生Good evening, officer.晚上好,警官。(五)Are you all right?你好吗?I m fine.我很好。May I help you?有事需要帮助吗?P:警察F:外国P:警察No, thank you.没有,谢谢。Is this the first time you ve come to Shanghai?你第一次来上海吗?Yes.是的。What do you think of Shanghai?你对上海印象如何?It s a beautiful city.上海是个美丽的城市。I like it very much.我很喜欢它。I hope you will enjoy your stay.祝你玩得愉快。Thank you very much.非常感谢。You re welcome.别客气。F:Bye-bye.外国人: 再见。P:Bye-bye.警察:再见。Words and Expressionsmorning / n.早晨,上午 afternoon / n.午后,下午 evening / n.晚上all right(健康)良好的;可以fine /很好,妙beautiful / a.美丽的,很好的welcome / n./v.欢迎a.受欢迎的 officer n.长官help / v.帮助thank / v.感谢think / v.想,认为Lesson 2 Introduction第二课 介绍Dialogue 1 Introducing People会话1人物介绍F:外Hello, officer!警官,你好!P:察:Hello.你好!F:My name is Steve Brown.外国人:我叫斯帝夫布朗。P:Nice to meet you.警察: 见到你很高兴。F:I m a journalist.外国人:我是记I。I ve come here for th World Expo.我来这里参加世博会。P:Welcome to Shanghai.警 察:欢迎你来上海。F:Could I ask you a question?外国人:能问您个问题吗?P:Certainly.警察: 当然可以F:外Do you like your job?您喜欢自己的职业吗?P:察:Yes, I do.F:外How long have you been a police officer?你当警察几年了?P:察:Eight years.八年。F:外What do you think of being a policeman? 你认为当警察的感觉怎么样?P:察:Sorry.对不起。I mn duty now.我在执行公务。I m afraid I have no time to answer your question.我恐怕没有时间回答你的问题。Words and Expressionsjournalist / n.新闻记者 the World Expon.世博会job / n.工作 work /v.工作 feel / v/n.感觉nice / a.美好的,令人愉快的 meet / v.遇见,认识like / v.喜欢duty /n.职务;职责police / n.警察 answer / v.回答 question / n.问题Dialogue 2How to Contact the Police会话2F:Excuse me, officer.外国人:警官,劳驾。P:Yes?警察: 请讲F:外国人P:察:Im an American visitor.我是美国游客。Where could I find a police officer if I need help?如果我需要帮助,去哪儿找警察?Patrolmen can be found in most main streets.主要街道都有巡警,It s easy to find them.很容易找到巡警。You can also call the police on 110.你也可以打“110”电话,A police officer will come as soon as possible. 警察会尽快赶到。F:外国人I can t speak Chinese.我不会讲中文。If I ring 110, will they understand English?如果打110,他们懂英语吗?P:察:No problem.没问题的F:Im glad to hear that !外国人:太好了!Words and Expressionsexcuse / v.原谅Excuse me 劳驾;对不起 sir / n.先生American / n.美国人 find / v.找到 need / v.需要 street / n.街道 patrolman复-men / n.巡警 call /v.打电话Chinese / n.汉语,中文 understand / v.懂,了解 worry /v.担心visitor / n.游客 easy /a.最容易的 speak / v.讲 problem / n.问题Dialogue 3Tourist Attractions会话3景点介绍F:外Hi, officer.警官,你好。P:察:Hello.您好!What can I do for you?我能为您做点什么?F:外I ve visited the Shanghai Museum.我参观了上海博物馆。What else should I see in Shanghai?还有哪些地方可以参观?P:F:P:F:外P:察:察:察:What are you interested in?你喜欢看什么?I would like to see the new Shanghai and the old Shanghai.我想看看新上海和老上海。The two sides of the Bund are beautiful.外滩两岸相当漂亮。They show the fast development of Shanghai. 它们展示了上海的快速发展。Yu Garden and Zhujiajiao are also beautiful.豫园和朱家角镇也非常美丽。They d
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