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英语求职信时间过得真快,总在不经意间消逝,我们找工作的时间越来越近,是时候好好地琢磨一下写求职信的事情了哦。肯定要好好重视求职信喔!下面是我为大家整理的英语求职信,希望对大家有所帮助。英语求职信1敬重的先生/女士:您好。拜读贵公司在羊城晚报xx年x月x日期上刊登聘请英语翻译,本人情愿应征此职。本人现年24岁,未婚。在xxx高校xxx学院获得文学学士毕业之前,本人曾在云南省丽江市担当过英语家教,时间长达三年。本人酷爱教化事业,酷爱英语,特别希望在贵校当一名英语老师。本人习得丰富的英语技能,能流畅地读、写、说英语并通过了高校英语六级,娴熟驾驭各种办公软件。随函附上举荐信复件一份以作参考。如获面试,则感幸甚,如需本人,可供应保证人。xxxxx年x月x日英语求职信2敬重的领导:您好!感谢您在百忙之中批阅我的求职申请,赐予我毛遂自荐的机会。我是太原理工高校外语系*经贸英语专业的一名学生,即将于明年七月完成学业,真正地步入社会,起先人生的新一段征程。上高校后,我最慎重的告知自己的一句话是:学通你的专业,利用它为你的人生开拓道路。于是我以交际英语为方向,首先侧重于打好基础,从听,说,读,写几方面训练基本技能,在达到自如地运用英语的基础上,我学习了英美概况,英美文学,英语语法等相关专业学问,同时,我还学习了部分经贸英语学问,这些努力不仅使我的专业水平每年都有相应提高,而且拓展了视野,丰富了阅历,并使我于大二时以良好的成果通过了国家英语四级和六级考试。高校三年里,有收获也有缺憾,但欣慰的是这些经验使我学会了冷静,执着,使我变的愈加独立,坚韧;教会我学会在人生的坐标上找寻适合自己的位置,并不断调整和完善自我;更让我意识到要勇于在人生的不同阶段迎接新的挑战。所以当又一次走到人生的十字路口时,我真诚地希望能加入你们这群充溢生命力,竞争力和挑战力的精英队伍中,在各方英才的领导和帮助下,为公司的再度发展和腾飞推波助澜!祝贵公司事业蒸蒸日上,屡创佳绩!祝您的事业百尺竿头,更进一步!殷切地盼望您的佳音,感谢!英语求职信3敬重的领导:您好!首先,请允许我向您致以真诚的问候和良好的祝福!特别感谢您百忙之中关注我的自荐信,当您翻开这一页的时候,您已经为我打开了通往机遇与胜利的第一扇大门。也是我施展才华,实现自我价值的良好开端。借此择业之际,我怀着一颗赤诚的心和对工作的执著追求,真诚地向您举荐自己。Dear leadersFirst of all, please allow me to extend the sincere regards and the good wishes to you!Thank you for your attention to my letter of recommendation, when you open this page,you have opened the first door that lead to opportunity and success for me,also it is a good beginning for me to display my talent and achieve self-worth.I with a sincere heart and persistent pursuit of work.I would like to take this opportunity to sincerely recommend myself.或许我并不完备,但我很自信,请给我一次机会,我会尽我最大的努力让你满足。虽然工作阅历不足,但我会虚心学习、主动工作、尽职尽责做好本职工作,用时间和汗水去弥补。所以我深信自己可以在岗位上守业、敬业、更能创业。无论您是否选择我,敬重的领导,希望您能接受我恳切的谢意!祝您工作顺心!Maybe Im not perfect, but Im confident, please give me a chance, I will try my best to make you satisfied.Although lack of work experience, but I will Learning modestly, work actively and conscientious, completes the labor of duty, use time and sweat to make up for.So I deeply believe that myself can keep,dedicate and pioneer to work in a position. Regardless of whether you choose me or not,my respect leader, hope you can accept my sincere appreciation! Looking forward to your reply. All the best in your work.自荐人:XXX时间:XXXX年XX月XX日英语求职信4Dear Sir,I am XX school, vehicle inspection and maintenance of professional college graduates, is about to walk into society, I with a sincere heart and to the persistent pursuit of career, sincerely to recommend myself!In the three years of study life, I to his keen, enterprising, respect work and enjoy company and helpful attitude and performance won the trust and praise from the teachers and students, and constantly strengthen the ideological and political learning, positive to the party. In learning, I not only made the diligent, rigorous, realistic and innovative style of study, and adhere to professional and non-professional hand in guiding ideology, efforts to broaden knowledge, establish rational knowledge structure, to adapt to the needs of the development of the society for talents.I also have served as a monitor, also served as a student cadre work, has the strong ability of class management, activity organization planning ability and interpersonal skills. Take an active part in all kinds of style, social practice at the same time, also have good performance in the aspect of literature and art and sports.Three years of college I became a has a more solid basis of knowledge and professional knowledge of college students.Of course, the achievement of the past does not represent the future, diligence is the real meaning, is the rose flower, always is the eagle will soar aloft. Looks like I will not ask, but beg in suits own position play incisively and vividly. I dont expect is rich in material treatment, only hope with all my wisdom, enthusiasm and efforts to achieve my social value and the value of life.I just going out from the ivory tower, as a college student, I lack of experience may make you hesitate, but please you believe my energy will make up for this temporary shortage, maybe Im not the best, but I definitely is the most efforts, I believe that as long as the heart, is bound to be successful!中文版敬重的领导:您好!感谢您在繁忙的工作中抽出时间阅读本人的求职信!我叫邬伟剑,现就读于“广东省高级职业技术学校”(白云分校)。所修专业为汽车修理与检测。通过许久以来的学习和实践,对这一领域的相关学问,也有了肯定程度的理解和驾驭,特殊是对于现代化技术型人才的要求,因此,对于处身于新时代的我来说,无时不刻地严格要求着自己。我曾利用假期,勤工俭学,在工厂做工,凭借自己的实力获得自己汗水的薪酬,但不论是学校学习也好,实践做工也罢,让我学到的还有许很多多的学问:团结、友爱、主动进取,人与人之间的沟通于信任等等!擅长交往的我是班里的纪律委员,和同学相处非常融洽,也是老师的得力助手!我喜爱运动,特殊是篮球(也曾多次组织篮球竞赛),打篮球中的我与实际生活中的我一样只有坚持、奋斗,不怕任何劳苦,因为只有自己努力所流下的汗水才是最欣慰、最踏实的!可能我不是最优秀的,但是我会努力做到、做好每一件事!我信任,贵公司如若须要一名严谨、务实、主动创新、团结、勤奋的员工,我会是一名合格的应聘人!我深信凭借自己的实力、青春于敬业精神,肯定会得到贵公司承认和确定!追求永无止境,奋斗永无期限!我怀着惊慌而激烈的心情踏入社会,也充溢着无比期盼的心情和热忱找寻每一个机遇,把握每一个机遇!恳请贵公司能给我这次展示自己的机会,我会尽自己最大的努力为贵公司做出更大的贡献! 希望各位领导能对我予以考虑,热切盼望您的回音,感谢!此致敬礼!xxxxxxx年xx月xx日英语求职信5敬重的领导:您好!我是英语系07级的一名毕业生,即将于明年七月完成本科学业,真正地步入社会,起先人生新的一段征程。感谢您能翻阅我的求职信。上高校后,我便告知自己:高校不仅仅是学习的地方,更是提升
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