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白内障手术指征 2022科室:1、根据 BCGuidelines.ca: Cataract Treatment of Adults (2021),为 了维持正常眼解剖结构需要做白内障手术的情况包括()? *A、白内障导致炎症或继发性青光眼(正确答案)B、晶状体导致的浅前房,有引起房角关闭及急性青光眼的风险(正确答案)C、晶状体混浊影响验光(正确答案)D、视网膜疾病因为晶状体混浊无法展开诊疗(正确答案)答案解析 :When the cataract causes inflammation or secondary glaucoma;When the lens is causing shallow anterior chambers with risk of angle closure and acute glaucoma ;When the cataract interferes with visualization and management of retinal diseases (e.g. diabetes, macular degeneration, tumors)2、根据 BCGuidelines.ca: Cataract - Treatment of Adults (2021),只有晶状体混浊时才能做白内障手术 判断题 *对错(正确答案)答案解析: Although most of the time, as described above, removing the cataract and placing an intraocular implant lens is done to improve vision impaired by lens opacity, this is not the only reason for cataract surgery. Surgical need also arises when the lens itself is the source of serious problems. The goal of surgery in these scenarios is to improve or maintain the anatomic health of the eye.In these instances, patients require an explanation from their ophthalmologist that the primary reason for surgery is not to improve vision and that failure to remove the lens could lead to other ocular health issues. Some of these reasons include:3、晶状体混浊的患者若从事特殊职业如司机飞行员等,在视力下降不严重时可行白内障手术 判断题 *对(正确答案)错答案解析:七院眼科诊疗指南+BCGuidelines.ca: Cataract Treatment of Adults (2021),4、根据 BCGuidelines.ca: Cataract- Treatment of Adults (2021),白内障引起的视觉异常包括()? *A、色觉异常(正确答案)B、闪光感(正确答案)C、屈光参差(正确答案)D、阅读及驾车困难(正确答案)答案解析 : In the majority of cases, cataract surgery is performed on patients who have reported difficulties with their activities of daily living that are attributable to their lens opacity. Such difficulties may be situational, such as only occurring at night. Difficulties include: Seeing fine details (reading, driving, watching television) ;Problems with visual aberrations (glares, haloes, monocular diplopia, color change);Problems with binocularity5、患者因为白内障引起日常生活受限的情况如果仅出现在晚上可以不用手术 判 断题 *对错(正确答案)答案解析 : evidence-based clinical practice guidelines for cataract surgery in the adult eye, 2008, Canadian Ophthalmological Society, Cataract surgery is appropriate when performed on patients who have difficulties with their activities of daily living that are caused by their lens opacity. These problems often involve, but are not limited to seeing fine details (reading, driving, watching television) , problems with visual aberrations 像差 (glares 闪光感, haloes 光晕) , and problems with binocularity (anisometropia 屈光参差, aniseikonia 双眼不等像, colour abnormalities) . Surgery is also appropriate when these difficulties are situational, such as when they only occur at night.
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