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湘少版精品英语资料(精校版)湘少四英上Unit 11 Wheres the cat?习题 一、 连连看。第一部分1. desk A. 2. bed B. 3. chair C. 4. window D. 第二部分1. Wheres the pencil? A.不,她不在桌子上。2. Is it under my chair? B. 她在厨房里。3.Jack puts a pencil in his bag. C.它在我的桌子底下吗?4. She is in the kitchen. D. 猫在哪里?5. No, she isnt on the desk. E. 铅笔在哪里?6.Wheres the cat? F.杰克把一支铅笔放到他的包里。 21世纪教育网版权所有二、选择与其他两项不同类的单词,将序号写在题前括号中。( )1. A. bed B. chair C. on ( )2. A. cat B. mouse C. table ( )3. A. in B. under C. book ( )4. A. windows B. desks C. room 三、看图回答问题,填写介词in/ on/ under。1. The apple is the desk. 2. The apple is the desk 3. The apple is the desk.
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